Your feedback will be reviewed. A free, collaborative, and multilingual internet encyclopedia. Nohat made some minor changes to it (pictured above), and that version was officially adopted a few days later. It was created on November 17, 2001. 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? 1. Help creating essential articles and more! The English Wikipedia was the first Wikipedia edition and has remained the largest. {{#verifyErrors}}

Hi This page was last edited on 18 Phukwi 2020, at 16:06. Ise duniyaa ki sarvapratham antarraashtriy bhaashaa maanaa jaataa hae. World Book Look at the thematic portals! Thanks! Of course, it wasn’t intended to be the permanent logo of Wikipedia, so in mid-2001, they changed the logo. a person who does something, especially helping other people, willingly and without being forced or paid to do it

Your feedback will be reviewed. {{#verifyErrors}} English bhaashaa (English: English hindi uchchaaran: inglisha) Hinda-Europia bhaashaa-parivaar men aais hae aur ii drishti se Hindi, Urdu, Pharasi aadi ke saath isakaa dur kaa sanbandh banais hae.

In 2003, another logo contest for the site was held, and took place from 20 July to 27 August 2003. {{#verifyErrors}}

Image of the week. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. Jump to navigation Jump to search.

Britannica 2. English 6 146 000+ articles. Vikidia is an encyclopedia written for 8 to 13-year-old children and anyone seeking easy-to-read content on a subject.
Popular culture Areas of weakness 1. Encarta (Microsoft) 3. As of 9 August 2020, there are 6,137,434articles on the site, having surpassed the 6 million …

For a particular article, different WikiProjects may assign different importance levels. Wales considers himself to be the sole founder of Wikipedia and has told the The number of articles on the English Wikipedia is shown by the Anybody, regardless of age, is welcome to contribute to Vikidia.

During its beta stages, Jimbo Wales originally used the US flag as the official logo. As of August 2020, 11% of articles in all Wikipedias belong to the English-language edition. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for.

The English are people who come from England.

Researcher Giacomo Poderi found that articles tend to reach featured status via the intensive work of a few editors.Percentages of articles written in various language families. Learn more. The Simple English Wikipedia is an English-language version of Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia, that is written at a basic level of English. The word "WIKIPEDIA" was modified and the words "The Free Encyclopedia" were unitalicized; the logo's typeface was also changed from Hoefler Text to Linux Libertine. In March 2013, 16.76% of articles were in English. Dark green: Native English speaking countries; light green: countries with English as a foreign language.In April 2009, the Wikimedia Foundation conducted a usability study on the English Wikipedia, questioning users about the editing mechanism.Other past and present community news publications include the "English-language edition of the free online encyclopediaWikiprojects, and assessments of articles' importance and qualityWikiprojects, and assessments of articles' importance and qualityThere is controversy over who founded Wikipedia. Medicine 2. The original version of the logo, which was only used for a few days.Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

{{#verifyErrors}} Of course, it wasn’t intended to be the permanent logo of Wikipedia, so in mid-2001, they changed the logo.In November 2001, Wikipedia users began suggesting new logos for the site; a short list of twenty-four leading candidates was chosen for the first Wikipedia logo contest, which took place from November to December 2001. Wikipedia definition: the name of a large website that provides free information in many languages on many subjects, and…. A new logo was introduced in May 2010 that was designed by Philip Metschan, and was later amended to more closely resemble its predecessor. Top 25 contributor countries to the English Wikipedia.

The English Wikipedia is the English-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Local embassy – For Wikipedia-related communication in languages other than English. English

Découvrez l’Observatoire des sources de Wikipédia.

The winning submission was created by the user Paullusmagnus, and was adopted by Wikipedia on 26 September 2003. This share has gradually declined from more than 50 percent in 2003, due to the growth of Wikipedias in other languages. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. est un site géré par Wikimédia France. The sentence contains offensive content.

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