I was on the phone with a friend, searching in the "Spiritual" section for a book that would both challenge and somehow comfort me. She uses as arguments the Orthodox and Roman sacraments to support a very, very liberal mentality that is not rooted in the Scripture. We might just create sanctuary.” While the Last Supper Jesus had with His disciples is a fundamental moment in His ministry, I think that to be able to fully understand its importance we need to stop at the altar first, to learn how to be a living sacrifice, admit sin, and repent of it. It never fails to humble and move me that you would want to spend time in the company of my words. More and more the idea of "the table", where all are called and accepted no matter their life-style, is pushed into focus. I do love the church. Love this book. Five stars for starting the faith journeys of so many. It is with this backdrop I read Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans. Imagine if every church became a place where we told one another the truth. And so I find strength to continue in this relationship that both Jacob wrestled with God; I seem to be wrestling with the bride of Christ. By Rachel Held Evans, on January 25, 2018. I found this book to be seriously lacking.

It's ok to repeat the cycle all over. . If only it had good theology too...It's such good writing. How lucky for all the people who knew her in person. . Anyone who is critical of or curious as to why millennials are leaving the church would benefit from the insights and questions this book brings up.Rachel challenged us to do/be better. “Rachel Held Evans is brilliant, gutsy, real, and hilarious, and Evolving in Monkey Town impacted my spiritual journey in ways I never imagined.I can’t remember a book that I enjoyed reading more, partly because Rachel is a great writer, and partly because she so fearlessly examines the conflict between her inherited beliefs about God and the truth of her own spiritual experience. Because of the resurrection, all are welcome at the table. What an honor that is.“Once upon a time, there lived a girl with a magic book…”So begins the first pages of my next literary endeavor, This is a book about the Bible. The first line of this book, in a foreword by Glennon Doyle, reads, “Whenever I want to scare myself, I consider what would happen to the world if Rachel Held Evans stopped writing.”Rachel Held Evans was a New York Times best-selling author whose books include Faith Unraveled (2010), A Year of Biblical Womanhood (2012), and Searching for Sunday (2015). Uncomfortable things to talk about, surely not as interesting as sitting at the table and sharing stories, but I personally believe we are called to grow in Christ likeness, not openness to everything accepted nowadays.6/5/18 - The re-read was just as good, if not better, than the first one. Held Evans recounts her journey of finding church congregations to be lacking and their belief systems to be lack luster. (Even though I freely admit sometimes the church deserve this). Rachel Held Evans was brought up in the Bible Belt and received a Christian higher education. We don’t want to choose between science and religion or between our intellectual integrity and our faith. The New York Times best-selling author of "A Year of Biblical Womanhood" wrote about faith, doubt and life in the Bible Belt. However, Rachel does make me think and for that I am grateful. Rachel was best known for her authentic voice in the Christian community, with […] In the end, what I loved most about this book was the fact that it all comes back to the resurrection of Christ.

I do love the church. And it’s unlike any other book I’ve ever written, for in addition to the memoir, it includes original poetry, short stories, soliloquies, and even a short screenplay—all aimed at capturing the wonder and beauty of Scripture, while honoring the best in biblical scholarship and acknowledging the challenges of its most difficult passages.My hope is that this book will rekindle in you a childlike love for the stories of the Bible, but in a way that engages the heart and mind, your faith and your doubts.I’ve been hinting about the book on social media, but today I get to reveal the title and cover, both of which I love. We have watched churches value purity over people, a new building over their neighbors, and one's political party over their participation in the Kingdom of God. by Thomas Nelson If I said nothing else about Rachel Held Evans' new book 'Searching for Sunday,' I would say this: this book made me feel like I am not alone. The structure, around seven sacraments, not only provides a fascinating framing for the book, it offers tangible ways we, the reader, can meet with God and each other. My copy arrived yesterday, on a Sunday that had left me with more angst than usual about the church. What happened was the exact opposite. !This was both Rachel Held Evans' strongest and weakest book. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of My background is not the same as the authors, but I saw so much of my struggle and my thoughts reflected back in many of her words.
It's ok to get mad and leave. But, in doing so, she captures many of the feelings and experiences of the millennial generation.

Because of resurrection, all are forgiven, healed and renewed. Searching for Sunday: Loving, Leaving, and Finding the Church I found this book to be seriously lacking. She grew up believing the same things I believe. When RHE fell ill and was placed in a medically induced coma, I prayed and began reading SFS with the expectation that by the time I finished she would be well.

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