Sans donner de nom. Well, fine, that sounds really fucking mature, or whatever, but I want the teen pop stars of yesteryear (re: five years ago) to get together, fulfilling the prophecy Disney or whomever set forth. If we needed any proof that the stars were hanging out together, Selena's close pal, Raquelle Stevens, shared a photo of the gang on her Instagram... Christmas card? It’s not normal, right? She’s been dealt a poor hand but she’s handling it. and seeing my favorite people embrace my now husband makes me want to cry. Gomez et Horan ne se sont pas quittés de la soirée. The holiday's over! Please, my crops are dying. Niall and Selena haven't really addressed the rumors, but the evidence is telling. “Wendy is feeling better despite her health and marriage challenges. best friends that anyone could have! Are Selena Gomez And David Henrie Teasing A Wizards Of Waverly Place Reunion? Niall also posed beside a giant picture of Gomez on his Instagram stories amid romance rumours. The Queen's cousin the Duke of Gloucester, 76, is moving just a few dozen yards at Kensington Palace - at a... Could turmeric tablets give your pet a new lease of life? , A photo posted by raquellestevens (@raquellestevens) on Dec 5, 2015 at 9:03am PST. Les rumeurs enflent concernant une éventuelle idylle entre les deux chanteurs. Niall Horan has officially shut down speculation that he's dating Selena Gomez. This Jojo thing. Except they aren’t, which is very distressing to me, someone who ships it. A photo posted by mina tobias (@minatobias_) on Dec 5, 2015 at 9:37am PST. 14 likes. E! There is just something really off here, and I don’t see it ending well. Sure, the Insta caption says "best friends" but are Niall and Selena just mates? La réponse est donc claire, entre Niall Horan et Selena Gomez il n’y a que de l’amitié, rien de plus. Not that she wouldn’t date Niall someday, she’s just not seeing anyone right now.”. Selena Gomez has “completely closed” her past “journey” after releasing her first album in five years, Rare, in January. Monty Don reveals how he was terrified of his 'scary' depressed commando father and had to remove bolt from... Home Office buys two JET SKIS to stop Channel migrants: Border Force will use £20,000 high-speed vessels to... Migrant madness that's off the radar: Navigation data proves French military routinely enter UK waters as... Royal auntie to be! Will Princess Eugenie have a baby Diana, George or BORIS? We are no longer accepting comments on this article. On les a vus danser ensemble, se rouler des pelles et s'enlacer tout au long de la soirée, selon un témoin présent. Gomez avait récemment déclaré — avec réticence — au magazine InStyle UK qu'elle sortait avec quelqu'un. Johnson has taken a vast pay cut to be PM, his ex-wife Marina Wheeler is 'cleaning... Covid exodus begins: One in ten city dwellers plan to move to the country or coast, new ONS figures reveal. Niall Horan est-il en couple ? While critics who pick apart her health, career or marriage may say that Wendy’s is falling, she feels her real fans will realize the opposite. Les indices s’accumulent et Niall Horan décide de briser le silence concernant ses relations amoureuses. Boris Johnsons's fiancee Carrie Symonds dons a bobble hat to battle the chill British... Toppled? And that despite all her challenges, she is rising above and will come out on top.”. How Britain's Covid-19 infections started to rise after 'Super Saturday' and are now 54% up in a week as... Police hunt thug who stormed into shop and attacked owner who had thrown him out and told him to come back... Britain's Covid testing scandal EXPOSED: How while-you-wait speedy coronavirus test machines were offered to... Why I told Boris he couldn't come to my wedding! Bella Hadid Unfollows Selena Gomez Just One Day After Refollowing Her, Fans Accuse Demi Lovato Of Shading Selena Gomez On ‘Finsta’ Account, Selena Gomez Sues A Mobile Game Company For Allegedly Using Her Likeness, Demi Lovato Confirms That She’s “Not Friends” With Selena Gomez Anymore, Celebs Who Spoke Out About Losing Their Virginity, 21 Types Of People You'll Find In Every Friendship Group, 10 Celebrities Who Have Some Seriously Kinky Sex Likes In The Bedroom, 10 Things Your Heartbroken Friend Needs To Hear, 18 Most Naked Of Naked Moments To Have Ever Hit Geordie Shore. The heartwarming and unexpected stories of how COVID-19 made one community closer than ever before. Selena Gomez and One Direction. Senior Writer, Jezebel. Selena Gomez took home the Ultimate Choice Award, as well as female hottie. Il répond. Unions call for in-person classes to be suspended as 3,000 students are put on lockdown for two weeks inside... Lockdown 'could kill 75,000 over five years' - that's the OFFICIAL projection of non-COVID deaths caused by... Lockdown in France's second city: Marseille residents protest at closure of restaurants, bars and gyms... Who'll bail out Boris? «Je me concentre sur mon boulot pour l’instant. J’essaye d’être ami avec des filles». I need this to happen. Princess Beatrice wears a leopard print face mask and black frock as she steps out with... Meghan Markle would 'seriously consider running for president' and refused to renounce her US citizenship to... Royal Family 'are a bargain': British monarchy works harder and costs taxpayers less than their European... BEL MOONEY: Do I HAVE to be my family's shoulder to cry on? Cardi B Reveals She’s Happily Single Following Offset Split: “My DMs Are Flooded”. Gomez, 23 ans, et Horan, 22 ans, ont rejoint un bel éventail de stars pour aider l'épouse de Channing Tatum, l'actrice Jenna Dewan-Tatum, à fêter ses 35 ans à Bootsy Bellows, une boîte de Los Angeles, vendredi soir. Elle avait ajouté qu'elle adorerait sortir avec des hommes plus âgés et que si le chanteur des One Direction Zayn Malik l'invitait à sortir, on "la verrait avec lui".

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