Extreme cloaked in silence was bad enough with the one-shot sniper kills. LeedStraiF 5,273 views. Mark them and life will be a lot easier. Posted by. Do the following: I heard in extreme one of the best ways is to airdrop a tank, other ways? Instead, you just need an accumulated score of 130,000 or more. "Kojima, the man who trolled the world" User Info: Schumy7. The trek takes a while, but you get there eventually.

Position Quiet for maximum support. Watch out for one Skull that does melee attacks with a machete.. The sniper Skulls can only be Fultoned if you have the Fulton Cargo Upgrade/Wormhole. Call the helicopter to pick you up then slip up the hill ahead, keeping to the right. Instead, you just need an accumulated score of 130,000 or more.

Code Talker's character model was scanned from a hand-sculpted bust made by the production team, more specifically by Academy Award winner Kazuhiro Tsuji. The trek takes a while, but you get there eventually. Sneak past them and enter the mansion.Once inside, hang a left and head through the corridor down to the basement. If they grab you, you will drop Code Talker and have to deal with them, which will take up precious time. Just... What? Best to eliminate the Lobby/Entrance guards for a clear run outside after the rescue.Don’t be worried about leaving Code Talker in cover to clear the path ahead, Miller’s a whiner.Don’t have Quiet as she’ll get blasted by sniper fire. The gosunoob.com content may not be used, reproduced or copied without the prior express written consent of gosunoob.comKetchua has been writing about games for far too long. Head along the west side of the mansion and make your way to the back door as you did before. Climb up the rocky outcropping, and try not to get spotted by the guard commanding the spotlight on the balcony. Code Talker [Extreme] Skulls help; User Info: Peptabysmal. Head along the west side of the mansion and make your way to the back door as you did before. You only need to extract one sniper Skull to complete the objective. Completing the mission quickly and earning additional score bonuses will greatly increase your chances of achieving an S Rank for the mission.This mission is a more difficult version of the previous Code Talker mission.

How? Once you load Code Talker onto the chopper and board yourself, the mission concludes. This guide will help you earn an S Rank for the mission [Extreme] Code Talker in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, and includes a list of the mandatory and optional objectives available for this mission. Or sneak through the hall and go down the basement to Code talker.

Move up the river a bit further, and cut to the left to take cover behind a rock wall.

The eliminate the skulls task? You can also sneak up on this guard and interrogate him if you wish. Retrace your steps back up the stairs to exit the way you came. As with the earlier mission, you will have several sniper Skulls aimed at your position after you skip the cutscene. Move up the river a bit further, and cut to the left to take cover behind a rock wall. Aim at them and they’ll ‘shimmy’ away.Once you’ve cleared them (and extracted them, clear the house in your preferred method. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - Mission 28 / S-rank / All Tasks / Code Talker - Duration: 11:25. This guide will help you earn an S Rank for the mission [Extreme] Code Talker in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, and includes a list of the mandatory and optional objectives available for this mission. 0. Extreme cloaked in silence was bad enough with the one-shot sniper kills.

It is not necessary to complete all the objectives to earn an S Rank. On the low ridge in this area you'll often face a crossfire just over the hilltop.

Before you head into the final room where the exit is located, call in your extraction helicopter to save time. 3:40. Before you head into the final room where the exit is located, call in your extraction helicopter to save time.

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