Define outbreak. Words often used with outbreak in an English sentence: future outbreak, major outbreak, outbreak of plague, outbreak of violence, outbreak of… An example of an outbreak is five cases of whooping cough increasing to fifty cases overnight.Any epidemic outbreak causes understandable panic.There has been an outbreak of broken windows in the street.There has been an outbreak of vandalism at the school.Poorly trained officers can't control a prison outburst without excessive repression.Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. 3. 1. 3. 2. Discontent among the ship's crew finally led to the,29. 2. The country's attempts to meet force with force led to the,27. 2. 4. Show More Sentences In 2011, parts of East Tennessee, including Hamilton County and Apison in Bradley County, were devastated by the April 2011 tornado outbreak. The hospital ward was fumigated after the.Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact:Meaning: n. a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition). Outbreak in a sentence. The bigger outbreak was not a bit more serious. Two months after the first outbreakof rebellion at Meerut, the two forces met near Karnal. Outbreak sentence examples. 4. n. 1. The ambassador did his utmost to prevent the,23. 96. 52. The cause was the outbreak of the Thirty Years' War (1618). The origin of the outbreak is uncertain. Examples of outbreak in a sentence *** At the outbreak of the French Revolution in 1789, Beauharnais was chosen a member of the National Assembly and was for a time its president. 0. (uncountable) A geological layer that breaks out. Social and political problems led to the,8. How to use pandemic in a sentence. Apart from these local outbreaks, the Jews throughout the empire remained loyal citizens and were not molested. What are synonyms for outbreak? (intransitive) To burst out. Coronavirus outbreak Act now or coronavirus will sentence more prisoners to death, say experts Jails and prisons are among the largest clusters of … outbreak example sentences. | (intransitive) To break forth. How do you use outbreak in a sentence? Learn more. 3. A sudden increase: an outbreak of influenza. The hospital wards were fumigated after the,26. They reported a sudden outbreak of the disease in the south of the country. Definition of Outbreak. A new outbreak of smallpox occurred in 1928. Examples of outbreak in a Sentence there was an immediate outbreak of paper shuffling and a pretense of work when the supervisor passed through the room the government quelled the outbreak with … Already there is a low buzz of excitement, punctuated by the occasional,He was scanning visitors as they arrived, no doubt on the alert for any,German forces remilitarized the territory in 1936, as part of a diplomatic test of will, three years before the,Previously scheduled mainland expansion plans had been put on hold because of the Sars,The bathing had been ordered to control an,The countryside will not be closed down in the event of an,He had joined the army as a drummer boy and had served in India before the,There, a Genoese colony was under siege from a khan of the Golden Horde named Yannibeg, when his army was decimated by an,Why, then, don't the avant-couriers who praise the piece as one of Schoenberg's greatest take note of this,Grandma dragged out the old tin bath, sat each kid in it, and treated the,The Festival is finally abandoned after the confirmed,The idea was born from the damage done to the local tourist industry in the wake of the foot and mouth disease,Back in April, my first walk in the foot and mouth,In October some guests were quarantined in their rooms after a similar,There is no waspish remark to follow and I am sorry if this,Engineers believe the new technology will cut the risk of an,It is only a question of time before a case triggers a significant,Surveillance of mosquitoes, sentinel birds, and dead birds for West Nile virus in America warned of this summer's impending,Daytrippers, ramblers, anglers and anyone involved in country pursuits are being urged to steer clear of farmland until the,But just as he was ready to go into action, his unit was struck by an,Luxembourg wrote those lines three years before the,Doctors at the meeting expressed concerned over a lack of available vaccinations should an,His presence reinvigorated the team, strengthened our message, and contributed substantially to controlling the,I had asked whether Yorkshire would escape the worst of the foot and mouth,Water supplies in a South Lakeland town are leaving an earthy taste in people's mouths following an,In May 2004 I was part of an international team that responded to an,Good farmyard management and cleanliness can control scour, and early and rapid treatment are essential once an,The dramatic hair loss is caused by mange, a condition spurred by an,Doctors insist the jab is safe and that a failure to give children the immunisation could lead to an,Insurance companies are warning drivers not to be heroes following the,Since access restrictions have been relaxed its farm conservation team has been giving free advice to farmers whose livestock was culled during last year's,Officials are closely monitoring and conducting tests of open-billed storks and teals to prevent the further spread of the,The prestigious annual Horse Show, for which 117 horses have been entered, is to go ahead this weekend despite an,The Mayor said all landowners needed to report rabbit sightings and work with the council and rabbit board to prevent the,In many residential areas of Baghdad yesterday locals had set up private roadblocks, fearful that an,Brian Henson, 35, pleaded guilty to 14 counts of breaking food safety regulations, leading to an,But with an electron micgrograph to illustrate what was fueling the,The world needs more people like her to treat Ebola in West Africa, where controlling the,A detection method stopped a deadly Listeria,Deng's case was discussed in a chat room on the Internet, which led to an,Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone do not have the staff, stuff and systems required to halt the,The manual is as much to do with preventing an,When late blight is first identified in an area, the information is entered on a map so that the location and date of the,The fallout of this loss of trust has had an enormous impact on the,A dozen people have died of bird flu in Vietnam since December 30, raising concerns that the disease could be re-emerging after an,Liberia, the epicenter of the epidemic, was relying on just 50 doctors to care for the entire nation before the,There is cautious optimism that this prompt action may have helped avert a broader,A CDC that seems perplexed by the ABCs of containing a highly predictable,The Ebola Wars By Richard Preston, New Yorker How genomics research can help contain the,In 1995, these researchers used newly incorporated techniques to rule out dengue virus as the cause of an,Where the author lets readers down is in her too often reductionist effort to have the frontier wars be the explanation of the 1692 witchcraft,Craig Spencer wanted to inspire other doctors to go fight the,I was a bit mortified by what I assumed was an,In this view, Americans' obliviousness ended with an,In other countries, the severity of the challenges has contributed to the,The desperate peace moves came as gangs armed with guns and machetes rampaged through the streets of the capital Port-au-Prince in the latest,The brutal civil war that was going on in neighbouring Liberia played a significant role in the,Some scholars speculate that European diseases arrived before this date, but there is no compelling evidence for an,The economy receded due to the 2010 earthquake and subsequent,The World Health Organisation warned that Zika had the potential to become an explosive global pandemic if the,Political instability in the state and an,Zacatecas was again a battleground with the,In 2011, parts of East Tennessee, including Hamilton County and Apison in Bradley County, were devastated by the April 2011 tornado,King Ngwane V died in December 1899 during incwala after the,On 4 December 2008 the Zimbabwe government declared the,However, it never came into force because of the,The invention has thus been identified as an inadvertent contributing factor to the,Phelps Brown joined the British Army at the,In the transition between the Edo and Meiji periods, the Ee ja nai ka movement, a spontaneous,Some 270,000 cattle have been ordered slaughtered following the disease's,This was the case in Canada in 1952, when an,Japan veterinary authorities confirmed an,The local Parliamentarian gentry led by Sir Richard Onslow were able to secure the county without difficulty on the,Collingwood joined the Admiralty intelligence division at the,Although more care was taken over the safety of the workers, an,Most shellfish lose their toxins almost completely within four to six weeks after a gonyaulax,Ebola was first identified in Zaire, Africa, nearly 25 years ago when an,In October 2011, 279,000 salmon died in Lamlash after what was said to be an,No solution appeared in sight when the unexpected,By the late 1140s the active phase of the civil war was over, barring the occasional,The dispute over Guyenne is even more important than the dynastic question in explaining the,The disease repeatedly wiped out the rodent carriers so that the fleas died out until a new,In urban centres, the greater the population before the,The building of the cathedrals of Ely and Exeter was temporarily halted in the years immediately following the first,Britain's fears of war with Germany were realised in 1914 with the,However, the opening of the Panama Canal in 1914 and the,The disturbance of kastom is what Moore sees as the root cause of the,The school evacuated to Cornwall following the,The king reneged on his promises of reform, leading to the,She did not return until 1645, partly because of the,When they finally docked in Naples, the ship was held in quarantine for ten days due to a suspected,In Germany, the regular presentation of Delius's works ceased at the,The League was suspended once more in 1939 with the,The competition was cancelled shortly after the,Suggestions for a 'devolved' Parliament were made before 1914, but were shelved due to the,Segregation has been present throughout the history of Belfast, but has been maintained and increased by each,During this time, he was responsible for the Welsh response to the 2001 Foot and Mouth disease,The Triple Alliance collapsed when Italy remained neutral at the,One of the more significant impacts of containment was the,Charles' attempt at resistance to these developments led to the,Larkin began at Oxford University in October 1940, a year after the,Edward III lost interest in the fate of his protege after the,The 2002 Glasgow floods had a number of other effects, causing a cryptospiridium,Most of the organisations Lloyd George created during the First World War were replicated with the,Although this met with moderate success, the,During this time, elements of the division supply train were stricken by an,The first coal was produced from June 1911, with full production reached before the,The mobilization of manpower following the,The department was created after the perceived failure of MAFF, to deal adequately with an,It was detected in the United Kingdom in 1971 where it was linked to an,World War I might have continued indefinitely if not for a pandemic,Notably, more people died of the worldwide influenza,The affected countries and territories are discussing causes of the,Although Virginia, Maryland and Delaware were slave states, the latter two already had a high proportion of free blacks by the,Following the identification of a possible,Retrospective serosurveillance showed that only 1 Barbary macaque was seropositive at the start of the,It began with beefburgers, which started flying off the shelves at the,Monsanto's Bt corn is a Genetically Modified Organism and the subject of a recent investigation into the rootworm,Investigators are using DNA analysis of Listeria isolated from patients to identify cases of illness that may be part of this,Therese of the Child Jesus Mission is on the brink of a cholera,A WARD at Walsall Manor Hospital has been closed after an,The nation is grappling with the deadly Marburg virus,How brave they all were to attend in the face of the mass hysteria that has gripped the country regarding the swine flu,In June 2011, reports were received of an,With summer approaching, horse owners worry about eastern tent caterpillar infestations causing an,All of the above French guns were in service at the,In 2011, the somalian community in Minnesota suffered a measles,EcoHealth Alliance is now a leading voice calling for better tracking and data collection to prevent the next SARS or monkeypox,One possible explanation for a high death rate among mountain gorillas noted in the late 1980s is an,Dr McCormick said medical teams were trying to identify other unidentified cases of Legionnaires to establish the true scale of the Edinburgh,However, its implementation was suspended before it came into effect because of the,After the departure of the Danes the Fenland rebels remained at large, protected by the marshes, and early in 1071 there was a final.

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