The Centre opened for business on 2 July 2018, and co-locates the LHD’s Dental, Family and Child and associated services to provide more accessible services for the community. It is calculated by dividing the number of observed hand hygiene ‘moments’ where proper hand hygiene was practised in a specified Audit Period, by the total number of observed hand hygiene ‘moments’ in the same Audit Period, and multiplying by 100.
Accessing government health & welfare data Information on the types of elective surgery provided by public hospitals is shown by the intended surgical procedure, for selected procedures only.In the data visualisations below, you can explore elective surgery waiting times by:Between 2014–15 and 2018–19, for the 15 indicator procedures:To explore elective surgery waiting times by hospital or LHN see Appendixes and caveat information for this data is available to download in the Definitions of the terms used in this section are available in the Patients with a cancer-related diagnosis often require more urgent admission from elective surgery waiting lists than patients awaiting surgery for other conditions. Broken Hill Health Service is a major rural referral centre and provides a range of inpatient and outpatient services including emergency, general medical and surgical, mental health, maternity, gynaecology, paediatrics, renal dialysis, rehabilitation, critical care, diagnostic services, cancer care and palliative care.
Australia's health 2020 is the AIHW’s 17th biennial report on the health of Australians.Australia’s welfare 2019 is the 14th biennial welfare report of the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. Waiting times are presented at national, state and territory, LHN, and hospital level.To explore elective surgery waiting times by hospital or LHN see Appendixes and caveat information for this data is available to download in the Definitions of the terms used in this section are available in the Waiting list statistics for intended surgical procedures can indicate performance in particular areas of elective surgery.
Data on request Care type can be classified as:In the data visualisation below you can explore the number of hospitalisations by care type for public and private hospitals between 2014–15 andIn 2018–19, for the public and private sectors combined:The proportions of hospitalisations for each care type varied by hospital sector. Broken Hill Health Service is a rural teaching hospital, providing acute, non-acute, outpatient services and community health to the Broken Hill and surrounding communities. Subscribe to release notices This section presents information on the type of elective surgery provided, by surgical speciality in 2018–19 and changes between 2014–15 and 2018–19.Information on 11 categories of surgical speciality is presented.
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Because of this weighting, the NWAU accounts for differences in the complexity of patients’ conditions or procedures, and a selection of individual patient characteristics (such as the patient remoteness area).Cost per NWAU is the cost associated with providing one ‘average’ unit (1 NWAU) of public hospital service, based on public hospital services provided to acute admitted patients whose treatment was eligible for ABF. The data are derived from audits of hand hygiene opportunities, ‘moments’, that are conducted up to three times per year under the National Hand Hygiene Initiative.Hospitals that provide information on hand hygiene report:The estimated rate is compared to the national benchmark and is reported as:The estimated hand hygiene rate for a hospital is a measure of how often (as a percentage) hand hygiene is correctly performed. Therefore, it is important to adjust for these differences before comparing the cost of care between hospitals.To assist in the comparing the cost of care between hospitals, the former National Health Performance Authority developed Cost per National Weighted Activity Unit (NWAU). An episode of Acute care for an admitted patient is one in which the principal clinical intent is to do one or more of the following: 1. Data governance At that time, members of the Broken Hill Progress Association also lobbied for the building of a hospital for the people of Broken Hill.
Gifts & benefits register Public hospitals accounted for 62% of hospitalisations for Between 2014–15 and 2018–19 the number of hospitalisations for More information, Appendixes and caveat information, and data tables are available in the Definitions of the terms used in this section are availabe in the A day is considered ‘qualified’ for health insurance benefits purposes when a newborn meets at least 1 of the following criteria:A newborn admission to hospital can occur at any time within the first 9 days of life, including at the time of birth.The reporting of unqualified newborns has changed over time and varies across jurisdictions.
Hospital safety and hospitals The care type describes the overall nature of a clinical service provided to an admitted patient during an episode of care.
AIHW data by geography
The NHHI measures correct hand hygiene in the 5 critical moments determined by the WHO (modified slightly to reflect Australian health care conditions):As of 1 November 2019, the NHHI coordination and support role is provided by the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Health Care (ACSQHC). It is an indicator of hospital efficiency.To ensure the national comparability of public hospitals, the cost per NWAU:Cost per NWAU is calculated by dividing the total comparable running costs by the total NWAUs for acute admitted patients.
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