any Giant Bomb content. Giant Bomb's Let's Minecraft Together: The Home GameKunio no Oden ("Kunio's Oden") is a 1994 puzzle game from Technos Japan featuring their The game was exclusive to the Super Famicom and Japan. The more ingredients the player aligns, the more chopsticks that will drop on the enemy's side. The game allows the player to choose between three background music themes to listen during gameplay. Albums . It was the last Kunio-kun game released on the system. May 27, 1994
Releases . It was developed and published by Technōs Japan Corp., and released in Japan on May 27, 1994.

Kunio's voice was provided by The sixth and final boss the player battles against. send you an email once approved. 熱血高校放送部 / 920kun 46,566 views. This edit will also create new pages on Giant Bomb for: Until you earn 1000 points all your submissions need to be vetted by other You can search for Kunio no Oden (くにおのおでん?, "Oden of Kunio") is a puzzle game for the Super Famicom. Kunio no Oden ("Kunio's Oden") is a 1994 puzzle game from Technos Japan featuring their Kunio-Kun characters. DATE: RELEASE: REGION: PLATFORM: 1994-05-27: Kunio no Oden / / Japan: SNES (Super Famicom) Filter . A special power bar will fill up as the player successfully aligns ingredients and performs combos, which when completely filled, will summon a paste that when placed on an ingredient will make all similar ingredient blocks to disappear. The game provides two modes of aligning rules the player can choose from: The game provides three difficulty settings: Easy, Normal and Hard, and an option can be selected where the game will highlight the current available places where ingredients can be dropped. Unlike the usual Kunio-Kun street brawlers and dodgeball sims, the game is far more lighthearted and concerns the combining of oden food items to …

Kunio no Oden came with a mini CD.

This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Kunio no Oden (くにおのおでん) is the final Kunio game for the Super Famicom. Kunio-kun / / Release Date May 27, 1994. Player 1's playable character. The lyrics are in the back of the manual. When playing against another opponent, either controlled by the CPU or a second player, by aligning several ingredients at once, the player can perform a chain attack that will result in several chopsticks dropping on the other player's screen, taking away space.
くにおのおでん ノーコンテニュークリア / Kunio no Oden【920kun】 - Duration: 15:36.

any Giant Bomb content. Kunio no Oden is a Puzzle game, developed and published by Technos, which was released in Japan in 1994. The CD has 2 tracks of Lover To Friend (Lyrical and Karaoke versions). Giant Bomb users.

15:36. You can search for

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