– William ShakespeareEnjoy these short funny mottos that will make you laugh when you most need it:Your personal motto doesn’t have to be serious. 365 quotes have been tagged as dragon: J.R.R. — African proverb27.

— Groucho MarxIf you’re looking for a life motto your ancestors from another century might have adopted, consider one of the following.20. Swansea would have stood out if it had elected a Latin motto, and might have compromised its position among the Welsh universities. If so, would you please pass this on to help others do the same?There’s no telling whom or how many you’ll help with the content you share.We hope this article made your day better and lit a fire in you to choose a motto that will brighten up your present moment as well as the moments that come.And may your wisdom and thoughtfulness influence everything else you do today. In New Zealand, the only motto which is Maori instead of Latin is the motto of Waikato, which translates as ‘for the people’.

Try one of these if you’d like a life motto with a sense of humor.28. We have also shared Primary School slogans, High School Slogans, Slogans for School Students, Elementary School Slogans, Art School Slogans & Business School Slogans for your inspiration to … — Chris Grosser16.

Today I am thankful. The use of a minority language sets a university apart as ‘for the people’. As you grow, you’ll find that a cool motto that once served you well just doesn’t say what you most need to hear any more.

If you want to go fast, go alone.

When somebody tells you nothing is impossible, ask him to dribble a football.

This Welsh spirit is indeed clearly emphasized through the consistent use of Welsh rather than Latin by all Welsh higher education institutions. 200 Catchy School Slogans, Taglines and Mottos Schools use slogans to distinguish themselves from their competitors and to give people a strong reason to choose their School over others. For many people, just having the phrase, “I am enough” written on their bathroom mirror has made a life-changing difference.Others feel more drawn to mottos like “Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll return leading the pack.”Choose the motto that makes you feel like the strongest and most amazing version of yourself.Have we helped you find or create a powerful life motto for yourself? — Chinese proverb21. Breathe in courage (or 4. In South Africa, Latin also still dominates mottos: the only one in Afrikaans belongs to the North-West University.

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. The Swansea University website translates In the official university translation, indeed, ‘culture’ seems an unlikely translation for Swansea’s motto might thus be interpreted as ‘bereft is skill without inspiration’ ( By repeating a meaningful personal motto every morning and at night before you go to sleep, you make it easier to remember the You can also write your motto on a bathroom mirror, on your kitchen or home office window or somewhere you’ll see it every day.An effective life motto serves as a blueprint in miniature for your continued progress as a person.

List of mottos — This is a list of mottos of organisations, institutions, municipalities and authorities.OrganizationsCultural, Philanthropic Scientific* Amsterdam Zoo: Natura Artis Magistra (Nature is the teacher of art) * Monarchist — Winston Churchill26.

Act Swansea’s motto thus served as a political and national identifier, acknowledging its place among the other Welsh universities in their native Welsh heritage, and indeed consolidating the unity of Welsh institutions as opposed to the rest of Great Britain.This is similar to other minority groups within larger countries. It is impossible There are no biblical or Classical references, which represents a rather strong departure from the conservative norm established by English and indeed Scottish universities. If you’re going through hell, keep going. — Anonymous 29. Making Mottos More Magnificent You can create your own mottos or adapt existing ones. Cambridge, indeed, rebelled by inventing its motto, yet by retaining the use of Latin simultaneously acknowledged its place in the conventional tradition.Whatever the origins of the mottos, what is clear is that Latin was considered the lingua franca – St Andrew’s choice to use Greek was the exception rather than the norm, yet also looked back at Classical antiquity. And get ready to choose a motto that will help you get close to your purpose and accelerate your growth in that direction.A motto uses few words to express — and remind you of — the person you want to be.The best mottos have deep personal significance because they highlight the virtues or characteristics most important to you. As you read through them, ask yourself how you want your personal life motto to make you feel — stronger, more confident, unshakeable, creative, more powerful?Use the following list of mottos to find some that make you feel more like yourself at your best.12.

When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of Algebra.

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