It was Britain's declaration of war that needlessly turned a continental conflict into a world war, and it was Britain's economic mismanagement and military inferiority that necessitated American involvement, forever altering the global balance of power." Niall Ferguson is Fellow and Tutor in Modern History at Jesus College, Ox Ford. Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?
The House of Rothschilds and Basic s own The Pity of War. More British soldiers were killed in the first day of the Battle of the Somme than Americans in the Vietnam War; indeed, the total British fatalities in that single battlesome 420,000exceeds the entire American fatalities for both World Wars. Above all, why did men fight?" "In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson explodes the myths of 1914-18. Why did it continue? Britain, according to Ferguson, entered into war based on nave assumptions of German aimsand Englands entry into the war transformed a Continental conflict into a world war, which they then badly mishandled, necessitating American involvement. How did the Germans manage to kill more soldiers than they lost but still end up defeated in November 1918? And why did it stop? And yet, as Ferguson writes, while the war itself was a disastrous folly, the great majority of men who fought it did so with enthusiasm.Ferguson vividly brings back to life this terrifying period, not through dry citation of chronological chapter and verse but through a series of brilliant chapters focusing on key ways in which we now view the First World War. "In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson explodes the myths of 1914-18. From a bestselling historian, a daringly revisionist history of World War I The Pity of War makes a simple and provocative argument: the human atrocity known as the Great War was entirely England's fault.According to Niall Ferguson, England entered into war based on naive assumptions of German aims, thereby transforming a Continental conflict into a world war, which it then badly … He argues that the fatal conflict between Britain and Germany was far from inevitable. As such it is immensely readable, well researched, and controversial. May 25, 2006, Penguin Books Ltd Why did it continue? How did the Germans manage to kill more soldiers than they lost but still end up defeated in November 1918? --BOOK JACKET. --BOOK JACKET. He argues that the fatal conflict between Britain and Germany was far from inevitable. Why did it continue? Above all, why did men fight?"
"In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson explodes the myths of 1914-18. Britain, according to Ferguson, entered into war based on nave assumptions of German aimsand Englands...In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson makes a simple and provocative argument that the human atrocity known as the Great War was entirely Englands fault. The Pity of War: Explaining World War I Book author Niall Ferguson ISBN 9780465057122 Published Mar 28, 2000 Language English Format PDF, FB2, EPUB, MOBI Pages 608 File size (in PDF… He argues that the fatal conflict between Britain and Germany was far from inevitable. Britain, according to Ferguson, entered into war based on naïve assumptions of German aims?and England's entry into the war transformed a Continental conflict into a world war, which they then badly mishandled, necessitating American involvement. You may not end up agreeing with all of Ferguson's arguments, but that should not deter you from reading it. He writes regularly for the Times Literary Supplement, and lives in Oxford. In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson makes a simple and provocative argument that the human atrocity known as the Great War was entirely Englands fault. "In The Pity of War, Niall Ferguson explodes the myths of 1914-18. --BOOK JACKET. More British soldiers were killed in the first day of the Battle of the Somme than Americans in the Vietnam War; indeed, the total British fatalities in that single battlesome 420,000exceeds the entire American fatalities for both World Wars. The war was not inevitable, Ferguson argues, but rather the result of the mistaken decisions of individuals who would later claim to have been in the grip of huge impersonal forces.That the war was wicked, horrific, inhuman,is memorialized in part by the poetry of men like Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon, but also by cold statistics.
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