Students in the Distance Education Program are required to purchase the textbooks to which ESI does not own the copyright.Complete nine online courses to graduate as a “Certified Protection Specialist” or 18 courses to graduate as a “Certified Security Specialist.” The 15-day residency portion includes our famed “Stalker Exercise”, real-world operations in the field, and the best defensive pistol course in the industry. It will delve into investigative interviews, formal statements, admissions and confessions.Considered as a single curriculum, the Executive Protection Program consists of an intensive study of executive, dignitary and celebrity protection. Tom Beckstrand is at SIG Academy talking with instructors about tactics for protecting an executive All Guns and Ammo subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. A personnel security program is intended to prevent criminal activities by employees, espionage attempts by outside intelligence forces and unintentional acts by employees that could lead to a compromise situation. Do this right after you make a turn so they don't have time to prepare for it. For only $200 to get started, the student is enrolled and granted access to the first course, and each additional course is $150.
The bodyguard closest to the threat may delay the attacker, while the other bodyguards surround and shield the client with their bodies, with the team leader guiding the client to safety.
They can simply lay in wait and monitor where you are coming from and going to, getting closer to your home every time. Executive and dignitary protection require special attention to protocol and etiquette. This course initiates the student into the nature of counter insurgency theory and tactics in order to enhance their understanding of the conflict of our times and generation.This Manual begins with two mini-manuals; the first is a text by one of the rising ideological leaders of Al Qaeda, Abu Naji (a pseudonym), who wrote a strategic and tactical training manual called, The Management of Savagery. Be aware of people who might be lingering. It will cover such subjects as taking statements and confessions, as applied to private investigation, legal aid or law enforcement. The student should complete the nine On-line courses prior to arrival at Resident Training. Let us be the first to admit it: This template is far from rocket science, and a lot of our MBA friends will certainly be able to come up with more cutting-edge corporate strategy templates.But we’re convinced that asking and answering the right questions in an orderly sequence will help everyone involved – both on the corporate and on the EP side of the table – to create a planning process and document that will make a huge difference.Here is our skeleton template for corporate EP strategy. Physical security will cover issues like the access control, security patrols, personnel identification and visitor control.
Great Communication Skills 3. A private investigator, rabid fan, or insane client or patient might be waiting to follow you home. The course will cover all aspects of advance work, follow-up and limousine procedures, deployment of personnel and the organization of a team detail, working the protectee, and protective hardware.
The course will emphasis site survey techniques, threat analysis as the preliminaries of physical security. If the student enrolls in the 28-Day Residency, the academic curriculum is completed in classroom or evening study.Upon completion of any of the three Core Programs, the student is awarded a Certificate of Completion. Many companies that supply protection specialists have other security departments, such as uniformed guards and armed bank guards. Seek a reputable school that does not just train and pass everyone. And be aware … Brian graduated from the University of Washington with a BA in Sociology and is the subject matter expert chair for the ASIS Executive Protection Council.We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website and for marketing purposes. EXECUTIVE PROTECTION DRIVERS Our Executive Protection Drivers and chauffeurs are held to a high standard within the industry, and are trained in security and safety techniques. Someone with an ax to grind can pose a threat to corporate executives. Many others are former uniformed police department veterans who traded their badges for a private career. To cope with the asymmetrical nature of the international terrorist campaign, the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency created a multi-service elite unit to globally stalk and capture Jihadicells.
Also, pay close attention to who is in your rear view mirror when driving home. Each course contains six Lessons, there are two factors that determine completion time. This text is the Al Qaeda playbook on how to create and manage global chaos to bring down western powers and governments that support the West. When going to or from work, take a different path every time. The document begins with an analysis of assassinations and terrorist methods of operation. This may be a simple familiarization with table manners, proper dress, and social intercourse, or in more precise surroundings, knowledge of social customs, cultural expectations, dignitary and political protocol.
Students with significant financial concerns can remain in the program for only $75 per month, which would give access to one course every two months. The manual covers Protective Detail Organization, Principal Interview, Team & Staff Interaction, Team and Motorcade Formations, Operational Security and Counter Terrorist Driving. You can call the police and report the suspicious vehicle, or just drive to the police station or fire station and honk the horn for help. The course will provide valuable guidance in the selection, recruitment and training of undercover agents. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Still others are former Secret Service agents. Total tuition for the CPS Certification is $5,400 and tuition for the CSS Certification is $6,800, including both online and residency portions.All ESI Distance Education Courses have been reviewed and approved by both the Colorado State Board of Education and the Veterans Administration. It is ESI’s point of view that the behavior is also “predictable” within a certain range of certainty that equip the Protection Specialist with a forewarning.
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