Some accretions in this book are still topical, but the last part about the failures of French revolution not so much. Bakunin's most famous work, published in various lengths, at times ending mid-second section with the line "This is the sense in which we are really Anarchists. It must bear in mind the fact that this is but a small section of a much larger planned work. The uniting strand is authoritarianism.I struggled to read this book. Will read again in the future and review.I didn’t have the background knowledge needed to appreciate the vast majority of this book, so I’ve refrained from giving it a rating. But still great introduction to anarchist philosophy that is more complicated that it is perceived in popular culture. But when he stays on point, you get gems like this:While this is hardly Bakunin's programmtic statement, and it is not clear where such a statement may be found, this is certainly the political and literary equivalent of a high-speed roller-coaster. While Satan is "the eternal rebel, the first freethinker and the emancipator of worlds." Also, no one is better than Bakunin at eloquently insulting entire schools of thought.Read years ago. Eh, a short read. God admitted that Satan was right; he recognized that the devil did not deceive Adam and Eve in promising them knowledge and liberty as a reward for the act of disobedience which he had induced them to commit; for, immediately they had eaten of the forbidden fruit, God himself said (see Bible): "Behold, man is become as of the Gods, knowing both good and evil; prevent him, therefore, from … Bakunin answers: "If God did exist, we should destroy him. I'm not saying this because I disagree with some of his convictions about the importance of science, separation of state and church, and about how reason is one of the best tools there is. In a withering passage he vents his fury, on “all the tormentors, all the oppressors, and all the exploiters of humanity — priests, monarchs, statesmen, soldiers, public and private …
It was unfortunate that Bakunin let this manuscript unfinished (e.g. Knowing something about Hinduism, this argument is not so believable.
Freud, of course, would say that liking such a thing is proof of an excessive death drive, but he would only be right if that roller-coaster did not have a teleological purpose - for Bakunin does not desire his death-defying thought to be some sort of Hunter S. Thompson esque "ride", but, rather, to While this is hardly Bakunin's programmtic statement, and it is not clear where such a statement may be found, this is certainly the political and literary equivalent of a high-speed roller-coaster.
Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. This influential work denounces religion as a weapon of the state that must be smashed in the pursuit of the right to self-determination. One work was not completed when … This is the most well known thing about God and the State and its title alone makes that clear, but Bakunin goes further and deeper.Short book on how the belief in on monotheistic god is the bases of peoples "slave mentality" and hierarchical institutions. Despite being around 70-ish pages, the manuscript presents plenty of fascinating ideas.Brilliant and illuminating. It was an enjoyable read, but I’m in no position to comment on how cogent some of the points that were made were, and rating a philosophical work for its entertainment value seems ludicrous. As a writer, however, Bakunin is woefully outmatched by his long-time nemesis, Marx.Less of a well-reasoned argument and more of a rant against organized religion and the state. We’d love your help. see review. Otherwise one risks the chance of falling down a rabbit hole of footnotes and unfinished sentences. Early editions contained rewrites by Carlo Cafiero and Élisée Reclus in order to make the work more poetic in the translated Frenchand due to misreadings, but later translati… I was expecting a deeper discussion of anarchy. The work criticises Christianity and the then-burgeoning technocracy movement from a materialist, anarchist and individualist perspective. At moments Bakunin diverges into personal exclamations of incredulousness of the idea of faith and a 'personal God'.
Dec 20, 2019 Kasey Denton rated it liked it. "Science is the compass of life; but it is not life itself....What I preach then is, to a It must bear in mind the fact that this is but a small section of a much larger planned work. A fascinating look into the ideology of a man who was truly more of an activist rather than a wriIt is imperative to read the preface and the introduction to Bakunin's work. Bakunin never had the time necessary to finish all the tasks he undertook. This pamphlet, supposedly Bakunin's most comprehensive (but, literally, incomplete work), is another attempt at dialectics.
Bakunin was one of the great Russian anarchists, but his Hegelian method here just comes across as dated. How he stood on the liberty of a man who obeys natural laws because he recognized it, and these are not imposed. Like for example how Protestants and Lutherans are more productive than Catholics and the reason why.
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