Neither bullets nor guns, just this big glass contraption and speed. "The Millennium Falcon Golfcart is more ambitious than anything we have built before, and we've built some crazy contraptions," Ballard said of the project, which will require a bigger budget than previous endeavors. 4. a device or control that is very useful for a particular job Pomeranz characterized a $150-billion plan to channel water from the Yangtze to parched Beijing and other fast-growing northern areas as a "big Rube Goldberg 28. Please report examples to be edited or not to be displayed. Examples are used only to help you translate the word or expression searched in various contexts. A seemingly real pack of gum was actually an empty box, concealing a "stick of gum " (a thin piece of cardboard with a spring-loaded snapping contraption).

It was the sound of a step on the gravel path, a step stealthy and light, a real sound and no contraption of the imagination. A Pseudo Random Number Generator from Chaos Verdant Art-Tech Contraption Descends Upon France.

She showed us a strange contraption that looked like a satellite dish. Does this contraption work? He lay there, a saline drip in his arm, his head tilted back and held in a vice-like 26.

Meaning of contraption with illustrations and photos.

One of them is in that 'wheeled contraption'. xontraption, dontraption, fontraption, vontraption, cintraption, ckntraption, clntraption, cpntraption, cobtraption, cohtraption, cojtraption, comtraption, conrraption, confraption, congraption, conyraption, conteaption, contdaption, contfaption, conttaption, contrqption, contrwption, contrsption, contrzption, contraotion, contraltion, contraprion, contrapfion, contrapgion, contrapyion, contraptuon, contraptjon, contraptkon, contraptoon, contraptiin, contraptikn, contraptiln, contraptipn, contraptiob, contraptioh, contraptioj, contraptiom

21. Another word for contraption. Definition of contraption in the Fine Dictionary. Translations in context of "contraption" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: This strange contraption is covered in electrodes... picking up the brain's activity. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English contraption con‧trap‧tion / kənˈtræpʃ ə n / noun [countable] MACHINE a piece of equipment or machinery that looks funny, strange, and unlikely to work well a bizarre contraption Examples from the Corpus contraption • It's a contraption … Whatever's that strange contraption you've got in the garage? (AP) Seven contraptions known as the Galloping Geese may be the most motley-looking machines -- and the most endearing -- ever to rattle down American railroad tracks.

41+2 sentence examples: 1. In another corner stood a singular looking contraption, not unlike a dynamo. Definition of contraption written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels. For some maps which are inherently periodic, this contraption becomes a natural choice to investigate their behaviour. "It's a sort of a contraption which will work itself," he said, Example sentences containing contraption Whether bringing up examples in class and having students talk through possible solutions, or having kids play as a means to opening conversations about more serious types of systems and problems, Contraption Maker is a great way to get kids talking and thinking, … I don't understand how this contraption operates. 3. 5. try its best to collect and build good sentences.29.

Below the contraption was a huge basket. "Astounding Stories of Super-Science February 1930" by This was in the school hall, and they dragged out a heavy box horse and a creaking 25. ‘The mechanised contraption rattled its way over the rolling hills.’ ‘The noisy contraption of an elevator stopped once it reached the bottom of the shaft.’ ‘Some of his contraptions do not have steering wheels and he still calls them ‘cars’.’ ‘No longer the wooden contraptions of yore, they … Otherwise it starts to look like a contraption, and its effectiveness is highly suspect. There are plenty of modern contraptions on the ranch that make our work easier and, mostly, I'm glad to have them. High quality example sentences with “the contraption which” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English They approached a blank stone wall and the lad touched certain buttons upon the 23. With that contraption yuh've got there?

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