Max goes to the hospital chapel, where Tanya is waiting for him to leave. Martin thumps Max for Carmel as a bit of payback for what he did to her. Abi tries to console Max but he lashes out at her, calling her disgusting and a slapper, and tells her to go. Jay tells Max that Abi loved him and that she would want him there.

Several months later, Kirsty leaves Walford for good.

Fuller asks if Max realised what could have happened, given the conditions.

Dot has it and brings it when she visits.

Abi comes and shares Christmas dinner with her Dad at the Fowler's. Lauren gets angry with Max, yelling at him that he killed Abi. Once Stacey has left, Lauren reveals she has Weyland's copy of the contract, given to her by Josh because they were always going to betray Max and he didn't think it was right. Max later tells Jack that him being fired was just a "misunderstanding". He surprises Ian in his house, stating that he is going to kill him. The next day, however, Rainie blackmails Cora into dropping her application for Abi after threatening to tell the police that she attacked her. He calls Jane's mobile and finds it in a drawer, then takes the SIM card out and bins it.

On Christmas Day Max takes presents to his daughters. Max is further horrified when James and Luke betray him by burning his contract, revealing that he was being tricked all along. Shocked and upset that Stacey didn't tell him sooner, Badley storms off. He pushes Steven out and he hits the corner of a table, later causing a fatal bleed. Max tries to keep the news of the baby from Stacey, but Lauren and Abi tell her. Max, close to a mental breakdown over his recent losses, sees Phil, Mick, Max returns and, angrier than ever, decides to get revenge on Ian and Phil. Once he’s completed the cot, Max becomes angry and smashes it up before Jack comes in and consoles him. Under pressure from Stacey, Max finally confesses but tells her that he had good reasons. However, Kirsty eventually agrees to sign the divorce papers and gives them to Max. Jim is disgusted by Bradley's behaviour and blames Max for poisoning him and calls Rachel, Bradley's mother and Max's first and estranged wife to let her know that Max is back in Bradley's life. Max was found guilty of Lucy's murder and was sentenced to 21 years in prison - 20 after being wrongfully charged for the murder of Max returns briefly after being released to return a letter delivered to him by Stacey but from Lauren and Abi. Sophie Browning (née Willmott-Brown) is "assigned" to the pub, and pretends to help the Carters. Lauren then discovers the video of Max and Stacey kissing, and edits it into Bradley and Stacey's wedding video, which she intends to give Bradley for Christmas. Max goes to the cafe and sees a collection for Abi that says ‘In memory of Abi Branning’ and is upset as she’s not gone. He hugs her and tells her to be happy. Just as the Brannings seem to be back on track, Cora discovers from Amy that Rainie slept with Jack and she smugly informs Max. It's revealed that Max has named the baby Abi, in her mother’s memory.

When Cora hits Rainie over the back of the head with a frying pan, Max flees with Abi back to his house where he's joined by Stacey. Ian says that Phil is the real culprit as he bribed the jury, but Max says that Phil is next on his list. he admits to her that in prison he attempted suicide and he's just felt disappointed ever since then. Concerned for him, Stacey encourages Jack to get Max out. he sells them all back except the R&R and the car lot. Max tells Tanya about being locked in a coffin when he was 13; he also says he wants the baby. He framed his brother Jack for a crime he did not commit, he threatens to take the kids off Tanya, he ruins his fathers birthday and he drives his kids into the arms of Jack. The next day, the pair decide to go for the abortion. Ian attacks Max for what he did to Steven but is quickly over-powered and Max proceeds to punch him, before their fight is stopped by Lauren. Fuller re-enters with video footage recorded by Keegan of Lauren and Abi's fall, proving that Max didn't push them from the roof. When Ben is arrested for Lucy's murder, Phil manipulates Abi into coming forward about Max's fake alibi to the police. When that fails, he talks to Bradley and tries to stop him, but Bradley's mind is made up. Steven refuses to allow her to die so Max angrily shoves him and forces him to leave. Remembering the moving eulogy Max made at Bradley's funeral, Ian turns to him for advice over Lucy's impending funeral. Tanya later discovers them and assumes that Max and Kirsty are still involved. Tanya guesses they are having an affair again, which they deny. Carmel's son, Jack, regretting his decision to abandon Max during his trial, supports him despite Max's rant.

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