While Simmel had few disciples in the ordinary sense of the word, he nonetheless influenced many intellectuals.
Willard Walter Waller (1899-1945), American sociologist, made significant contributions to the sociology of mar… George C. Wallace Community College: Distance Learning Programs Ortega y Gasset compared him to a philosophical squirrel, gracefully acrobatic in leaping from one branch of knowledge to another. A prodigious zeal for work, combined with enormo… Ossowski, StanisLaw In other chapters he started by focusing on a specific type of group (e.g., secret societies) or class of persons (e.g., the stranger, the poor man, the aristocrat) and proceeded to show how they are characterized and determined by a unique constellation of several of these structural principles.Where Simmel dealt with the essential characteristics of some social form, his writing has a strongly phenomenological flavor. Naturally, Marxist critics jumped on this. He attended school in that city and then studied a… Waller, Willard W. Narodil s v Berlíne a strávil tam väčšinu svojho života. Thus, in a brilliant critique, Lukacs (1953) accused Simmel of promoting a cynical and complacent adjustment to the status quo by interpreting as eternal a condition of the individual that is characteristic only of imperialism.Simmel’s conception of the process of culture is not completely ahistorical. Simmel rejected sociology as a comprehensive study of all social facts, since as such it would be only a label for numerous special disciplines treating different aspects of the same general object, human life and its products. It derives from the influence of Spencerian evolutionism, which marked Simmel’s view on social differentiation as put forth in his first sociological publication (1890). Stanisiaw Ossowski (1897-1963), Polish sociologist, was a scholar of wide interests: his writings include studies of the theory o… Albion WoodburySmall (1854-1926) did more than any other American sociologist toestablish the recognition of sociology as an academic subject, and he… Mannheim, Karl This process of objectification has two aspects: the perception of objects as external and the production of objects of material and spiritual culture (e.g., law, systems of knowledge, art, religion). When Simmel analyzed individual behavior, he saw it primarily as a result of individual motives and of psychologically mediated reactions to the structure of the situation. SIMMEL, GEORG. Georg Simmel (1858–1918) was a sociologist and is widely credited to founding the sociological branch of exchange theory. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. Within the “Cite this article” tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. He was well aware of the special influence he had on other thinkers, and has famously characterized it in the following way:I know that I shall die without spiritual heirs (and that is good).
However, sociology accounted for only about half of his course offerings.In 1890 Simmel married. Simmel's beginnings as a neo-Kantian philosopher prepared his view of cognition as a biological process of adaptation by human beings to their environment, a view which is not only situated in a scientific (neo-Darwinian) discourse but also extended to culture—intellectual as well as sensory— within a contemporary (modern and urban) environment. Georg Simmel (1858-1918) was born in Berlin, Germany, the son of a successful businessman and the youngest of seven children. He began to investigate the topic in an 1895 essay titled "Zur Psychologie der Mode" (On the psychology of fashion).
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