The American Topical Association is an affiliate of the The ATA offers a variety of member services to Topical Collectors so they may enjoy the hobby of Topical

The stylized design of the stamp is undoubtedly either based or emulates a 16th century woodcut. American Topical Ass'n PO Box 2143 Greer, SC 29652-2143 USA. information for the handbooks have been researched and collated in some cases by members of some of the Topical Study units. So, most advanced collectors have elected instead to collect stamps dealing with particular topics or themes of interest to them. The picture below is of the ATA table at New York 2016 World Stamp Show Exhibition which was held at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. It was established in 1949 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by Jerome (Jerry) Husak. The picture below is of the ATA table at New York 2016 World Stamp Show Exhibition which was held at the Javits Convention Center in New York City.

Webmaster: Telephone / Fax: 618-985-5100 More recently he has done some work on the American craft brewing industry in the southeastern United States and also on home brewing. Interestingly, since by law the USPS must pay for itself, the United States is also considered by Slemrod (2008) to be a stamp pandering nation! information is then made available in printed or digital form by the ATA. I collected (affordable) stamps from all over the world and I suspect that many budding geographers and historians did the same thing, learning a lot about the history, landscapes and culture of the places in the process.But what about beer as the subject matter on stamps of the world? I have a confession to make. Telephone / Fax: 618-985-5100 For this guest blog I want to combine my admiration for beer, its component ingredients, production and consumption, with my stamp collecting hobby. The American Topical Association is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. But, we’ve never pandered enough to celebrate beer on a non-revenue stamp—yet.Two of the entities that have issued beer-related stamps are not really sovereign countries recognized by the larger world community or supranational organizations such as the United Nations. Sidney, OH: Amos Media, 709-13.This blog entry was written by guest blogger. I knew I had some, and

The highest denomination beer revenue stamps were placed on the 64 gallon hogshead size (i.e., a double barrel). Most advanced collectors realize that trying to collect all stamps issued is impossible and even those issued solely by a particular country of interest would be quite difficult. The organization runs the National Topical Stamp Show as well as supporting 50+ study units …

ATA publishesTopical Time, its bimonthly journal. Tom is Professor Emeritus of Geography at the University of Tennessee.

What? Just like The Beer Professor himself, I too am a beer-loving philatelist. The Beer Professor collected stamps of the British Isles as a wee lad. ATA Checklist 63: Beer (Scott Stamp Catalogue. The American Topical Association is an affiliate of the The ATA offers a variety of member services to Topical Collectors so they may enjoy the hobby of Topical One of the best sources of information comes from proprietary data meticulously gathered and periodically updated by the American Topical Association (, an organization devoted to assisting the specialized stamp collector keep up with stamps issued on given topics or themes. They include two of the Bantustan enclaves within South Africa—Bophuthatswana and Transkei.So, while I can’t show all of the stamps related to beer or the production of its components (e.g., hops, malted barley, millet), I will try to show some stamps that illustrate the worldwide commemoration of beer.One that the ATA list missed (probably because beer is not clearly evident on the stamp) is one of my favorites—a 1947 Canadian stamp depicting the iconic “streamline moderne” shape of a Labatt’s beer delivery truck. That law specifies that beer shall be composed of only four ingredients—grain, yeast, hops and water. These themes could include (hound) dogs on stamps or even Elvis Presley on stamps (of which there are over 435 that have been issued worldwide by at least 55 different countries).The American Topical Association (ATA) data include 135 stamps issued with beer-related themes as a focus dating from 1866 to the last update this past year (September 30, 2018).

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