He turns his neck slightly to his left, his mouth is barely opened, and his pupils show a glance which is up and to his left, rather than directly in front of him. This is a look of courage and resolve; this is a figure who will not back down. The pose has in the past elicited debates and discussions as some academics think that the face of the statue looks confident and dauntless. (Bargello, Florence) As an Amazon Associate the site owner earns from qualifying purchases.ItalianRenaissance.org, "Donatello’s St. George," in Instead, both legs are clearly supporting the saint’s weight, although the front of his left foot is not completely planted on the ground, but instead partially hangs off the front of the base. Completed c. 1415 CE for the pedestal of a statue of the saint in the Orsanmichele in Florence. Donatello carved his statue of St. George for the guild of armorers and swordmakers in Florence. The purpose of the stance that Donatello gave to St. George was to suggest stability and immobility; he is not supposed to be interpreted as moving, but instead, as stable and unmoveable. All Rights Reserved St. George Art Period Donatello, St. George, c. 1410-1415, marble. Donatello carved his statue of St. George for the guild of armorers and swordmakers in Florence. This scene is located next to the Creation of Eve, which is … David is one of Michelangelo's most-recognizable works, and has become one of the most recognizable statues in the entire world of art. Donatello worked up until his death in 1466, leaving an indelible impression on the emerging Renaissance and the history of Western art. Although Florence was a free Republic during this time, it faced threats by other cities who were more powerful than itself. To say that this statue is a masterpiece would be an understatement as different art pundits have praised the masterpiece since it's completion. The statue was created as an honour to classical heroes of antiquity.Its pose is riveting. St. George is among Donatello's most noted works and ther examples include Mary Magdalen, St. Mark, Judith and Holofernes and Gattemelata. It was carved from marble and placed near his statue of St. Mark on a niche of the church in Orsanmichele.
The Italian Renaissance sculptor will always be remembered for Saint George, as it revolutionised the art in Florence, Italy during the early Renaissance period. In Florence, Donatello assisted Lorenzo Ghiberti with the statues of prophets for the north door of the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral, for which he received payment in November 1406 and early 1408. His general look tells of a man who is unswervable and bold regardless of the situation.The statue is a mixture of bronze cloth, leather, metal, hair, and flesh. Because the guild was of average size, it could only afford a statue of marble, rather than of bronze. The youthful nature of the icon makes it an interesting piece, as it displays an exquisite attribute. This work marks a decisive step forward from late Gothic Mannerismin the search for naturalism and the ren… A marble relief panel showing Saint George and the dragon by the Italian Renaissance sculptor Donatello (c. 1386-1466 CE). Saint George by Donatello was a beautiful piece, and that is why it earned its place in the Orsanmichele church in Florence. With the city surrounded and Florence on the verge of invasion, disease swept through the Milanese army, forcing it to withdraw. An army from Naples, led by a tyrant, moved north and again Florence was in danger of being invaded. The youthful look made an excellent impression that any painting dedicated to a saint or junior warrior had some recollection of Saint George.When creating the fresco of Pippo Spano of Legnaia, Andrea del Castagno, another Italian painter, referred to Saint George by Donatello for inspiration and guidance.

Donatello’s depiction of St. George seems to reflect the idea of standing tall against an approaching enemy. Thus, Florence was spared again from being the conquest of a more powerful foe. Donatello was indeed an icon.© www.donatellosculptures.com 2018.

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