Stretching up from the heart of the world’s southernmost continent, the Antarctic Peninsula lies a mere 620 mile from Tierra del Fuego and, for many, offers a spectacular first taste of the snow-blanketed landscapes and colossal ice sculptures, which make up Earth’s least-explored continent. Ein außergewöhnliches 6-Gänge-Menü-Erlebnis auf Ihrer Kreuzfahrt, bei dem die renommiertesten Weinregionen gewürdigt werden.

The Antarctic Peninsula unravels upwards towards South America, reaching out a beckoning finger to the adventurous, who dare to explore this untamed realm. For many people, Ushuaia is their last glimpse of anything resembling a city, before they jump off the map into the wilderness, to answer the call of immense national parks or Antarctic expeditions. Seals and dolphins patrol the length of these uninhabited fjords as they have done for millennia. Your first sight of this most-unexplored place will most likely be the South Shetland Islands.

So whether that is going to the gym, visiting the spa, whale watching, catching up on your reading or simply topping up your tan, these blue sea days are the perfect balance to busy days spent exploring shore side. - CRUISE ENGLISH NARROWS Ein geschmackvoller Ausdruck des unverwechselbaren italienischen Erbes von Silversea.

Gesichtsbehandlungen, Körperwickel, Massagen: Der Spa ist der perfekte Ort zum Entspannen.Im einzigartigen Fotostudio der Silver Cloud können angehende Fotografen ihre Werke professionell bearbeiten, ausdrucken und ausstellen.Silversea bietet Gästen, die die ganze Weltreise buchen, exklusive kulturelle Erfahrungen, die ihre unvergessliche Reise bereichern werden. 06:30 9. Mittwoch 09 Feb The Expedition MAX variant is also available once again. Dienstag 08 Feb Juni 2022. On arrival, skyscraper sized icebergs salute you, as you traverse the waters of this continent where snow and ice dwelling creatures like penguins and whales roam undisturbed. Sa 12 Feb

Speisen Sie in unserem Hauptrestaurant mit einem traumhaften Meerblick. Converging warm and cool ocean currents attract some spectacular animal life to the passage.

Witness cathedral-sized icebergs up close, and blue-hued glaciers, slowly slipping from imposing locations like Hope Bay. Di 25 Jan Read our 18:00

Es ist völlig kostenlos.Erlauben Sie uns, dass wir uns um Ihre nächste Luxusreise kümmern Not only does the small museum house an interesting array of Huilliche relics, but a series of photographs depicting Castro pre-1960 is on display. Sa 29 Jan Its definitive foundation was in 1955, after numerous attempts to populate the area. New King Ranch trim level will arrive with soft-touch Del Rio leather upholstery.

Von Ushuaia nach Tromsö. Bordreferent für Weltgeschehen, Geopolitik und neuzeitliche Geschichte Overall, don’t expect drastic visual changes. In 2001, it was declared by the Chilean government as a Picturesque Zone of National Heritage. Ein geschmackvoller Ausdruck des unverwechselbaren italienischen Erbes von Silversea.

06:30 If the journey across Drake Passage sounds daunting, don’t worry – even in rough seas you’re never alone, and will often be accompanied on this spine-tingling adventure by soaring albatrosses and maybe even a protective pod of humpbacks and hourglass dolphins or two. Abreise When Darwin visited in 1835, he only saw ruins.

Hike the luna landscapes within, and even dip into the improbably warm, geothermally-heated waters of Pendulum Cove. Fr 04 Feb If the journey across Drake Passage sounds daunting, don’t worry – even in rough seas you’re never alone, and will often be accompanied on this spine-tingling adventure by soaring albatrosses and maybe even a protective pod of humpbacks and hourglass dolphins or two. Mit 20 Zodiacs und einer Expeditionsroute von Pol zu Pol ist die Silver Cloud ein Eisbrecher für die Kombination aus Expedition und Luxus. Di 08 Feb Samstag 12 Feb When it comes to food in Ushuaia, locals cook up fierce flavours using the freshest ingredients. - Authentische Rezepte und die frischesten Zutaten verschmelzen mit Talent und Leidenschaft. Unsere Vorteile sorgen für luxuriösen Reisekomfort, bereichern Ihre Kreuzfahrt durch eine Reihe kultureller Veranstaltungen und lassen diese Traumreise so zu einem noch außergewöhnlicheren Erlebnis werden. King George Island is the largest and most hospitable island, hosting the majority of the research stations - some of which are populated all-year-round by tiny, hardy crews.

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