And 5.4.2 has provision for interview/ viva voce.”. q�Nnn}wt{�۝�p��e��"�^��Q ��������T����VJ�ҙ��V��*�E=�ڏ������#i�o`��� �I����:�;? 4.1 M.Phil. Vs LAL KRISHNA ADWANI AND OTHERS-30/09/2020, Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019 inserted sec 134A of “Protection of good Samaritans”, मोदी ने नमामि गंगे मिशन के अंतर्गत उत्तराखंड में 6 बड़ी परियोजनाओं का उद्घाटन किया।, तलाकशुदा बेटियों के लिए पारिवारिक पेंशन नियमों में ढील दे दी गई है, भारत, डेनमार्क ने बौद्धिक संपदा सहयोग संबंधी समझौता पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर किए, आयुष मंत्रालय ने कार्य स्थल पर ‘योग हेतु अवकाश’(योग ब्रेक) की शुरुआत की, हाइड्रोजन ईंधन आधारित वाहनों के सुरक्षा मूल्यांकन के मानक अधिसूचित किए गए, रबी फसलों के न्‍यूनतम समर्थन मूल्‍यों (एमएसपी) में वृद्धि, List of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe and OBCs in West Bengal, Solved Objective question[MCQ] paper for Preliminary Exam: Higher Judicial Service 2020- 1st Set, Bengali to English Translation [বাংলা থেকে ইংরেজি তে অনুবাদ]. The UGC 2016 regulation’s impact entire universities and others institutions but the strong voice raised against this draconian regulation by few universities like JNU and Jadvapur University. UGC Minimum Qualifications required for the Appointment and Career Advancement of Teachers in Universities and Institutions Affiliated to it (Second Amendment Regulations, 2006). Degree shall be eligible to proceed to do Reading experience of Ad Free Version, Petition Copies, Judgement/Order Copies. x��]i��q>H �EGf���\�;�} ��@@X��,�8z�!�Ɔ�9�dq�H�C~`>�����z��W>��;3�UW=�Tu�凍���_���k7��O=J�77?�w�t��Q5��n��/��|xƍ�����H�1omz,7R�1�� For example almost all states boards in India; mandate the medium of education in their local language rather than English. scholar will however give due credit to the parent guide and the institution for the part of research Article 38(2) stated that “ The State shall, in particular, strive to minimise the inequalities in income, and endeavour to eliminate inequalities in status, facilities and opportunities, and not only amongst individuals but also amongst groups of peoples residing in different areas or engaged in different vocations. the report of the latest examiner is also unsatisfactory, the dissertation/ thesis shall be rejected and the Revised Guidelines for Grant of Study Leave for University and College teachers. An Associate Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of two (2) M.Phil and six (6) Ph.D. scholars and an Assistant Professor as Research Supervisor can guide up to a maximum of one (1) M.Phil and four (4) Ph.D. scholars. Very few universities, if any, concede such rights to students and we, as faculty are privileged to learn from our students how to make our university an inclusive, equal and dignified experience. programme. progress reports shall be submitted by the Research Advisory Committee to the Institution/College with programme on or after July 11, 2009 till the date of Notification of these Regulations shall be governed by the provisions of the UGC (Minimum Standards and procedure for Awards of M.Phil/Ph.D Degree) Regulation, 2009. Treatment of Ph.D / M.Phil. UGC (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. On the contrary, the 2016 Regulation mention that the national level reservation policy will applicable in the admission process but the question arise on the intention of the State that neither the vacancies of Faculty fulfil nor the seats available for the research then how can the object of CEI Act 2006 will be fulfil? Degree, regulation 2009. It’s a support for truth and fairness in journalism. [SC 2018 JANUARY], US Presidential Executive Order on Protecting Vulnerable Newborn and Infant Children-25/09/2020-, India-SL Joint Statement on Virtual Bilateral Summit-26/09/2020, IT Department launched Faceless Income Tax Appeals, BAHRAIN, EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA AND UNITED ARAB EMIRATES v. QATAR-ICJ 14/07/2020, Supreme Court of Pakistan Quashed Reference filed by President of Pakistan against Justice Qazi Faez Isa-19/06/2020, Aspen Underwriting Ltd and ors vs Credit Europe Bank NV- 01/04/2020, Vijay Mallya -v- Government of India- High Court Of Justice QB- 20/04/2020, Sandeep & Reena Mander -v- Royal borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, Adopt Berkshire – 6/12/2019, Schulze Allen v Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons – 1/7/2019, R (on the prosecution of Wolverhampton City Council) -v- Cushman & Wakefield Debenham Tie Leung Limited – 2nd July 2019, Legisprudence-A New Theoretical Approach to Legislation Luc J.Wintgens(ed), Can God and Caesar Coexist, Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law-Robert F. Drinan, Repugnant Laws: Judicial Review of Acts of Congress from the Founding to the Present-Keith Whittington, Prosecution fails to explain injuries of accused, this lacuna entitles to bail-Allahabad HC-3/9/2020, Religious freedom is not absolute- Govt can ban Qurbani under COVID lockdown-Allahabad HC-29/7/2020, Gravity of offence is not relevant consideration for refusing bail to the juvenile- Allahabad HC-07/08/2020, List of Multilateral Treaties deposited with UNO, Portuguese Rule of Proceedings in International Arbitration, International Bar Association: Rules on Taking of Evidence in International Commercial Arbitration, RUSSIAN FEDERAL LAW ON CIRCULATION OF MEDICINES, To define the dollar as a fixed weight of gold’- A Bill Introduced in US Congress – 03/22/2018, UN Guidelines for gender-inclusive language in English, Excepting Administrative Law Judges From the Competitive Service in USA, Control and prohibition of Cannabis and Cannabis-Related Substances, United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2018, Riyadh Agreement-2013 and 2014: Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and UAE, When the privileges and immunities of consular officers begin and end, Pakistan People`s party and the context of the Pakistani politics 1996-1992, Nelson Mandela’s Statement before Pretoria Supreme Court : On Freedom 1965, Three Sources & Three Component Parts of Marxism : V. I. Lenin- 1913, Divisions of Learning and Faculties of the Mind- Francis Bacon, RELATION OF THE CHURCH TO NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS-POPE PAUL VI, Progress of medical education in the United States after the Civil War, Md Iqbal’s Presidential Address to the 25th Session of All-India Muslim League Allahabad- 29/12/1930, Précis of property law- Lafond Pierre Claude, Histories of Global Inequality-Christian Olaf Christiansen, Steven L B Jensen, CYBERCRIME, ORGANIZED CRIME, AND SOCIETAL RESPONSES: INTERNATIONAL APPROACHES-Emilio C. Viano (editor), COMPARATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEMS-Harry R. Dammer and Jay S. Albanese.

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