The Forestry Commission controls vast tracts of hill land yet there is concern that it is an unaccountable quango. In some unaccountable manner they had not heard of the fighting above. N Sch [Idea u Grosser;hayn ' Konl Ra eburg "a.a Battle of ° Leipzig c8t3 to one of his unaccountable attacks of apparent intellectual paralysis. Rosanna had returned to the house in a very unaccountable state of mind. Moreover, among the Jewish families settled in the 5th century B.C. On the latter occasion he would have won a signal victory but for the unaccountable remissness of his second-in-command, Admiral Liljehorn. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. At law, they remain substantially unaccountable to any other creditor for the way in which a company 's assets are dealt with. Not only are unaccountable decisions taken, but even discussion of these decisions is apparently rendered unnecessary. Surrendering such sovereignty to un-elected and unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels is not an option I could ever support. 2. The European Union is run by an unaccountable coterie of corrupt bureaucrats. Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words? How to use unaccountable in a sentence. Gradgrind never could make o These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'unaccountable.' Accessed 28 Sep. 2020. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Such people are completely unaccountable to the local people whom they are supposed to serve. It is unaccountable how so many of these animals should die in the stables. Freedom in the sense of complete liberty of choice would seem to lead to the conclusion that free agents are irresponsible, unaccountable. unaccountable financial elite has quietly seized power. They do not represent the opinions of For some unaccountable reason , he arrived a day early. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact: Meaning: adj. unexplainable; mysterious. 14.1), who never deviates without reason from the topographical order of his narrative, mentions the Enneacrunus in the midst of his description of certain buildings which were undoubtedly in the region of the Agora, and unless he is guilty of an unaccountable digression the Enneacrunus which he saw must have lain west of the Acropolis. 43+4 sentence examples: 1. 3. All Rights Reserved. N Sch [Idea u Grosser;hayn ' Konl Ra eburg "a.a Battle of ° Leipzig c8t3 to one of his unaccountable attacks of apparent intellectual paralysis. 20. The media, they think, have become unaccountable, over powerful and careless about accuracy. He had offered no obstacle in 1704 to a match proposed for Stella to Dr William Tisdall of Dublin, and, with his evident delight in the society of the dark-haired, brighteyed, witty beauty - a model, if we may take his word, of all that woman should be - it seemed unaccountable that he did not secure it to himself by the expedient of matrimony. A quite unaccountable tragedy left this fine gentleman bereft of his good humor. 4. By contrast, government welfare is impersonal, uncaring, Election integrity activists and individual voters who filed the lawsuit say Georgia's voting machines are. 3. I have an unaccountable dislike to my dentist. At law, they remain substantially unaccountable to any other creditor for the way in which a company's assets are dealt with. However these men remained invisible and largely unaccountable for their behavior. By some unaccountable accident, the date of the original communication to the Academy of Berlin is wrongly printed. Both the parliament and executive contain Scots who are absolutely and totally democratically unaccountable to the people whose lives they blight. 43+4 sentence examples: 1. Thus what remains to be seen is whether agility can out-do the brute force of powerful unaccountable institutions. Sentences Containing 'unaccountable' When Mr. Wood and Henry fell in the water, they struck out for shore, which was only a few hundred yards away; but Henry presently said he believed he was not hurt -LRB- what an unaccountable error!-RRB- “Unaccountable.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, My intervention is totally unaccountable in the world of beetles. The party constitution is rewritten to make the leadership more thoroughly unaccountable to party members. For some unaccountable reason we all started to recite a few lines of poetry. By some unaccountable accident, the date of the original communication to the Academy of Berlin is wrongly printed. 2. Not so, for some unaccountable reason Bloggy decides to room with Kevin who then proceeds to snore all night like an asthmatic camel. Moreover, even in the passages where the agreement with Polybius is most apparent, there are so many discrepancies and divergencies in detail, and so many unaccountable omissions and additions, as to render it inconceivable that he had the text of Polybius before him. See the full definition for unaccountable in the English Language Learners Dictionary, More from Merriam-Webster on unaccountable, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for unaccountable, Nglish: Translation of unaccountable for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of unaccountable for Arabic Speakers. Examples of Unaccountable in a sentence. Are We Entering 'Uncharted' or 'Unchartered' Waters. Fortunately the birds soon become tame in confinement, and a little patience will enable an attentive observer to satisfy himself as to the process, the result of which at first seems almost as unaccountable as that of a clever conjuring trick. unaccountable bureaucrats in Brussels is not an option I could ever support. 2. Election integrity activists and individual voters who filed the lawsuit say Georgia’s voting machines are. Definition of Unaccountable. 22) All of our economic life is to be decided by an unelected, 23) That is not democracy or power to the people - it is all power to an autarchy of, 24) Doctors have more control over the treatment received by their patients but remain largely, 25) They are appointed by foreign governments, and once appointed,(, 26) Herein lies the danger: that power will lurk, unspecified and, 27) I had never believed in ghosts but what I had seen was, 28) This, as has been said, is particularly true of the moves to set up an, 29) Without these skills, we risk creating a new tier of unregulated and, 30) This is the heady sensation that most travelers relish, the freedom that comes from feeling unaccounted for and, 4) When Knight became leader, the council was run by a clique of officers largely.

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