OK, that would be fine if they were happy to sit and enjoy the view from there. “Athatho Brahma jignasa”.. In more simple words, we all human beings may it be Hindu, Muslim, Christians, Sikhs, Isaiah etc are born for the sole purpose of attaining the Almighty God(God hear means the one and only one God which we call by various names as Allah, Krishna, Rama, Rahim, Kali, Jesus etc.). Now you may be confused what does attaining God means, in broader terms it is difficult to explain in this simpler platform. That hit me too- I took that to mean we are all born sinners ie in debt. Every one we free choice to belief it decide she/he to consider a majority because belief of all human is not controlling with other perspective. group buy seo tools. Such a liberated one becomes the participant of the Supreme Being in His sport of creative and redemptive expression, and a sharer of the supreme bliss that forms its source. I feel that religion provides its followers a set of goals to achieve in life, and in doing so, provides a meaning to each follower’s life. Why don’t your Gods come closer to you? Subscribing to the idea – “no two butterflies have fluttered the same way in this earth”, the impossibility of 100% emulation of anyone else’ life is the conjecture. Because Jesus the God of Bible cares for all whether Christians or non Christians and tells the remedy to see the true God. As an example, consider many of the people with terminal cancer at some hospital. Besides the mind humans also use a tool, a set of hands In contrast religions other than dharmic or vedic religions have no restraints, logic or reason. Brahman the ultimate SATYA or truth is non-interventionist. Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers Dialectical Spiritualism-A Vedic View of Western Philosophy Teachings of Lord Kapila, the Son of Devahuti Transcendental Teachings of Prahliid Maharaja Kr�Q.a, the Reservoir of Pleasure The Science of Self-Realization Preaching Is the Essence Life Comes From Life The Perfection of Yoga Beyond Birth and Death On the Way to Kr�Q.a Geetar-gan (Bengali) Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge Elevation to KrsnaConsciousness Kr�Q.a Conscious . ). Their teachings and followers to a large extent have always stood the test of Dharma->A. This is the purely materialistic view and its ethics consists in making hay while the sun shines. Religions declare they have THE TRUTH and each religion flaunts its own set of truths. Perhaps by debt this meant “service” to all. Have a great day. But I have an interest to learn and I agree this blog is not well written. I am sorry but faith and science have little to do with either life or death. I have also gone through innumerable websites of Hinduism spiritual teachings. Some basic Hindu concepts include: 1. Hello Enosh… Unfortunately some ideologies violate Dharma->A in their part B which obviously makes it adharmic ideology and not a dharmic one. Be open to what this wonderful world has to offer in so many ways. Having said that I must also add that there are religions within dharma, religions like Arya Samaj, Swami Narayan, etc. It is a projection of His humans exist to be possessed by animal spirits. These versions are merely different, often updated, translations. People’s now like to chat with friends, family and loved one and they are used so many slangs and abbreviations every day. 1 – What is life ? https://www.amazon.in/dp/B01EYS5CYW. One is the http://www.vedabase.com etc. Sorry, but it just doesn’t work like that, though it is the Church who would have you believe it does. Don’t mistake me i am not highlighting Christianity but JESUS CHRIST… Please go through bible once and know wat it tells about moksha. But unlike as in Christian 108 Facts about Sri Krishna – Unknown and Known, Ten Avatars of Srihari Vishnu And Evolution, Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi Vrat - November 4, Hindu Festivals and Fasting Dates in October 2020, Extra Month In Hindu Calendar In 2020 - Adhik Masa, Hindu calendar 2020 in English And Hindi With Tithi Pdf, Column: Gods – Demons – Animals and Humans. Or is that even true? And we know Atman is energy not any gender. I agree that religion does give meaning to people’s life, no matter what religion it is. Wania wants everyone to Read the Quaran and convert to Islam. You believe that your God has called you for Moksa after your physical death. Molly, Better hunker down and believe in this Jesus guy, just in case I miss out on eternal life! To me that would mean using a book like Bible is only an aid to open up your mind so that you may look beyond a book.”. Brilliant! There is beauty in all. What I understand you to be saying here, is that the meaning of life derives from having goals, in this case goals specific to Hinduism. Without the evolved mind a human would do either a good deed or do endless harm, either to others, nature or him/herself. Everyone including women can attain enlightenment, moksha and liberation from reincarnation. With regards, you said there are different version of bible and u are right, A better word than “version” is “translation”. As you have not posted the questions I have no way to offer much help. Religion only divides humanity with hatred for those who do not subscribe to THE one exclusive faith. Human beings are making lives hell on Earth for an unseen ‘heaven’ after death. If there is such a thing as eternal life, it does not come through any person other than oneself – no Jesus, no personal God, but something called moksha, the original topic of this thread.

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