(Of course, Jürgens would later lend his silvery stare to the great Roger Moore Bond entry , while far from the worst of the bunch, is marred on several fronts. Kerwin Mathews, I cannot deny, is good looking. Lo and behold, after a little more diligent searching…1947: Les gosses mènent l'enquête (Maurice Labro) 1950: Le roi du bla bla bla (Maurice Labro) 1951: Le bagnard (Willy…Making a list because I can. But as my intro to (serious) OSS 117, he’s Jean Bruce's secret agent OSS 117 beat James Bond into both book and film form.
OSS 117 Is Unleashed aka OSS 117 se déchaîne is a 1963 French spy film starring Kerwin Mathews. DVD. Some reviewers suggest the pace is slow.

Fun score.Just after Bond hit the big screen, Hubert Bonisseur de La Bath was karate-chopping bad guys and flirting with every woman in sight. The details of the sequence are particularly dehumanizing, and even fly in the face of a central goal – freeing native captives from the villain’s prison, only to thrust them into a battle where they pretty much all get killed – but hey, it does make for prolonged wild battle sequence! An American agent disappears after a scuba diving reconnaissance mission in Corsica.

And, after two entries that finally put the practice behind them, the action scenes in once again resort to using jump cuts within shots to shore up the pacing.

Yes, plenty of bad guys bite the dust, but the mood is not grim.

If one can look passed any such shortcomings, with a forgiving mind towards …
Since Charles Grey was likely occupied at the time making , similar actor Curd Jürgens plays the part. 20,46 € Nur noch 13 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). A United States spy agency knows this is a lie as the missing man was an agent (and expert diver) who was looking for a secret base being built by an undisclosed enemy (think Russia) to track atomic submarines. That’s it.

Now imagine that the whole affair is underfunded and in French. Directed by Renzo Cerrato, Jean-Pierre Desagnat, André Hunebelle. I did not find it so. Kino BD-A/US 2017; Extras. Tall--very tall--with masses of blonde hair, model-slender, and with a wonderfully aristocratic, refined beauty; one wishes she had starred in a lot more films.

Are you hooked?!

The third entry in secret agent OSS 117's parodic spy adventures.

Low-key spy thriller, with and intriguing plot and some great underwater fight scenes (well in advance of Thunderball) and an oddly jaunty score by Michel Magne.Contrairement à ce que nous promet le titre, OSS 117 ne se déchaîne pas tellement dans cette bande routinière, réalisée de façon conventionnelle par André Hunebelle, un artisan du cinéma populaire qui n'est guère reconnu pour déployer une vision personnelle ou originale.Le résultat est peu emballant, et ces aventures prévisibles et vieillottes traversent mal le test du temps. Dans le cas de cet OSS 117, nous n'avons hélas même pas droit à cette qualité.Astuce de mise en scène moderne : accélérer au montage les séquences d'action, afin d'amplifier la fulgurance des coups de poing tout en maximisant la vélocité du mouvement.When a diving student goes missing while learning the sport off the coast of Corsica, his instructor tells the police it was due to his inexperience. Directed by André Hunebelle. It is part of the OSS 117 series. When she falls in with our protagonist (played by stonier Kerwin Mathews, as though compensating due to criticism), the scramble is on to sort out who the villain really might be, and how to stop him/her.All music and decor, Panic in Bangkok prevails as one foot-tapping spy flick. I've gotten all information…Non-James Bond spy movies from the 1960s. 3,8 von 5 Sternen 15.

evidences a ways yet to go for the series, whomever casts it, and director André Henebelle, who made all but one of these films – and debatably, not the best one. Nadine Sanders, our leading lady here, is simply a knockout! Each actor foists a different style of attempted charm onto the character, with wildly varying degrees of success.

Attendees at a horror-film convention in San Francisco keep disappearing. The Secret Service sends agent code name OSS 117 to investigate. And just when Hunebelle was getting good, too.

OSS 117 is Unleashed (1963) The true, non-dismissive value of this set lies in its presentation of these undeniable cultural artifacts. The country’s film industry could knock out 007 rip-offs just as readily, if not more so, than Hollywood or wherever else.All five films are pretty safely within the “PG” rated zone, less racy or violent than Bond movies.

Aladdin (2019) Contagion (2011) Ip Man 4: The Finale; Cats (2019) Despicable Me 2; Latest.

Another mission of world-known French secret agent leads him to exotic Brazil. In aggiunta a un intreccio emozionante ed una grande storia d', OSS 117 is Unleashed contiene caratteri uniche che il … Our male lead has a good amount of charm and a sense of humor. We have created a browser extension. Like the main character, the movie itself is a cad who kills before you get a chance to accuse.

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