Is the water quality good enough?

In Bauer, G. & K. Wächtler (eds), Ecology and Evolution of the Freshwater Mussels Unionoidea. The parasitic stage of the freshwater pearl mussel (Bauer, G., S. Hochwald & W. Silkenat, 1991. The analysis of shell DNA was demonstrated to be possible, but is more complicated than haemolymph or tissue DNA analyses, and certain precautions are necessary due to the low quantity and quality of shell DNA (Geist et al., For selection of priority populations for conservation, the ecological aspects of habitat evaluation, eventually integrating an assessment of the chances for habitat restoration—including the landuse in the catchment—should be equally considered. Freshwater bivalve extinctions (Mollusca: Unionoida): a search for causes. In a previous research, there was a distinct lack of field data on fish communities and of adequately researched host fish densities in pearl mussel streams (Skinner et al., Several studies suggest that the survival rates of pearl mussels during the post-parasitical phase are crucial and the key issue linked with the lack of juvenile recruitment in most populations (e.g. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg: 367–379.Myers, N., 2003. Smithsonian Series in Comparative Evolutionary Biology. Superfamily Unionacea Fleming 1828. Keystone species. Freshwater Biology 46: 1431–1446.Velasco Marcos, J. C., R. Araujo Armero, R. Bueno Hernandez & A. Laguna Gumiel, 2002. Some authors assume that early dates of wide clade distribution suggest the break-up of the supercontinent Pangea as the cause of dispersal (Davis & Fuller, Based on recently sequenced COI data, two monophyletic clades have been identified within the Margaritiferidae: one including The most accurate and detailed reviews of the current distribution and population status of European freshwater pearl mussels are available from Sachteleben et al. (ed. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 8: 234–239.Outeiro, A., P. Ondina, C. Fernandez, R. Amaro & E. S. San Miguel, 2008. Spatial distribution of freshwater mussels: the role of host fish an metabolic rate. Schadwirkungen von Feinsedimenten in Flussperlmuschelgewässern, die Flussmeister. However, it is highly recommended that more populations representative of all different geographical regions are included into genetic investigations to study neutral divergence and adaptive variation of freshwater pearl mussels. Ambio 16: 2–10.Chesney, H. C. G. & P. G. Oliver, 1998. Systematics and distribution of the recent Margaritiferidae.

Reed & Frankham, An improved understanding of ecology and ecological habitat changes is essential for managing the genetic diversity of threatened and endangered species properly. 2 English Nature, Peterborough: 16 pp.Smith, D. G., 2001. Threats to freshwater pearl mussel. Biological Conservation 83: 247–257.Simberloff, D. & L. G. Abele, 1982. Currently, genetic analyses of samples from many geographical regions are being carried out. How environmental information can be obtained from naiad shells. Geist, J. 3. Green circles indicate secure current In Europe, the species was originally widespread and formed the basis for significant pearl fisheries. Zeitschrift für Wasserwirtschaft, 43–46.Geist, J., 1999b. In such cases, captive propagation is often the only available short-term conservation option to rescue the gene pool since habitat restoration is very time consuming. Studies on the chemistry of interstitial water taken from defined horizons in the fine sediments of bivalve habitats in several North German lowland waters II: microhabitats of Carell, B., S. Forberg, E. Grundelius, L. Henrikson, A. Johnels, U. Lindh, H. Mutvei, M. Olsson, K. Svardstrom & T. Westermark, 1987. Are there sufficient numbers of appropriate host fish, i.e.

From existing information: 1. Habitat dynamics, anthropogenic impacts and economic aspects should also be considered. Conserving Natura 2000 Rivers Conservation Techniques Series No. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg: 93–125.Watters, G. T., 1994. Varzuga drainage).

Considering evolutionary processes in conservation biology.

Genetic studies can in turn be beneficial for ecological studies. The original definition of ‘keystone’ has been expanded (Bond, Given the suitability of pearl mussels as flagship species on the one hand, and their important ecological functions as indicator, keystone and umbrella species on the other hand, they can be seen as an ideal target species for practical conservation efforts in stream ecosystems.In general, conservation priorities should move away from simple species- and habitat-orientated goals towards the idea of conserving the evolutionary process on which entire biodiversity depends.Future pearl mussel research on the individual and population level should particularly focus on the habitat requirements of juveniles during their post-parasitical phase, including studies on substratum quality, dynamics and their influences on the food webs.

B. Layzer, T. J. Newton & S. J. Nichols, 2004.

In Lydeard, C. & D. R. Lindberg (eds), Molecular Systematics and Phylogeography of Molluscs, Smithsonian Series in Comparative Evolutionary Biology. The status and conservation of freshwater pearl mussel Young, M. R. & J. C. Williams, 1984. & M. J. Costello, 1994.

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