Please congratulate the following drivers on raising the bar and bringing the speed last weekend! Insider's Guide to Palmer. Founder's Notes. NEW TRACK RECORDS. Thank you! However, there does seem to be a case of apexitis in many turns, where the car is kept out away from the inside of the turn more than necessary in order to swing in for the late apex. Featuring 2.3 miles of twisty asphalt and an incredible 509 feet of elevation change, the track is an absolute rollercoaster. For many turns, such as 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 13, the calculated optimal line is more symmetric around the turn, hugging the inside barrier more closely. For example, the first row of the first column is the time for the Miata driven on its own line. You can help complete the article by suggesting a resource or video. Her father-in-law, Robert Introne Jr., served as the Chairman of the club’s national Board of Directors; her husband, Steve Introne, has raced for over twenty years across the country in Autocross and Road Racing, competing at multiple National Championship events for both; and her three children attend races and are already volunteering at region events. Otherwise, Al has not done his job very well. It is expected that when a vehicle is driven on its own line (large font) the lap time will be the quickest. (You can unsubscribe anytime). She holds a National Flagging & Communication license, and has served as Crew Chief for her husband’s Autocross and SRF3 racecars. Thank you! A true test of driving skill, Palmer Motorsports Park was carved from a mountain of Whiskey Hill granite. COVID NOTICE TO ALL ATTENDEES Select your race group, then view or download the final Timing and Scoring results as PDF files. This track is currently map only. There were quite a few new track records set this weekend. Each column represents a vehicle driven on different racing lines. Articles appearing on this website may be reprinted without written consent provided credit is given to the author, the publication, and the New England Region, SCCA Inc. A 21-year SCCA member, Melissa Introne is the current Pit Talk Editor. You can help complete the article by suggesting a resource or video. Palmer Motorsports Park. Track Information On a mountain side in central Mass Pioneer Valley is Palmer Motorsports Park's Whiskey Hill Raceway » 2.3 miles x 40’ wide » 190’ of vertical elevation » 14-turns, bidirectional » Latex polymer asphalt » Race control & timing » LED lights & cameras » Private member access 2020 Northeast Division Race Schedule Announced, 2020 Rally Schedules Released – RallyX, RallySprint, Road Rally, SCCA 2020 Schedules: Pro Solo, Super Tour, Majors, Time Trials, 2019 Runoffs: 56th Annual Road Racing Championship, Nine 2019 DirtFish RallyCross National Champions Crowned, Tire Rack Time Trials Nationals Wraps on Sunday, RESULTS: 2018 RAL-Pig Roast @ Palmer Motorsports Park, Grp 1 - SM / ITB-C / T3-4 / ITEZ / SM5 / SSM / SSMX, Grp 2 - SRF / SRF3 / EVSR / SPU / E-F-HP,GTL, Grp 3 - GT1-2-3 / SPO / AS / T1-2 / ITE-R-S / STU, Grp 5 - FV /F5 / FST / F6 / FVCC / FF / NCF, RESULTS: NERRC Championship Finale – TSMP, 2020 Runoffs: 57th Road Racing National Championships, Cooler Temps Lead to 10 New Track Records at PMP, RESULTS: NERRC #4 – Palmer Pig Roast Weekend. TEST-DRIVE CLUB MEMBERSHIP : Whiskey Hill Track News . This track is currently map only. A nice video from Ran Savenor showing the apexes at Palmer. FV: Nicholas Galuardi – 1:48.678 ITA: Stephen Pope – 1:49.390 ITB: Nat Wentworth – 1:51.964 ITE: Glenn Kurkjian – 1:41.737 SRF3: Steve Introne – 1:42.560 She has a multi-generational family history with ties to the club. Pit Talk, the official publication of New England Region, SCCA Inc., is published online and available free of charge to all members of the Region. Articles and advertising do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of either the New England Region, SCCA Inc., the National Organization of Sports Car Club of America, Inc. or the editors of Pit Talk. The second row represents the Miata driven on the Porsche's racing line, and so on. A nice video from Ran Savenor showing the apexes at Palmer. Featuring 2.3 miles of twisty asphalt and an incredible 190 feet of elevation change, the track is an absolute rollercoaster and a blast to drive. Please congratulate the following drivers on raising the bar and bringing the speed last weekend! Example: Yes, I would like to receive emails from Pit Talk. Double click or press Esc to exit full screen. There were quite a few new track records set this weekend. Official results from all Qualifying and Race events from this weekend are now available. The Racing Line at Palmer Motorsports Park. A true test of driving skill, Palmer Motorsports Park was carved from a mountain of Whiskey Hill granite.

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