UPDATE: Muswellbrook and Denman Waste Facilities return to normal operations from Monday June 22. The purpose of the LSPS is to provide a 20 year land use vision for the Region, outline . DA 2019-102 - Recommended Conditions of Consent MSCDA 2019-102 Aboriginal Heritage Due Diligence AssessmentDA 102-2019 - Revised BDAR - Sandy Hollow Solar Farm BDAR Final

CIV > $5M - Private infrastructure and community facilities We will monitor and report on the actions as part of the Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework. Discover what day your garbage is collected, childcare options, opportunities to volunteer or make a date with your local library.Discover opportunities to work for or with Council, or how Council can assist you with your business.Get involved in what’s happening in Port Stephens. 1333 Merriwa Road, Denman Nsw,lot 12 Dp 1042612 LSPS’s planning priorities, strategic directions and actions provide the basis for decisions about how we will use our land resources and assets to achieve our community’s broader goals. The LSPS aligns with the CSP’s seven key themes as the same themes for our Shire’s land use future. characteristics which make our area special, identify our shared values to be enhanced or maintained and identify where further detailed strategic planning may be needed. Muswellbrook Shire Council – Summary of Decisions Ordinary Meeting – Tuesday, 28 July 2020. Each focus area has its own planning priorities and actions.We will monitor and report on the actions as part of the We have detected that you are running an unsupported version of Microsoft Internet Explorer. The LSPS will inform future amendments to the Port Stephens Local Environmental Plan 2013 (LEP 2013) and Port Stephens Development Control Plan 2014 (DCP 2014) and other local strategies, plans and polices.

Muswellbrook: Approved by Minister or Delegate: rezone land at 75 Belgravia Road, Mullion Creek Orange: PP_2018_CABON_002_00: 15-10-2018: 25-10-2018: Cabonne: Approved by Minister or Delegate: Blacktown LEP 2015 (Amendment 22) - St Bartholomew's Cemetery Expansion (0 dwellings, 66 jobs) PP_2018_BLACK_009_02: 26-10-2018 Most Council facilities are open, and you can carry out business with us online and over the phone. 1.4 Consultation The LSPS has been informed by the results . Discover more about the environment and our rich culture and history, head along to an event or get active in the many recreational facilities.Discover how Council can assist you to make your grand plans a reality, with all the information about lodging a Development Application through to the plans and strategies in place to guide development.Meet the Mayor and Councillors of Port Stephens, discover what’s on the agenda at the next Council meeting and catch up on the latest Council news.It identifies the special character and values of our area that we should preserve and how we'll manage change.The LSPS was adopted by Council on 14 July 2020 and implements actions and priorities from:The LSPS has 4 key outcomes — economy, housing, environment and transport. Work Information-Traffic lights at the New England Highway and Lorne Street intersection. Rates & Charges 4th Installment due - how to make your Rates payments . Please upgrade to version 9 or above for the best experience of this website Through the MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan campaign, the Coffs Harbour community has collaborated to develop a vision and strategic plan to help take our local government area into the future. All the essential services that make living in Port Stephens easy. The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land and pays respect  to all Elders past, present and future. Eurobodalla Shire Council, South Coast NSW.

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