Heavy rainfall has been recorded across the lower Hastings over the last 24 hours, with further heavy rainfall forecast over the next 24 hours, from noon on Sunday February 9.Abnormally high tides will combine with this rainfall to produce minor flooding at Settlement Point. What you need to do: Latest River Heights: Location Height of River (m) Tendency Date/Time of Observation Camden Haven River at Logans Crossing 6.69 Rising 06:15 AM SUN 09/02/20 For more information: You can find more information on the weather in the catchments of the Camden Haven, Hastings, Maria and Wilson Rivers from the Bureau of Meteorology website at www.bom.gov.au LATEST RIVER HEIGHTS FOR THE HASTINGS RIVER: Hastings River at Mt Seaview: 1.94 Falling 10am Sunday Hastings River at Kindee Bridge: 3.83 Falling 10am Sunday Hastings River at Wauchope: 2.16 Rising 10.30am Sunday Wilson River at Telegraph Point: 1.12 Rising 10.15am Sunday Hastings River at Settlement Point 1.11 Rising 10am Sunday https://nnimgt-a.akamaihd.net/transform/v1/crop/frm/9MrYVhbNHLAe2WMhqphzDG/cab079e8-0115-4c0b-be82-568f65497325.JPG/r168_508_3056_2140_w1200_h678_fmax.jpg The To the south of the main shopping area is the Wauchope Golf Course and Country Club, which occupies a premium site within the middle of the town. Hastings River: Minor flooding is likely along the Hastings River. At different stagesIndustry in and around Wauchope has transformed primarily into farming and tourism. Hastings River: Minor flooding is likely along the Hastings River. By 1828 a number of land grants had been made along the It is pronounced 'war-hope', although the family pronounced their name 'walk-op'.The largest recorded flood in the Hastings River at Wauchope occurred on 13 January 1968 and reached a peak level of 9.1 metres (30 ft) above the Other major floods occurred at Wauchope in February 1950 (8.45 m AHD), February 1929 (8.3 m AHD), August 1864 (8.2 m AHD), and June 1950 (8.1 m AHD). The following city has been identified as a sister city of Wauchope by 1949 'Pronunciation of Wauchope', The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954), 25 April, p. 2. , viewed 18 Feb 2018, Peak near 4.30 metres at Wauchope Sunday afternoon This will cause minor flooding on the Hastings River around Wauchope. The 1968 flood was estimated to be slightly rarer than a 100-year event. Currently there is a minor flood warning issued for the Hastings River at Settlement Point. Abnormally high tides will combine with this rainfall to produce minor flooding at Settlement Point. Floods in the Hastings occur mainly as a result of Summer to Autumn weather events, although major flooding has also occurred in the winter months. The Hastings River at Wauchope is likely to reach the minor flood level (2.50 metres) Sunday afternoon. The next largest flood was determined to be the flood of 5 to 7 March 1894. The Hastings River at Kindee Bridge peaked near 4.20 metres this morning and is currently falling. The Port Macquarie-Hastings Flood Policy 2MB pdf (PDF, 2MB) details what can and cannot be done in flood planning areas. At Wauchope and surrounding areas flood waters may start to impact low lying roads and bridges including Bains Bridge. Should river heights continue to rise residents need to consider the impact of potential isolation.Location Height of River (m) Tendency Date/Time of Observation Camden Haven River at Logans Crossing 6.69 Rising 06:15 AM SUN 09/02/20You can find more information on the weather in the catchments of the Camden Haven, Hastings, Maria and Wilson Rivers from the Bureau of Meteorology website at Heavy rainfall has been recorded across the lower Hastings over the last 24 hours, with further heavy rainfall forecast over the next 24 hours, from noon on Sunday February 9. The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is an emergency, preparedness and response service dedicated to assisting the community of NSW. The Hastings River at Wauchope is likely to reach the minor flood level (2.50 metres) Sunday afternoon. It reached a peak level at Wauchope of 7.75 m AHD and was consideredOn 23 February 2013 floodwaters peaked at 7.22 m AHD at 7.30pm after heavy rainfall in the upper catchment area.Wauchope's economy was traditionally based on the timber industry. Increasingly, Wauchope and its surrounding villages and farms are becoming known for gourmet produce, including cheeses, wines and organic fruits and vegetables.Other important attractions include the historical society, historic buildings, Broken Bago vineyards and natural attractions including state forests and The township is set out along the southern bank of the Hastings River with the back drop of Bago Mountain further south. Further west is Timbertown, on the edge of large tracts of forestry land leading into the Bago Mountain area.
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