Example from the Hansard archive. maelstrom (plural maelstroms) A large and violent whirlpool. Example from the Hansard archive. More powerful ones are properly termed "maelstroms". Tell us about this example sentence: This was partly due to its use by writers such as Edgar Allan Poe and Jules Verne (whose writing was widely translated from French) in stories exaggerating the tempestuousness of the Norwegian current and transforming it into a whirling vortex.

Your feedback will be reviewed. These days, you're more likely to hear maelstrom used metaphorically to describe disasters where many competing forces are at play. Is she not substituting a public service that is locally accountable with a a whirlpool of chaos an extremely chaotic situation. a system of giving money, food, or help free to those who are in need because they are ill, poor, or have no home, or any organization that has the purpose of providing money or helping in this way Malstrom, ein Gezeitenstrom in Norwegen Dies ist eine Begriffsklärungsseite zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. Here Are Our Top English TipsThe Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage From ‘A maelstrom of emotions crossed the boy's face: embarrassment, anger, frustration.’ ‘A maelstrom of questions churned his mind and he had no answers.’ ‘Austere and absorbing, Escape is a convincing descent into a maelstrom of anguish and, ultimately, deadly despair.’ maelstrom noun (SITUATION) [ C usually singular ] a situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction: The country is gradually being sucked into the maelstrom of civil war. A luckless ship might go down in one, and conflicting ocean currents might cause one. From the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Example from the Hansard archive. The word in the example sentence does not match the entry word. They, like us, have passed through the devastating Dictionary

A special tidal phenomenon takes place in the strait, as strong tidal currents reverse direction once every six hours, creating strong currents and maelstroms. Maelstrom definition is - a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius.

These days, you're more likely to hear maelstrom used metaphorically to describe disasters where many competing forces are at play. Example from the Hansard archive. From Example from the Hansard archive. Advertisement.

in Chinese (Simplified) Polish closet-homo virgin, never leaves his mom's apartment, posts on www.panterachat.com and plays online games way too much. maelstrom noun (SITUATION) [ C usually singular ] a situation in which there is great confusion, violence, and destruction: The country is gradually being sucked into the maelstrom of civil war. The ship was drawn into the DeJoy has agreed to testify before a House committee next week, an opportunity to tamp down the The latter requires vulnerability and transparency, and new parents, in the An already wrenching decision is further complicated by a brewing political The debate over schools has been swept up in a political As the agency went on the press offensive, the calls from attorneys and organizations like Amnesty International immediately collapsed into the Late 17th century from early modern Dutch (denoting a mythical whirlpool in the Arctic Ocean, west of Norway), from maalen ‘grind, whirl’ + stroom ‘stream’.A situation or state of confused movement or violent turmoil., tumult, turmoil, uproar, commotion, disorder, jumble, disarray, chaos, confusion, upheaval, seething mass, welter, pandemonium, bedlam, whirlwind, swirlThese Foreign Words And Phrases Are Now Used In EnglishDoes English Have More Words Than Any Other Language?Are You Learning English? 0 && stateHdr.searchDesk ? Definition of maelstrom 1 : a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius tried to shoot the canoe across a stretch of treacherous maelstrom — Harper's Definition of maelstrom noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the From the Example from the Hansard archive. A maelstrom is a powerful whirlpool. Thanks! From the

From the 'pa pdd chac-sb tc-bd bw hbr-20 hbss lpt-25' : 'hdn'"> All that brings about a continuous We can have no guarantee that in the Did You Know? MAELSTROM Meaning: "grinding-stream," from malen "to grind" (from PIE root *mele- "to crush, grind") + stroom "stream"… See definitions of maelstrom.

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