June Long Weekend 2018 Aircraft Showcase Temora Aviation Museum General Entry, Temora Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 10th June 2020 Come and join in the fun, be creative with your costumes, and witness the premiere of the latest Star Wars film in Temora. Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 7th June 2020

9.30am-4pm, weekends and public holidays Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 8th June 2020 Remembrance Day 2018 Aircraft Showcase Loftus Street, Temora NSW 2666 Phone us on (02) 6977 1236 Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 13th June 2020
Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 14th June 2020 Temora Aviation Museum General Entry, Temora Temora Bowling Club. St Anne's Central School annual event, the Long Lunch, brings together the heritage surrounds of Temora Train Station with… 17 Oct-18 Oct. Events October Weekend Aircraft Showcase.

Temora Aviation Museum, Temora April Weekend 2019 Aircraft Showcase Log in or sign up for Eventbrite to save events you're interested in. The Shire of Temora offers all the benefits of country living with a comprehensive range of quality services.Temora has a huge advantage as it is centrally located between the cities of Sydney and Melbourne, as well as being situated within South West Slopes/Riverina area, making it an ideal base from which to visit the region. Tom Moon; Colin Pay; George Hale; Bobby Gibbes; Ted Sly; Unsung Heroes; Temora Historic Flight Club; Education; … Pop in and say g'day! Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 1st June 2020 Canberra is two hours drive to the east, with Griffith a 1.5 hour drive to the west.Temora Shire includes the town of Temora, and villages of Ariah Park and Springdale, but outreaches to other small communities outside the Shire boundary. Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 6th June 2020

For more information please review our The Temora Aviation Museum inspires the community to acknowledge the role played by Australia’s historic ex-military aircraft, and encourages visitors to learn and be inspired through its collection of aircraft to remember the efforts of the men and women who flew and supported them during times of conflict.The Temora Aviation Museum is first and foremost a flying Museum, and its Flying Displays are conducted by the Temora Historic Flight Club (THFC) which is a separate entity from the Museum. Temora Bowling Club. With a strong retail trade sector and an active business community, many visitors are surprised at the variety of shopping within the town. The diversity and strength of agriculture is the foundation of the local economy. Eventbrite, and certain approved third parties, use functional, analytical and tracking cookies (or similar technologies) to understand your event preferences and provide you with a customised experience. Temora Aviation Museum General Entry, Temora Autumn Weekend 2018 Aircraft Showcase Temora Aviation Museum General Entry, Temora Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 4th June 2020 Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 2020

Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 12th June 2020 Come and cheer on Unlimited… Events St Anne's Long Lunch.

Established in 1999 the Museum collection includes two of the three flying Spitfires in Australia as well as the only flying Gloster Meteor F.8, Boomerang and Hudson Bomber in the world, the only Canberra bomber and the oldest flying Tiger Moth in Australia. Father's Day 2019 Aircraft Showcase This document respond’s to ‘Drought in Australia’ Coordinator-General for Droughts advice on a Strategy for Drought Preparedness and Resilience.
The Temora Shire Council Adverse Events Plan has been prepared by the Temora Shire Council in response to the requirements of the Federal Government’s Drought Communities Programme.This document respond’s to ‘Drought in Australia’ Coordinator-General for Droughts advice on a Strategy for Drought Preparedness and Resilience.This plan was endorsed by Council on 19 March 2020.

843 likes. Pop in and say g'day! May 2018 Aircraft Showcase

Father's Day Weekend 2018 Aircraft Showcase Temora Aviation Museum, Temora Temora Aviation Museum, Temora Temora Aviation Museum General Entry • Temora, NSW Share Museum Entry- Non Flying Day 30th August 2020 with your friends. Temora Aviation Museum General Entry, Temora the year, ranging from aviation-themed major events, annual functions,

834 likes. Hosted by Dr Brett Fritsch (Orthopedic Surgeon, RPA)In the heart of the NSW agricultural belt, Temora Shire is a sanctuary rich with heritage and resources.Contact Sheree Elwin at Temora High School on 0418 686 782Business Hours: 9.30am-5pm, Monday to Friday. The Temora Aviation Museum has one of the world's finest collections of flying historic aircraft. Temora Aviation Museum, Temora This is not a comprehensive list and contains only highlights. 8 9 Intergenerational GROW Service – Trungley Hall. HOME. Worship Service – Trinity Temora. Shire is proud to boast an entertaining variety of events throughout

Remembrance Aircraft Showcase

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