Her fatal flaws were her recklessness and her need to count on someone who was strong and dependable. Jaesa Willsaam was a Human female Jedi Padawan who studied under the tutelage of Jedi Master Nomen Karr and later the apprentice of the Empire's Wrath, who convinced her to abandon the Jedi Order and join the Sith during the Cold War. bop on republic side. With her master's leave, Jaesa used her free time find Sith who followed some aspects of the light side. For an unknown length of time, Willsaam was trained in the ways of Her existence and talent–though not her identity–were uncovered by Baras on After two of the spies she had uncovered were silenced by the Sith apprentice, Willsaam began more and more to feel the approach of the dark side. Jaesa Willsaam est une humaine native d'Alderaan, dotée d'un don unique lui permettant de sonder l'âme de toutes personnes. When the apprentice showed her her master's hypocrisy and bested her in single combat it took little convincing to defect and join with the Sith. Complexion: 18. Quand elle fut choisie pour devenir la suivante personnelle d'une aristocrate aussi ambitieuse que malhonnête, elle prit conscience des mensonges et de l'hypocrisie gangrénant la sphère politique d'Aldérande.Écœurée par tant de fourberie, Jaesa se lassa des manigances régnant sur Aldérande et se mit à s'interroger sur son avenir.
Ce dernier perçut en elle un lien profond avec la Force et fut rapidement convaincu qu'elle deviendrait un puissant Jedi en suivant l'entraînement et l'enseignement adéquats. Phoenix, AZ Assets (1/31/2014) Atlanta, GA Assets (2/28/2014) Boulder, CO Assets (3/22/2014) Companion customizations: Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark Jaesa is a unique companion as she has a split personality. bunch of bs,, I want a yellow Qyzen Fess (customization 1) for my sith warrior, but dont know how to get it. Bien que n'appartenant pas à la noblesse, les liens qu'entretenait sa famille avec l'une des maisons les plus estimées de la planète lui permirent de fréquenter l'élite de la société. Head: 1. La jeune Jaesa Willsaam, fier padawan, s'est découvert le pouvoir de discerner la véritable nature d'un être et d'en deviner les intentions les plus secrètes. Companion customizations: Jaesa Willsaam Light & Dark. Pour vous rendre sur cette page, veuillez cliquer sur le lien ci-dessous.Si vous ne souhaitez pas suivre ce lien, il vous suffit de Les déclarations et avis exprimés sur ces sites web reflètent uniquement les opinions personnelles de leurs auteurs respectifs et ne sont pas nécessairement partagés ni approuvés par BioWare et LucasArts, et leurs bailleurs de licences. Feel free to send us your own wallpaper and we will consider adding it to appropriate category. Choza Raabat /Hemdil Tre / Ashara Zavros / Jaesa Willsaam – light / Kira Carsen / Guss Tuno / Elara Dorne / M1-4X. She ended up garnering a rival, and this person made an attempt to take over the dark center that she tried so hard to secure. Willsaam complied and despite seeing dark traits within Karr, she refused to believe it. Technology Theron Shan / Yuun / Darth Marr / Treek / Blizz / Gault Rennow / Mako / Eckard Lokin / SCORPIO / T7-01. Willsaam joined the Sith Warrior as a newly-anointed Sith apprentice when they departed from Nal Hutta. The appearance of light-sided Jaesa as the Wrath's apprenticeThe Male Sith Warrior can romance her and later marry her, but these options are only presented if they are both aligned to the dark side of the Force. The Sith soon began tracking down people she was close to. Customizations available: Andronikos Revel [1 - 6], Gault [4 - 6], Jaesa Willsaam [Dark 2 - 4; Light 1 - 3], Kaliyo Djannis [1 - 7], Khem Val [1 / 3 / 5 / 6 / 8 / 10 / 11 / 13], Mako [1 - 6], Malavai Quinn [1 - 6], Vector [1 - … Proud, young Jedi Padawan Jaesa Willsaam discovered the unprecedented ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. I tried logging in with my JK to buy the T7 customization I use and send it to my Imp Outlander, but the item is bound. La politique de confidentialité de As Jedi Master and Sith apprentice When her Jedi Master was defeated, Willsaam finally emerged from hiding, sensing that he was being tortured and saw her Master in his twisted state. We've got 48+ great wallpaper images hand-picked by our users.
Willsaam was seemingly not as affected by the loss as much as the others, even becoming slightly irritated by the constant grief that her friends displayed. She now knows that the only truth-inducing force in the galaxy is fear.”Light: “Having now seen the darkness within the Jedi Order, Jaesa has left its corruption behind completely to help transform the Empire from within. However, if the player is also courting If both Jaesa and the warrior follow the light side and the warrior does not romance Vette, the player is given the option of having children with her, as their offspring would have great advantages. Contents[show] Republic Vendor Locations Vendor Name: Tamin Only available to players with a security key authenticator tied to their account. JasonCuff theres no way that i know of yet. After her defection, she embraced her inner power, and gladly served the future Empire's Wrath in unleashing her inner strength as she engaged in many bouts of relatively petty sadism in service to the dark side. Une fois tous les millénaires naît un homme ou une femme qui repousse les frontières de ce que les utilisateurs de la Force peuvent accomplir. Depending on your decisions prior to unlocking her, her persona will be either Light based (as in a Jedi Consular) or Dark (as in a Sith Assassin). [This mod will not work in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2. Elle vise simplement à vous informer que vous vous apprêtez à quitter ce site web. Hair Color: 6. Her family … Skin Color: 19. Download, share and comment wallpapers you like.HipWallpaper is considered to be one of the most powerful curated wallpaper community online.
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