Lawyers Defending American Democracy has issued a statement in response to the commutation of Roger Stone by President Donald Trump. ... Form and train a cadre, as the Kochs called their core team, a small core group totally dedicated to defending democracy. Defend American Democracy (DAD) is a left-of-center advocacy group focused on supporting efforts to impeach President Defending American Democracy presents itself as a veterans’ group concerned with executive overreach and corruption. It could pursue the following action steps:Your donation keeps this site free and open for all to read. Dark money influences elections, policy, media, academia and the judiciary. Defending Democracy Together is a 501(c)(4) advocacy organization created by lifelong conservatives and Republicans — many of whom have served in Republican … We must not abandon the Kurds. All Rights Reserved. An authoritarian reigns in the White House, elected with Russian assistance. And patriotism means protecting those American values. If you think that's expensive, consider the cost of losing our democracy.Copyright 2020 | The American Prospect, Inc. | All Rights ReservedWe need a national hub to defend democratic rights and values in our politics, our courts, our universities, and our media. The 30-second spot is part of a seven-figure advertising campaign launched Thursday in 14 congressional districts and Washington, D.C., by a group called Defend American Democracy, which says it was founded by veterans. One of DAD’s largest ad buys targeted Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), a moderate Republican who voted against the impeachment inquiry. The group asserted that it would threaten the American public's confidence in the federal court system if the D.C. It could improve communication and coordination among existing institutions in each sector, and increase funding for effective action already underway. We play many roles in service of the field of democracy reform, but first and foremost we are a funder, a philanthropic advisor, and an advocate. Voter suppression by Republicans disenfranchises large numbers of voters and affected the outcome of key races in Georgia, Florida, Texas, and elsewhere. Hubs can provide a way to convene existing groups, build capacity, share strategies and resources, conduct research, advocate for policies, train organizers, raise funds and more.

DAD spends large sums on television advertisements which target individual members of Congress. A spokesperson for the group said it paid more than $250,000 for the ad buy on cable in the Philadelphia market. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support The Protect Democracy Project. The first step would be to map the existing pro-democracy organizations. Now we're asking Congress to do the same. DAD spent a total of $107,820 on ads targeting Fitzpatrick.
At its heart, America is of the people, by the people, and for the people. We need a national hub to defend democratic rights and values in our politics, our courts, our universities, and our media. Other states have formed coalitions or “tables” that serve as state Hubs, some convened by State Voices, others by groups of community organizations.But while the grassroots are beginning to develop state hubs, we urgently need a national hub as well.A national hub would track and counter the comprehensive assault on our democracy. Likewise, shift the “makers” label from high-paid executives to workers who produce things and who, like teachers and nurses, provide essential services.Meeting the scale and scope of all these challenges requires an effective structure and serious funding—millions of dollars sustained over many years. The Foundation for Defense of Democracies is a non-profit, non-partisan 501(c)(3) research institute focusing on foreign policy and national security. The first state democracy hub was formed recently in Washington state. Democracy Fund champions the leaders and organizations who defend democracy and challenge our political system to be more open and just. Where democracy was on the ballot, it won, sometimes with big margins.In 2019, the Democracy Initiative aims to strengthen grassroots infrastructure by mobilizing hubs to improve communication and coordination of democracy advocates at the state and local level. The President has demonstrated that he is dangerously unfit to serve another term.Becoming American Initiative aims to counter popular misconceptions about immigrants, especially Hispanic immigrants, providing evidence of their upward economic mobility, educational achievement, language and social assimilation, and civic participation.Search and analyze 3 million tweets by the Internet Research Agency – the so-called troll factory run by the Russian government to shape American politics.America still has honor, and Republicans stand with allies. Veterans swore an oath to protect and defend … It could identify gaps that need to be filled with a new program or activity.Your donation keeps this site free and open for all to read. DAD lists no leadership, staff, or founding date on its webpage. It could analyze current dynamics, threats, and opportunities in each sector, then design a strategy and action plan for each. Expose that, and reclaim freedom as a core American value for Shift the “takers” label from laid-off workers, stay-at-home moms, seniors, and students, to big business, big banks, and the top 1 percent who have rigged the rules to get huge tax bonanzas and subsidies. They know what it’s like to defend American democracy, and they’re prepared to do it again. The Protect Democracy Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. These ideals are antithetical to what it means to be a Republican, and what it means to be American. They know what it’s like to put their lives on the line for the things they believe.

This president’s actions have put our national security and our democracy at risk, and that’s not something to be taken lightly.

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