Demetrius the Fair … Seleucus returned to his former province, Babylonia.
Antigonus I Monophthalmus, or One-eyed, was born in 382 BC, and died in 301 BC. Antigonus occupied Syria and proclaimed himself regent.
He was the commander of Alexander the Great and Hellenistic satrap of Phrygia, in the struggle with other diadochi, he captured the entire peninsula of Asia Minor and Syria in 306 BC. In 321 Antipater appointed Antigonus commander in chief of his army in Asia and sent him against Eumenes, the satrap of Cappadocia and an adherent of Perdiccas. Antigonus I Monophthalmus (Greek: Ἀντίγονος ὁ Μονόφθαλμος, "Antigonus the One-eyed", 382 BC - 301 BC) son of Philip from Elimeia, was a Macedonian nobleman, general, and satrap under Alexander the Great.
Docimus, the regent of Phrygia, and Phoenix, the strategos of Lycia, deserted Antigonus.
Antigonus I Monophthalmus (one-eyed) was one of Alexander the Great’s most important generals, and one of the most able of his successors. (Encyclopaedia Britannica Article) It was to be an "eternal" treaty, extending to the descendants of the kings. Lysimachus, who was waiting for Seleucus, avoided an engagement. Instead, these kings established a troubled (and in the end failed) modus vivendi with each other, and accepted their kingdoms as separate realms.Meanwhile, Antigonus's surviving son Demetrius took control of Macedon in 294 BC; Antigonus's descendants held this possession, off and on, until it was conquered by the Roman Republic at the Battle of Pydna in 168 BC.Mary Renault, in Funeral Games, translates the sobriquet into English: "One Eye." In the 2004 Oliver Stone film Alexander, Antigonus is played by Ian Beattie. In order to win the support of the Greek city-states, whose resistance to subjugation presented the chief stumbling block to the formation of a Hellenistic monarchy, he announced to his assembled army that all the Greeks should be free, autonomous, and ungarrisoned. Several Greek artists graced his court; Apelles painted his portrait in profile because of his missing eye (the cause of which is unknown). Effecting his escape from Nora, he raised an army and built a fleet in Cilicia and Phoenicia, and soon after formed a coalition with the satraps of the eastern provinces. His invasion of Egypt, however, proved a failure; he was unable to penetrate Ptolemy's defences and was obliged to retire, yet inflicting high losses on Ptolemy. Seleucus returned to Babylon let him build up a base of his own, and he soon established control of the eastern satrapies. He founded several cities, especially in Asia Minor, and united several small communities into unitary, large centres: Lebedus (Lebedos) and Teos, for example.
He incurred the enmity of Perdiccas, the regent, by refusing to assist Eumenes to obtain possession of the provinces allotted to him, Paphlagonia and Cappadocia. His ally, the city of Rhodes, furnished him with the necessary fleet.While he was engaged in conquering Caria, his son, Demetrius Poliorcetes, was defeated at Gaza by Ptolemy and Seleucus (312). Ambassadors from all the Hellenic stateswith the exception of Sparta, Messenia, and Thessalyelected Antigonus and Demetrius protectors of the new league at Corinth. He now prepared a large army and a formidable fleet, the command of which he gave to Demetrius, and hastened to attack Ptolemy in his own dominions. The partition of Alexander's empire into five states had now been formally established. Demetrius Poliorcetes, the son of Antigonus, wrested part of Greece from Cassander.After defeating Ptolemy at the naval Battle of Salamis in 306 BC, Demetrius conquered Cyprus. During his early life he served under Philip II, and he was a major figure in the Wars of the Diadochi after Alexander's death, declaring himself king in 306 BC and establishing the Antigonid dynasty.Antigonus I Monophthalmus (Ancient Greek: Ἀντίγονος ὁ Μονόφθαλμος, Antigonus the One-eyed, 382–301 BC), son of Philip from Elimeia, was a Macedonian nobleman, general, and satrap under Alexander the Great. The siege of Rhodes lasted a year and ended in 304 BC when Demetrius, meeting with obstinate resistance, was obliged to make a peace treaty upon the terms that the Rhodians would build ships for Antigonus and aid him against any enemy except for Ptolemy, on whom they bestowed the title Soter (savior) for his aid during the lengthy siege.The most powerful dynasts of the empire, now kings in their own right, Cassander, Seleucus, Ptolemy and Lysimachus, responded to Antigonus's successes by allying with each other, often through marriage. Eumenes was defeated and forced to retire to the fortress of Nora (Greek: Νῶρα) in Cappadocia, and a new army that was marching to his relief was routed by Antigonus.When Antipater died in 319 BC, he gave the regentship to Polyperchon, excluding Cassander, his son. Following Alexander's victory at Issus, the Persian mercenary commander Memnon of Rhodes ordered a counter-attack into Asia Minor in an attempt to sever Alexander's lines of supply and communication; however, Antigonus defeated the Persian forces in three separate battles.As part of the division of the provinces after Alexander's death in 323 BC, Antigonus also received Pamphylia and Lycia from Perdiccas, regent of the empire, at the Partition of Babylon. He then formed an alliance against Perdiccas with Antipater, the governor of Macedonia, and with Ptolemy of Egypt, Lysimachus of Thrace, and Craterus (all of whom had served under Alexander). Lysimachus invaded Asia Minor from Thrace, crossing the Hellespont. An exceptional strategist and combat leader, he was also an astute ruler who cultivated the friendship of Athens and other Greek city-states.In 333 Alexander had appointed Antigonus satrap of Phrygia, and upon Alexander's death he also received the governorship of Pamphylia and Lycia from the regent of the Macedonian empire, Perdiccas.
From Babylonia, Seleucus invaded Asia Minor, Ptolemy attacked Syria, and Lysimachus moved into the western part of Asia Minor. Perdiccas was murdered, and Antipater became regent of the empire. Antigonus was obliged to recall Demetrius from Greece, where his son had recently had a sterile encounter with Cassander in Thessaly; the two men, and their army, then moved against Lysimachus.However, the army of father and son was defeated by the united forces of Seleucus and Lysimachus at the decisive Battle of Ipsus in 301 BC.
Both were inconclusive, however.
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