The only person who Yolanda claims to have sent nude pictures to was Williams, however, she still did not believe that Williams could be the one sending her the emails.“So this is the guy that’s photo is being used to catfish poor Yolanda from this upcoming season of Before the 90 Days,” host Hanekawa said on Instagram. When they called the number, a woman answered.After Williams began ghosting Yolanda, she got an email from a woman who threatened to release her nude photos if she didn’t send money. Well the website Starcasm did some digging. He is only 25 years old and he is massive ... New update for Norwegian IFBB Pro Ole Kristian Vaaga. “I was over 300 pounds.” During her weight loss journey, Williams slid into her dms. “And they’ll do harm to me. He cut off all communication with Yolanda around the same time she confronted him about being Nigerian, which has raised some eyebrows among During an earlier episode of the show, Yolanda’s daughter Karra helped her mother track down a phone number associated with Williams, and it just so happened to be a Nigerian phone number. Watch Queue Queue. And the airport??

The photos that 90 Day Fiance fans saw are from photographer Stefano Cavoretto. Yolanda met her boo Williams online. Copyright © 2020 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. MICHELE DI LUCCHIO 160KGX5 ELIXIA. Smh. This is the third and final part of this amazing super hairy muscle hunk! This super muscle hottie is amazing..I found some more p... After so many messages and private requests, Muscle Ammiratore Blog posts for the first time two Russian Muscle Models together! Handgun Aiming & Sight Picture: One Eye vs Two Eyes; Front Sight Aiming vs Point Shooting - Duration: 6:18. Enjoy and don't hesitate to commend ! De Lucchi has designed lamps and furniture for well-known Italian and European companies, such as Artemide, Olivetti, Alias, Unifor, Hermès and Alessi. “The team at More sleuthing uncovered that the photos were actually those of a pretty famous Italian bodybuilder named Michele Di Lucchio and a lot of the images were stock photos from photographer Stefano Cavoretto, according toThe hosts of The Fraudcast actually reached out to Cavoretto to see if he knew about any of this. We reached out to reps of Michael, and they confirmed that he is not dating Yolanda. Since my first post on him, back to 2017 ( see the link below ) the Viking Coach took... Leo Bartenev is a Russian Muscle Model.He lives in Moscow, Russia. Internet sleuths have done some investigation and figured out with a simple reverse photo search that the images shown of Williams are actually photos of an Italian model named Michele Di Lucchio. “Truth is that the pics shown on the show are 4 years old and they are of Michele Di Luccio. Enjoy! But soon the two started chatting four to five times a day and a romance blossomed.Yolanda hid her relationship with Williams from all of her children except her oldest, Kara.“I’m happy for my mom, but I just want to protect her and know if this guy is really truthful,” Kara said during the episode.“I love him so much, Kara,” Yolanda told her daughter.“You have not FaceTimed him!” Kara insisted.

Enjoy! Flying over to meet them when you’ve never seen them before is borderline insane. He claimed to be from England. “My boyfriend Williams is from Manchester, England and he’s 40 years old,” Yolanda said in her intro clip. 457 people follow @mdilucchio's Instagram account. Truth is that the pics shown on the show are 4 years old and they are of Michele Di Luccio. It’s very frightening that a total stranger has my personal pictures and they’re threatening to embarrass me with them. As Starcasm reported, the man in the photos that Williams sent Yolanda is an Italian bodybuilder who goes by the name Michele Di Lucchio. Some fans think so.Fake Williams Blackmails Yolanda, Prob A Misunderstanding Or SomethingOne of Yolanda's very bright and mature children need a conservatorship and ground Yolanda to her room with no internet privileges for 6 months. He is what we call a huge Bodybuilder. “You are delusional.”“He told me, ‘Yolanda, I don’t have a camera,’” Yolanda revealed.The biggest clue that someone is a catfish is that their camera somehow never works. Watch Queue Queue Yolanda: "The only person I gave my private pictures to is Williams but it cannot be Williams because this is not his email address"It is LITERALLY WILLIAMS Yolanda.

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