She spent her adult life jumping between unsavory jobs, including for the Hutt Cartel and the Exchange.

When her latent Force-sensitivity manifested as a child, her Imperial Agent father sent her to the Chiss Ascendancy to hide from the Sith and suppress her abilities.

She has since served with distinction as a search-and-rescue squad leader before being recruited to join Havoc Squad, an elite Special Forces unit sworn to protect the Republic.The son of refugees made homeless during the Great War, Lieutenant Felix Iresso has been a career soldier for many years. He has activated numerous crisis-management programming modules to assist him with handling the stress on his processors. Despite hailing from a technologically-archaic planet and species, Treek has adapted quickly to civilized space.Treek is an enthusiastic warrior who defied her primitive tribe's rigid customs to seek adventure among the stars. Before even reaching the Academy, he killed several of his fellow slaves who were also intended for training--a bold statement by any measure. Known for his sharp temper and sharper flying skills, Revel was one of the few pirate captains to serve as his own pilot.A natural soldier, Aric Jorgan enlisted in the military at an early age and quickly distinguished himself as a talented marksman. Dark Side Jaesa is planned to return at some point.

Tulak Hord is long dead, but Khem Val lives on; a terrifying nightmare from the ancient past. An officer in the Imperial military, Malavai Quinn is loyal to the Empire and everything it stands for.

Certain features of its construction hint at it being a custom model built some time ago, but there are no official records to substantiate the theory. It’s been a few months since I’ve returned, but if I remembered correctly, there wasn’t much more romancing with Lana after I became leader of the Alliance. She spent time in her youth stealing for the notorious crime lord Nok Drayen before going into business for herself after his death.

She travels the galaxy as a mercenary soldier, always on the hunt for new horizons and epic challenges to conquer. So when the traveling salvager Slam Streever visited Blizz's clan to offer Jawas work as "ferrets" on exotic salvage missions, Blizz leapt at the opportunity. Jaesa Willsaam is a human female Companion for a Sith Warrior player.

This is partially excused by the fact that she began her Padawan training as a young adult; Kira had spent most of her life up to that point as a homeless drifter, scraping out a miserable existence on some of the galaxy's most unpleasant worlds.As the Sith Emperor's personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi--and ten times as many Sith. Dissatisfied with the peaceful and quiet ways of her people, Treek is determined to achieve great things with her life.

Does not hit sleeping, lifted, or incapacitated enemies.Originally from Alderaan, Jaesa was a former Jedi Padawan who possessed tremendous strength in the Force, including the unique ability to discern a person's true nature and intentions. He kills without remorse and is an expert student of lightsaber technique and martial combat.Even in an organization as diverse as the Republic Army, Yuun stands out. "As the Sith Emperor's personal executioner, the grimly fatalistic Lord Scourge has personally killed more than a hundred Jedi--and ten times as many Sith. Technology Theron Shan / Yuun / Darth Marr / Treek / Blizz / Gault Rennow / Mako / Eckard Lokin / SCORPIO / T7-01. Housed in a sleek body resembling an antique Systech Corporation protocol unit, this HK-series assassination droid lay dormant in the hold of an Imperial vessel for many years.

Somewhere along the way, however, his bravery crossed the line into recklessness.SCORPIO is an enhanced artificial intelligence who claims to have been designed for heuristic self-improvement by unknown parties. He applies his unusual training to technical tasks of every kind, resulting in a success record unmatched by any other technician in the military. Also reinforces the companion by placing an absorb shield that absorbs a moderate amount of damage.Smash the ground dealing <<1>> internal damage to up to 5 enemies 5m around the user. Soo I had romanced Jaesa instead of Vette. As such, his engineers programmed him to be a perfect soldier: completely loyal, fervently patriotic, and willing and eager to go to any length or face any risk to destroy the Republic's enemies. When Cipher Nine landed on Hutta to make a deal with Nem'ro the Hutt, Kaliyo temporarily put everything aside to join the agent and work with Imperial Intelligence.Once a loyal servant of the Sith Lord Tulak Hord, Khem Val was placed in a stasis chamber in the tomb of Naga Sadow centuries ago by his master for safekeeping. She is a fallen Jedi padawan. In a perfect galaxy, Guss would spend his retirement lounging in a heated swimming pool surrounded by exotic beauties while consuming a steady diet of fresh fish and expensive cocktails.The droid designated HK-51 is cold, calculating and incredibly lethal.

Now, centuries later, his original target is gone, as is the Sith who imprisoned him--Valkorion.For five notorious years, the pirate Andronikos Revel terrorized Republic and Imperial space alike as the captain of the Sky Princess. But old habits are hard to shake, and Gault soon found himself a target of the Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. Generates a moderate amount of threat and reduces incoming damage by 50% for 10 seconds.

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"Zenith" is the code name of a Balmorran revolutionary fighter who has made a career out of hurting the Empire.

Even the most powerful members of the Dark Council avoided offending the who man once bore the title "the Emperor's Wrath. When the target is damaged, Protective Barrier loses 1 charge and heals the target for <<1>>.

His simple habits and devotion give him common ground with the Jedi, though many disapprove of the attitudes and instincts that come naturally to a Trandoshan.Petty criminal, starship mechanic, woman of mystery, royal queen: all of these terms apply to Risha, daughter of notorious crime lord Nok Drayen. A member of the Gand species, Yuun is a Findsman, a shamanistic tracker held in very high regard among his people.

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