Straub-Huillet’s first color film, adapts a lesser-known Corneille tragedy from 1664, which in turn was based on an episode of imperial court intrigue chronicled in Tacitus’s Histories. DISTRIBUIDORAS DE ESTA PELÍCULA en idioma original en Argentina, México y Estados Unidos. Often shattering time as an abstract concept and challenging what our perceptions towards the past, present, and future even are.And my deep dive shall continue. Goodnight. Othon Mataragas (born 1979), Greek composer, songwriter and pianist; Charles Othon Frédéric Jean-Baptiste de Clarac (1777–1847), French artist, scholar and archaeologist; Le Tilleul-Othon, commune in the Eure department in Haute-Normandie in northern France; Othón P. Blanco, Quintana Roo, one of the eight subdivisions of the Mexican state of Quintana Roo Live-action adaptations. Esta es una guía de.Basada en el relato "Othon" de Pierre Corneille. An explosive illustration of the plots and intrigues of those with political power and their attempts to retain and consolidate it. I certainly need to see more from Straub/Huillet before really jumping into this, since I'm finding that the more I see from them is only making me appreciate what I have already seen even more. ",Love and politics as diametric opposites, with marriage as the cynical fulcrum on which they balance. Othon Ribeiro subscribed to a channel 3 weeks ago ... We are a film company that wants to make you the NEXT HERO. I'm gonna take a nap. If the Iliad is a poem of force, then Othon is likewise a film of force. Ignoring the thematic implication of the spoken dialogue (which I wouldn't feel equipped to approach in any way) it's this ultra distancing effect that makes the whole movie tick. If the Iliad is a poem of force, then Othon is likewise a film of force. The end result being an obfuscation of the whole truth. Communism and politics broadly are fetishized by guys like Straub who's probably very wealthy and who's never….My favorite S+H yet. Each actor has distinct vocal patterns, and even me who knows barely a word in French can start to recognize these patterns and even start to determine accents, that is something I have never been able to even attempt to do in a film before. Donde antes tenía el hermoso blanco y negro y la composición esmerada ahora, en color, gente vestida de romana pero con el escenario de la Roma actual, repitiendo sin mucha emoción ni nada unos textos teatrales.Tive alguns problemas para acompanhar a história do filme por acabar o vendo com legenda em inglês, sem ter domínio total do idioma, e os diálogos serem constantes e muitas vezes longos, mas rápidos. Corneille escribió su obra casi mil seiscentos años después (19664). The images are unobtrusively striking, composed with an elegance and gracefulness that suits the subject matter, but this is essentially something that works primarily when approached conceptually, a cinema of ideas delivered through a bareboned cinematic apparatus. A shrewd NYT review from the original US festival release notes that the older, more connected characters…,O cinematógrafo de Danièle Huillet e Jean-Marie Straub se propõe a construir um espectador que não seja nem um voyeur nem um vigia. Then, a quick cut takes place, coming faster than a bolt of Zeus's lightning, that reveals the modern cityscape below, moving automobiles and all. Their lines are executed with a terrific flatness and frequently through heavy accents; the language in Othon becomes not merely an expression but a thing itself, an element whose plainness here alerts us to qualities of the work that might otherwise be subordinated.Die Augen wollen sich nicht zu jeder Zeit schließen oder Vielleicht eines Tages wird Rom sich erlauben seinerseits zu wählen, Ottone o gli occhi non vogliono in ogni tempo chiudersi, Eyes Do Not Want to Close at All Times, or, Perhaps One Day Rome Will Allow Herself to Choose in Her Turn,A movie that should be watched before any election, before any movement into a position of political power, before we see cycles repeat themselves over and over, from Ancient Rome to today.
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