It is quite clear from the documentary record that “President Roosevelt was aiming at United States hegemony in the postwar world,” to quote the assessment of diplomatic historian Geoffrey Warner. Each region of the Grand Area was assigned its ‘function’ within the global system. The war ended the Depression and US industrial capacity almost quadrupled, while rivals were decimated. The team that Obama dispatched to assassinate Osama bin Laden had already carried out perhaps a dozen similar missions in Pakistan.As these and many other developments illustrate, though America’s hegemony has declined, its ambition has not.Another common theme, at least among those who are not willfully blind, is that American decline is in no small measure self-inflicted. The US had long been by far the richest country in the world. The fiscal challenge is long term, not immediate.” Very significantly, he adds: “The astonishing feature of the federal fiscal position is that revenues are forecast to be a mere 14.4 percent of GDP in 2011, far below their postwar average of close to 18 percent. Please enable the javascript to submit this form What remains of political democracy has been undermined further as both parties have turned to auctioning congressional leadership positions. The phrase is interesting: one can only ‘lose’ what one possesses.

In the US, they are subject to “growing worker insecurity,” the basis for a healthy economy, as Federal Reserve chair Alan Greenspan explained to Congress while lauding his performance in economic management. But for now, it is the crisis of unemployment that is the gravest concern.The final ‘compromise’ on the crisis — more accurately, a capitulation to the far right — is the opposite of what the public wants throughout, and is almost certain to lead to slower growth and long-term harm to all but the rich and corporations, which are enjoying record profits.

The US is able to borrow on easy terms, with yields on 10-year bonds close to 3 percent, as the few non-hysterics predicted. The deficit crisis is largely manufactured as a weapon to destroy hated social programs on which a large part of the population relies. Off the agenda for similar reasons are other economically sensible options, such as a small financial transactions tax.Meanwhile, new gifts are regularly lavished on Wall Street. The comic opera in Washington this summer, which disgusts the country (a large majority think that Congress should just be disbanded) and bewilders the world, has few analogues in the annals of parliamentary democracy.

Synthesis, part of Special Feature on Pollinator Decline Causes and Extent of Declines among Native North American Invertebrate Pollinators: Detection, Evidence, and Consequences James H. Cane and Vincent J. Tepedino Shortly after, Southeast Asia began to fall out of control, leading to Washington’s horrendous Indochina wars and the huge massacres in Indonesia in 1965 as US dominance was restored. Post WWII planning recognized that control of the incomparable energy reserves of the Middle East would yield “substantial control of the world,” in the words of the influential Roosevelt advisor A.A. Berle. A large majority of the population favor addressing the deficit by taxing the very rich (72% for, 21% opposed). Then there are the ‘non-rich,’ the vast majority, now sometimes called the global precariat, the workforce living a precarious existence. The resulting concentration of wealth yielded greater political power, accelerating a vicious cycle that has led to extraordinary wealth for a tenth of one percent of the population, mainly CEOs of major corporations, hedge fund managers, and the like, while for the large majority real incomes have virtually stagnated.In parallel, the cost of elections skyrocketed, driving both parties even deeper into corporate pockets. This non-American cannot understand what the fuss is about: in 1988, at the end of Ronald Reagan’s term, receipts were 18.2 percent of GDP. As the Nixon administration was planning the destruction of Chilean democracy, and the installation of a US-backed Pinochet dictatorship — the National Security Council warned that if the US could not control Latin America, it could not expect “to achieve a successful order elsewhere in the world.”But far more serious would be moves towards independence in the Middle East. US soldiers gather near a destroyed vehicle and protect their faces from rotor wash, as their wounded comrades are airlifted by a Medevac helicopter. Cutting health programs is opposed by overwhelming majorities (69% Medicaid, 79% Medicare).

Meanwhile, subversion and massive violence continued elsewhere in the effort to maintain what is called 'stability,' meaning conformity to US demands.But decline was inevitable, as the industrial world reconstructed and decolonization pursued its agonizing course. Not surprisingly, the first few steps in Egypt’s foreign policy after ousting Mubarak have been strongly opposed by the US and its Israeli client.While longstanding US policies remain stable, with tactical adjustments, under Obama there have been some significant changes. Now as large as Canada’s entire military, these forces are, in effect, a private army of the president, a matter discussed in detail by American investigative journalist Nick Turse on the website Tomdispatch. There has been a debate between declinists, who believe America is in decline, and exceptionalists, who feel America stands for the ages to come. Similarly, they reasoned, it would be necessary to maintain “the defense industrial base,” a euphemism for advanced industry, highly reliant on government subsidy and initiative.

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