Voter suppression, controlling the press, and nepotism limit the rights of citizens. Judgments on Poland and Hungary are premature. This quotation from Benda appears as the epigraph of Anne Applebaum’s Applebaum argues that there is no single recipe for democratic collapse, but the book runs through a few likely ingredients. In Poland and Hungary, democracy is younger than MTV and rap music. Congress, the White House, the justice system, the media - they're all lying to you. Twilight of Democracy is a timely warning to anyone who might be tiring of its “cacophony and chaos” and looking for some sort of authoritarian counter-revolution of their own—or, at the very least, be willing to defend authoritarianism only because they fear something else that they wrongly consider to be just as bad. And how did they come to believe that those things were preferable? That’s all I can think of.“Trump’s penchant for conspiracy theories”, but not the penchant of his foes for conspiracy theories?What conspiracy theories has Trump touted, at anywhere near the decibel level hurled by the Dems/ MSM, about Collusion with Russian Hacking?“only the anti-democratic clercs commonly associated with the nationalist or populist right… have managed to actually get into government.Were Clinesmith, Comey, Page, Strzok etc.

I don’t understand this point, so forgive me if I speculate you are attacking Ivanka Trump, rather than Hunter Biden.

NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to the author about her book: The writer Anne Applebaum has been thinking about the ways the world has changed over the last 20 years. Jul 21, 2020 | ISBN 9780385545815 I was not left convinced that the collapse of democracy in the UK and US is inevitable.Applebaum concludes by noting that liberal democracies demand effort and participation from their citizens, as well as a tolerance for “cacophony and chaos.” This last point is critical—particularly in such a cacophonous and chaotic year as this one. In Poland, it was the theory that a plane crash that killed a previous president of the country had been secretly caused - it's sort of not even clear why - either by the Russians or by the Polish government at the time.And if you think about it, you know, in both cases, what were these conspiracy theories telling people? So the book is partly about them.INSKEEP: You mentioned that a lot of these people are intellectuals and that it's actually important that some people who have the skills of intellectuals change their views this way.APPLEBAUM: Absolutely. Applebaum doesn’t offer a direct answer, and the series of individual people and incidents she describes don’t really form a cohesive whole. NPR's Steve Inskeep talks to the author about her book: Twilight of Democracy: The Seductive Lure of Authoritarianism. Namely, they require all of us to allow our political enemies to rule, you know? That constituted a win-win – Putin prevailed in all instances, while his people tired of institutions that ostentatiously were not delivering checks and balances on executive power. But I do think that Republicans who believe they are Democrats and who care about the future of American political institutions have an obligation to vote against Trump and to renew and restore their party after he's gone.INSKEEP: What is the connection between authoritarianism and paranoia or conspiracy theorizing?APPLEBAUM: So in the book, I talk a lot about conspiracy theories because it was the creation of a conspiracy theory that originally brought both the Law and Justice Party in Poland to power as well as Donald Trump. Anne Applebaum considers ways the world has changed over the last 20 years. . “Paying no price for telling easily exposable untruths is an effective way to display one’s power and impunity.”The imitator resents the imitated. He knew that everyone knew he was lying. That doesn't mean it has to fail, but it means that it can.INSKEEP: Anne Applebaum is the author of "Twilight Of Democracy: The Seductive Lure Of Authoritarianism." Jul 21, 2020 | ISBN 9780385545808
Look at Brazil. They hate his guts and will freely lie just to make him look bad. So while I was watching this happen in Poland, there was a very similar process going on in Hungary. Viktor Orbán in Hungary pretended to be a member of the family of nations with the EU, while undermining it at every turn. And it - certainly, in the 1990s, it felt to me like a wide coalition of exactly as you've just said, people who believe in democracy. And, you know, the question is, who are those people? Region: USA. Shaming Boris Johnson and other friends who shifted further right ... a personal survey of nationalisms, discussed alongside The Light That Failed by Ivan Krastev and Stephen HolmesApplebaum begins this engrossing account in her adopted Poland (she is married to a Polish former defence and foreign minister). The answer, she argues, may lie “in the depth of Ingraham’s despair”. “At that moment, when Poland was on the cusp of joining the west, it felt as if we were all on the same team. Even NPR?As to nepotism. This is a political book; it is also intensely personal, and the more powerful for it.She names and shames a number of friends. And in the case of Poland, it was, the president was murdered by his own government. Twilight of Democracy is a rather penetrating work of ethnography -- Trevor Phillips, The Times Advancing her arguments with eloquence and personal testimony, Applebaum passionately decries the corrosion of liberal, open-society values in the last three decades. Russia built Potemkin replicas of western institutions in order to undermine them.

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