Both teams took heavy fire, Springer's squad were soon grounded by weight of numbers and the others got past the first wave of Ark defenses only to face a troupe of Prime demanded the Megatron let Springer go, however the Decepticon leader merely goaded his nemesis by glibly blasting Springer's head off at point blank range. The Wreckers are a sub-team of Autobots in the fictional Transformers universe, functioning essentially as a commando unit.
Somewhat battered, the Wreckers had little chance to fully take stock before Whirl delivered the news that reanimated Decepticons were on their way.
The Wreckers appeared exclusively in the UK portion of the The Wreckers split from the Autobot forces after the disappearance of Later on, during Shockwave's reign on Cybertron, the Wreckers whittled down to small but elite task force of Autobots dedicated to keeping the peace wherever (and however) necessary. Current members in Transformers Prime. Springer planted explosives, while sending Impactor to deliver the Obtenteum and aid the others. The initial roster of the Wreckers consisted of Impactor (the leader), Roadbuster, Whirl, Twin-Twist, Topspin and Rack'n'Ruin. Some Wreckers have the ability to combine to form a larger robot named Ruination.
As such many scavengers roamed the wilderness of the planet for resources to gather often assaulting travelling civilians. Bulkhead and Wheeljack were also members of the Wreckers, though early in the war, Bulkhead left his old team to join The Wreckers were assigned to scout a mine and were joined by an eager Smokescreen. Vehicons were moving rubble, trying to find the Autobot corpses. Or so it seemed, as they were suddenly attacked by The Wreckers made it back in time to find the newly technorganic planet was facing an all-out Quintesson invasion and they joined the army in fighting back. Kup and Guzzle failed to find the help they were looking for, but managed to save Springer and Impactor from death by torture. Convinced that their leader, Springer, was a goner, Whirl used Roadbuster's Pardoned after Garrus-9, Impactor continued to wreck with Guzzle.
Using mass displacement, Tarantulas grew to massive size, while shrinking the Tor itself down to pocket size so that he could safely transport the facility out of the collapsing Noisemaze.
The trio functioned better after this incident. Springer reported his superior officer to High Command, and Impactor was arrested under the Springer became the Wrecker leader after Impactor's arrest. As Springer's team faced down Overlord himself, the other Wreckers finished their mission by downloading Aequitas's data into Ironfist. During the early days of Cybertronian history the planet was divided into many warring city-states and kingdoms.
Autobot Information Sub-group(s) Autobots Function Commando Unit, War Unit Series Template:Ubl. Wheeljack is an Autobot Wrecker, like a brother to Bulkhead and a semi-member of Team Prime. Action Fanfiction Transformers Prime Autobots Predacons Wreckers Beast Hunters Megatron stood amongst the rubble of the destroyed Autobot base. Blinded with rage Prime attacked leading Megatron to reveal that he had programmed The Wreckers' next foray into action came in the form of a raid. The origin of the group is unknown, and for the longest time their existence was no more than a rumor, even among the ranks of their fellow Autobots.
The Wreckers' exploits have been lionized in the eyes of the rank and file by their unofficial biographer, "Among the many adventures chronicled by Fisitron were the Wreckers' battles with The roster continued to evolve, as Hyperion stepped down for reasons unknown, and Impactor went on to become the team's longest serving member and leader. Prowl and Verity took the Obtenteum while the others battled Tarantulas. They took the fight to Cryotek, who successfully used the Divine Light to gain access to Primus' power; luckily, his first act of demigodhood was to accidentally merge Apelinq and Primal Prime into The battle over, they mourned their lost comrades and went their separate ways in a new, peacetime Cybertron. After the end of the war, the Maximal High Council called the Wreckers back into service to protect the fragile peace that existed between Maximal and Predacon. Tarantulas forgot his vengeance and instead climbed into the pit to reunite with his child. Impactor revealed it was not Prowl who pushed Tarantulas into the Noisemaze all those years ago, but Impactor himself. Ultra Magnus (leader) Springer; Bulkhead (left Wreckers to join Team Prime, later rejoined when the Wreckers … Target:2006 Both Roadbuster and Whirl appear to be absent from the team later on.
Transformers: Prime. Transformers: The Wreckers is a comic book series published by 3H Productions.Originally intended as an ongoing series when it debuted at BotCon 2001, a variety of factors subsequently saw it put on hiatus, retooled into a mini-series named Transformers: Universe featuring The Wreckers, and then cancelled before ever finishing its story.. Set around the timeframe of the Beast Machines …
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