The Kraken is able to hover via a Forerunner gravitational core,[citation needed] which also serves as its power source, but can also support itself on its limbs if needed. [1] The shape of the Kraken is very similar to terrestrial squid. Large tentaclesRazor sharp claws and teethHighly skilled swimmerSuper-strength and durability. „ ~ Zeus. [citation needed], In the area around Serôs krakens were known to be actively hunted by both storm giants and merrows, keeping their population low. His tentacles are large enough to be able to pull entire ships under the water and destroy cities with relative ease. The last of the great Titans, the Kraken was the deadly monster from the sea, ordered to destroy cities in Ancient Greece upon the command of the Greek Gods. " A kraken dreams of casting its tentacles into the heavens and strangling that which birthed it, and when its dream exceeds its reach, it settles for the occasional passing ship. " The creature possessed endurance to match his strength. Although they were at first used sparingly (as 'Mdama wished to avoid "tipping his hand"), the Covenant deployed Krakens en masse in October 2558. [4], Krakens can speak some languages of surface-dwelling races but most commonly speak Common, Aquan,[4] or a language of their own similar to that of whales. [citation needed]. Throughout the Kraken, there are several Shade turrets deployed for defense. [citation needed], Krakens were highly destructive and evil creatures. His vocal sound effects were provided by John Hughes in the 2010 film. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. During the Battle … They could both constrict opponents and bring them into the reach of the creature's huge jaws. He appears as the final antagonist in the 1981 film Clash of the Titans, and its 2010 remake of the same name. Its limbs can also be used offensively and are capable of massive structural damage. In addition, krakens could also release an enormous cloud of jet-black ink, regenerate severed limbs, and even cast spells. Bishop Pontoppidan, in his Natural History of Norway, states that the kraken resembles a group of small reefs, covered in something that floats and fluctuates like seaweed, spread over a distance of about 2800 meters. [citation needed], Krakens were feared across the known world. The Kraken was codenamed "Sentry Ship" during development of Halo 5: Guardians to reflect on its role as a watcher overseeing the battlefield. Concept and design inspiration of the Kraken showcasing textures based on crab exoskeletons and blue whale skin. Krakens (pronounced: /ˈkreɪkɛnz/ KRAY-kenz or: /ˈkrɑːkɛnz/ KRA-kenz), called lopok by the locathah, were large, ocean-dwelling magical beasts. His vocal sound effects were provided by John Hughes in the 2010 film. This, along with its massive proportions, has given rise to its UNSC nickname, after the creature from Norse mythology. Each of these is operated individually. Fireteam Osiris preparing to assault the excavator with Phaetons. It hid below the surface of the water, where it could be protected from any attacks by a ship's defenders. Lord Business | Super Secret Police (Bad Cop & Sheriff Not-A-Robot) | Duplo Aliens, The LEGO Movie 4D: A New Adventure He was then tricked to rule the Underworld. Joker | Harley Quinn | Phantom Zone Criminals (Zod, Sauron, Kraken, Lord Voldemort, Jaws & Gremlins) | Catwoman | Poison Ivy | Two-Face | Bane | Riddler, Unikitty! — Excerpt from Night of the Kraken Cult, by Malfeore Serrang of Tethyr. The Kraken is composed of a large hollow structure that allows large aerial vehicles such as the Type-57 Phantom dropship to fly and even land inside it. [citation needed], Krakens attacked predominantly with their tentacles. Rex Dangervest | Velociraptors | Duplo Aliens | Lord Business | Bad Cop, Destroying civilizations and killing humans. Compared to mythology, the Kraken plays a much more major role in the 1981 film. Jul 'Mdama's Covenant secured several weapons caches belonging to the original hegemony, including a number of Krakens. The Kraken (in Greek Mythology) is a giant sea monster of tremendous size and strength. He notes that some say it is larger, but he chooses a conservative estimate. In Norse Mythology, the Kraken is the largest of the sea monsters, resembling an octopus or a giant squid, the Kraken was known to sink ships and was the most dangerous creature of the sea. NOAA spots the 'kraken' or a giant squid in the Gulf of Mexico Andromeda was offered to be sacrificed on Thetis' decree as Poseidon releases the Kraken. They were creatures that dwell in the depths of the ocean and came to the surface to prey upon ships and their crews. [citation needed], They were akin to squids except larger in size, with a body almost 30 feet (9 meters) long.
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