as well as SI numbers, for example, 2017 No. Justis includes UK SIs applying only to Scotland.

Westlaw has all acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, as amended. These are the most useful databases of English law: BAILII: Freely available British and Irish public legal information. The Law Reports series - from 1865; The All England Reports (main series as well as specialist series)

Contents include: Law Reports and Cases. Justis has the original text of Scottish Parliament acts and Welsh acts/measures.

These are statutory instruments made by the Welsh authorities since devolution; they have reference numbers prefixed 'W.' Database rights that exist in the UK prior to exit will continue to exist in the UK for the remainder of their duration. 1274 (W. 296).Lexis and Westlaw both have English-language statutory instruments for Wales, as amended, and Westlaw UK and Lexis®Library both have UK law reports from 1220 onwards, with case citators for updating purposes.The Law Reports (the leading UK series, published by ICLR) and some other series are on both Westlaw and Lexis, but for the most part the collections do not overlap: for example, only Lexis has the All England Law Reports, Commercial Law Cases is on Westlaw but not on … It also has pre-1949 SIs which were still in force on 31 December 1948 (from the 1948 HMSO revised edition).

Databases are excellent sources of good quality information. Publishing all UK legislation is a core part of the remit of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office (HMSO), part of The National Archives, and the Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland.
An introduction to IALS Library's electronic resources.If you are looking for any articles on a particular topic...For a wide-ranging literature search, Westlaw UK has the largest coverage; Lexis®Library is the other main source for UK articles.There is some overlap between the full-text journal collections on Westlaw UK and Lexis®Library, but many journals are only available in full-text form on one or the other: for example For interdisciplinary journal research, see EBSCOhost and JSTOR, which cover thousands of journals on a wide range of subjects, published in the UK and elsewhere (either full-text or indexed/abstracted); b(not the Electronic Law Library). A list of all legal databases in the Bodleian are contained on our website at It replaced the Statute Law Database and the legislation section of OPSI.Use the drop down options to find databases by subject and type.None of the databases are fully comprehensive and as the majority are commercially produced they only contain content that they have permission to reproduce and this is typically material that they have published themselves or they have been able to 'buy' from other publishers. Do a Title search for the name of the journal (not the article), for example, If the journal is available online at IALS, there is usually a link on the catalogue record (however, not all the journals on Lexis®Library currently have links from the Catalogue).Dawson ERA: selected e-books from various different publishers, some of which are about UK lawElgaronline: e-books from Edward Elgar Publishing, including UK law titlesHart e-book collection: law titles from Hart Publishing, including some focusing on the UKLegal Classics library includes important UK law treatises from the Oxford Scholarship Online: law e-books from Oxford University Press that are classed as postgraduate-level or higher (does not include textbooks or handbooks); includes UK titlesWestlaw UK: over 300 books and encyclopedias, most of them on UK lawWestlaw has unreported cases from 1967 onwards; Lexis has them from 1980 onwards.Westlaw has numerous Scottish law reports, including Westlaw UK has Westminster acts as amended. There are online tutorials for these on the Legal Research Skills Libguide. This website is managed by The National Archives on behalf of HM Government. It is a subscription database and available to OU members via Oxlip+. BAILII databases contain British and Irish case law, legislation and other materials (e.g. The UK database collects and stores the information of thousands of UK and Irish court cases where a offender has been convicted and sentenced.

; HeinOnline: Is a legal database providing a substantial collection of US and international legal research materials in an online, fully searchable and image-based format. Under the terms of its licence the material it can include is restricted which means that the more recent articles may not be available (and it differs from title to title).

Cases . Law Commission Reports), and European case law. To advance these goals, we offer services and maintain a collection that supports legal scholarship, instruction, and practice.

The Law Library facilitates the legal information needs of alumni, the Kentucky bar, and the public. Westlaw is produced by Thomson Reuters and is one of major UK Legal databases.

If you are looking for an article it would be best to search Oxford Ejournals first and see if the article is included within HeinOnline first.

United Kingdom Tribunals: Fair Employment Tribunal Northern Ireland: Industrial Tribunals Northern Ireland: Northern Ireland - Social Security and Child Support Commissioners OU members have access to the Maritime material which includes:If you are interested in inter or cross disciplinary research areas/topics, the A-Z Database list can help you discover those which are available at Oxford, the majority are those to which the Bodleian has a subscription but there are some OA/free web sources included when these have been recommended by subject librarians.Lexis Library is produced by Lexis Nexis (formally Butterworths) and is one of the major UK legal databases.

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