series analysis and mining that can contribute to understanding of this pandemic. The focus of MiLeTS workshop is to synergize the research in this area and discuss both new and open problems in time series analysis and mining. Ameya Daigavane, Kiri Wagstaff, Gary Doran, Corey Cochrane, Caitriona Jackman and Abigail Rymer. The annual KDD conference is the premier interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers and practitioners from data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data. Details of the full policy and handling of potential violations can be found at: Any overlap (in content, methods, writing, etc.) Contact us. [Video], Modality Selection for Classification on Time-series Data Virtual Conference. extensively, its importance only continues to grow. and forecasting of COVID-19. Track Best Paper Award Sponsor: Introduction to KDD Conferences (in Chinese). This date for KDD 2020 is on or after July 15, 2020. Finally, time series mining research is challenging and rewarding because it bridges a variety of disciplines and demands interdisciplinary solutions. New, open, or unsolved problems in time series analysis and mining. Research Best Student Paper Award You enter the lobby and find yourself in the middle of the action with sponsor booths, meeting spaces, and conference halls. This demonstration video shows you the virtual interface for KDD 2020. **We start accepting KDD CUP proposals now, but will start making decisions on a first-come-first-serve basis on Nov 15, 2011. In domains as diverse as finance, entertainment, transportation and health care, we observe a fundamental shift away from parsimonious, infrequent measurement to nearly continuous monitoring and recording. Papers that violate the, Additional information about ACM’s Conflict of Interest policy, which KDD follows, can be found at Authors are encouraged to read the track descriptions carefully and to choose an appropriate track for their submissions. "; *Note that there will be no abstract submission deadline, and the paper submission deadline is Feb 10, 2012. Journal Track. COVID-19 Time Series Analysis Special Track: The COVID-19 pandemic is impacting almost everyone worldwide and is expected to have life-altering short and long-term effects. refresh. CountStepper = -60; Murchana Baruah and Bonny Banerjee. Staff Research ScientistGoogle Brain & CNRS, Professor University of Cambridge, UCLA, The Alan Turing Institute, Leader of Data Sciences GroupNASA Ames Research Center. Time series that are multivariate, high-dimensional, heterogeneous, etc., or that possess other atypical properties. Persons who do not meet these requirements may, be acknowledged, but should not be listed as authors. Authors of all accepted papers must prepare a final version for publication, a poster, and a three, minute short video presentation (details will be in the accept, Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by ACM and also appear in the, ACM Digital Library. We anticipate an ACM/KDD YouTube channel to be published sometime in October. Registration is available throughout the conference. [Video], Forecasting Hierarchical Time Series with a Regularized Embedding Space The annual KDD conference is the premier interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers and practitioners from data science, data mining, knowledge discovery, large-scale data analytics, and big data. The following deadlines are before midnight AoE (UTC - 12). Research Best Paper Runner-up If the preliminary version of a paper was posted in arXiv, the, authors should NOT mention as their own paper in the submission. Submission Deadline: Feb 13, 2020: Notification Due: May 15, 2020: Final Version Due: Jun 1, 2020 Authors are strongly encouraged to make their, code and data publicly available whenever possible. We'll be updating the website as information becomes available. This supplement can only be used to include (i) information necessary for reproducing the experimental results, insights, or conclusions reported in the paper (e.g., various algorithmic and model parameters and configurations, hyper-parameter search spaces, details related to dataset filtering and train/test splits, software versions, detailed hardware configuration, etc. Temporal-Contextual Recommendation in Real-Time by Yifei Ma, Murali Balakrishnan Narayanaswamy, Haibin Lin and Hao Ding from Amazon. [Video], Statistical Evaluation of Anomaly Detectors for Sequences In addition, authors are strongly encouraged to also report, whenever possible, results for their methods on publicly available datasets. [Video], Detection of Environment Transitions in Time Series Data for Responsive Science Walid Krichene: Google; Steffen Rendle: Google Please enter the word you see in the image below: Short Promotional Video (Required): July 1, 2020, Conference (San Diego, California): August 22, We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of knowledge, discovery and data mining, ranging from theoretical foundations to novel models and algorithms, data mining problems in science, business, medicine, and engineering.
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