And the plot was riddled with implausibilities, clumsily executed. Vote in Round 5 of the DC Heroes Showdown Mankell seems to have set out to spin a mystery that swept across continents and generations, and that created connections between the most unconnected of individuals. Are we EVER going to get the extra 1/2 star ability? I guess I'll give it three stars, because I really liked it, but it had a very weird angle and I'm not really sure what to think about it.
This one is no exception. See All Audience Reviews The Man from Beijing (Der …
At times, this book made me feel like I was listening to my four year old nephew tell me about a movie. and the genius that is all things Mao?
The Man from Beijing is a novel by Swedish writer Henning Mankell first published in Swedish on 20 May 2008 under the title Kinesen (The Chinese). 2 out of 7 found this helpful. This is one of the worst books I've ever read. While this is a crime novel it is also a wide-ranging and ambitious book, connecting events in Sweden with the neo-colonialist activity of the Chinese in Africa. The subplot about corruption has little to do with the rest of the movie. It's really hovering around 1.5 stars.
It is more of a poli sci lecture on various forms of government than a mystery involving hostilities between family members. The Man from Beijing is heartfelt but bloated; the re-education swamps the excitement. It's like Mr. Mankell suddenly decided to write something about China politics, and had to fabricate a plot to support his subject. 9 out of 15 found this helpful. German is a very harsh language to listen to (and I am part German) but more than that, it simply did NOT make sense to have the entire film spoken and dubbed in German. A lone assassin or a rising superpower: either will do to disrupt the neatly curtained domestic lives of the Swedish bourgeoisie. I would have to guess then that he was actually speaking Swedish and they dubbed in the German. There are no featured audience reviews for The Man from Beijing (Der Chinese) at this time. A judge is related to one of the victims and begins to investigate and then the story becomes weird. Yes. Was this review helpful? The question is, is it a communist country, a capitalist country or both? It's not you, it's us. I have no idea what the other reviewers were doing while this movie was on but none seem to have watched it. By opting to have your ticket verified for this movie, you are allowing us to check the email address associated with your Rotten Tomatoes account against an email address associated with a Fandango ticket purchase for the same movie.Fandango Thank goodness a new Wallander novel is in the pipeline. (I mean - who does not love Kenneth Branagh?) 1 out of 1 found this helpful. There were hints through this book of the thriller that could have been -- compelling, fast-paced, filled with interesting characters -- but these are drowned in extended polemics about the hI've heard a lot about Henning Mankell from others that know I am an aficionado of Nordic mysteries, so I was excited when a friend passed this along for me to read. I'd say that this is well worth a watch for any fan of crime thrillers, Mankell, or just good solid foreign films.
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