The New South Wales Adult Education Board, in consultation with the Aboriginal Training and Cultural Institute, is in the process of developing more informal programs to meet the needs of those communities. We are held responsible for results but usually have had no say in government decision-making about what will happen at Toomelah. Education, health, recreation and municipal services are all adequately catered for. with the Department of Aboriginal Affairs, is to integrate the two projects, the water and the sewerage, with a view to having them both completed as quickly as possible [with] certainly the sewerage following right on the heels of the water.The sewerage works are funded jointly by the Department of Aboriginal Affairs and the New South Wales Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. If necessary, the New South Wales Government must act to ensure that this avoidance does not continue and to remove any provisions which, however spuriously, enable local governments to avoid their responsibilities to Aboriginal communities.They [Moree Plains Shire Council] claim they do not have any of the responsibility of Toomelah at all, as far as I know, their responsibility stops at the ramp [the entrance to Toomelah]. It bears careful reading to illustrate the insidious impact of racism on innocent children. It is also very small. Administrative Coordinator Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council. Urban Area Committees would be responsible for providing local government services but would almost certainly have insufficient funds to perform these functions, especially in Aboriginal communities. The ADC projected further building at Toomelah as follows: 1987-88, two houses; 1988-89, one house; 1989-90, two houses. This language is still being used but the residents are being required to pay rent and to submit to the will of others in the management of 'their' dwellings. It means better living conditions; it means better education; and the full recognition for Aboriginal people in this country has got to be land rights.This was also the considered conclusion of the New South Wales Select Committee upon whose recommendations the Aboriginal Land Rights Act 1983 was based:It is undeniable that problems of housing, health, education, employment, welfare and cultural issues are inextricably intertwined with the land rights issue.... convinced that without substantial implementation of its recommendations on land rights, any actions taken in other areas can only be stop-gap measures, alleviating a little of the pain without treating the cause.I was involved in the Co-op in the early 70s. Yet it is in their formative years that people learn about attitudes towards themselves and develop their attitudes towards others and that their self-esteem is built or destroyed. Hunter New England Health Diabetes Centre Enter an 11 digit Australian mobile number in the format 614 00 123 Moreover, the ADC's management policies, as outlined above, make it unlikely that the real needs of the people of Toomelah will be addressed if the ADC is left to deal with the matter. This was one reason for its abandonment. It is for historians to investigate and document the past.They would take us off the mission and take us out of school and make us work and work very hard for 33 bob and when we would get sick of it we would pester them, could we go home, and they would only send us home for a week and then the managers would find another job to send us to.Several witnesses testified that police had barged into houses, arresting people and harassing occupants. 7.11 There are also continuing reports of discrimination at Goondiwindi State High School. the Local Government Act provided that it, like all other Lands Trust land, was exempt from all local government rates.6.31 The adoption of a zoning category which would allow Aboriginal communities to develop in a socially and culturally appropriate way without hindrance from unsympathetic local government authorities was recommended by the New South Wales Select Committee:Your Committee considers that land owned by Aboriginal communities should be governed by special planning provisions of the [then] Planning and Environment Commission which would permit Aboriginal communities to develop projects that may otherwise be contrary to local planning ordinances...This recommendation was largely implemented and in late 1987 the Toomelah Land Council applied to the Shire Council to have Toomelah rezoned 'Special Uses — Aboriginal' to allow the building of the types of community facilities desired by the people living there.6.32 When the Inquiry visited Toomelah in July 1987, part of the area was in Moree Plains Shire and part in Yallaroi Shire.

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