Just What Every Toddler Needs to go With Those Heels: Skinny Jeans! If you listen regularly and like what you hear, please consider supporting it by becoming a member of KPFK, or renewing if you're already a member. FACEBOOK PAGE FOR NEWS All rights reserved. Check out KPFK radio‘s Feminist Magazine interview yesterday with  Young Feminist Speak Out: Los Angeles organizer Morgane Richardson of Refuse the Silence, panelist Myra Duran and my co-moderator, student organizer Miranda Petersen. Feminist Magazine is the weekly Southern California radio show with intersectional feminist perspectives. LISTEN TO US LIVE ON KPFK Highlighting art & culture, and amplifying often unheard voices – women of color, indigenous women, women working for change, and women challenging the status quo – speaking truth to power. Join us each week to hear brilliant diverse feminists who are organizing, making change & kicking ass! Nightscapes or Due Diligence. is a digital archive of feminist activism in Canada from the 1970s to the 1990s. Feminist Magazine on KPFK is the weekly Southern California radio show of news, views, politics and culture with an intersectional feminist perspective. Feminist Magazine - Tuesday, February 12, 2019, Feminist Magazine - Tuesday, February 5, 2019, Feminist Magazine - Tuesday, January 29, 2019, Feminist Magazine - Tuesday, January 22, 2019, Feminist Magazine - Tuesday, January 15, 2019. Follow @FemMagKPFK THIS is What Feminism Can Sound Like! On Wednesday, March 16, 2011 I joined Feminist Frequency‘s Anita Sarkeesian on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine in Los Angeles with host Lynn Harris Ballen. On Wednesday, March 16, 2011 I joined Feminist Frequency‘s Anita Sarkeesian on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine in Los Angeles with host Lynn Harris Ballen. LISTEN TO PAST SHOWS Archives For more, join us on December 1 at 6:30pm and the rest of our panelists: Yashar Ali, Kalil Cohen, Jacqueline Sun and Shira Tarrant. Please remember that all the programs you see here are supported by listeners to KPFK. 04: FM May 5: COVID-19 Pandemic Capitalism and Bonds (0) April 2020 (2) Detailed Monthly Archive. Anita discussed critical media literacy and vlogging as a viable way to bring feminist and gender critiques to audiences outside academia in a way that makes them, not only more accessible, but more relatable. KPFK Public Radio - Online Archives ... We are Listener Sponsored! !function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0],p=/^http:/.test(d.location)? Grassroots to Global, stories you hear nowhere else, from all kinds of kickass feminists making change. Anita Sarkeesian and Melanie Klein on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine. Don’t forget to RSVP to the event here. Tune in at 32:30– we barely scratched the surface. 2020 Election and Beyond with Sonali and Mitch. LISTEN TO US LIVE ON KPFK Listen TUESDAY afternoons from 2PM to 3PM PST Westwood One Podcast Network / Dan Bongino, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Annie Leonard will tell you. Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. STREAMING live worldwide on KPFK.org. Tune in via your platform of choice: RADIO, LIVESTREAM or PODCAST LISTEN TO THIS WEEK'S SHOW. Grassroots to Global, stories you hear nowhere else, from all kinds of kickass feminists making change. Hear us Live every Tuesday from 2:00 to 3:00 pm PT 90.7 FM Los Angeles 98.7 FM, Santa Barbara, 99.5 FM Ridgecrest/China Lake & 93.7 FM San Diego.. Read our Women’s Coalition Declaration here. 21: FM April 21: Earth Day / Indigenous Climate Justice / Homeless during COVID-19 (0) 12: FM April 14 : Sheltering in Place & Vulnerable / Coronavirus (0) March 2020 (4) Detailed Monthly Archive Giving you the music to make you think, feel, expand your dreams, reach for the stars and grow your mind. 4:00am. RADIO on KPFK 90.7 FM. LA 2011, the second annual WAM-It-Yourself event in Los Angeles, hosted at Santa Monica College. Feminist Magazine being one of my favorite shows, I also enjoy listening to Connect the Dots and Uprising. I wish it was updated more often but I'll take what I can get. Feminist Magazine being one of my favorite shows, I also enjoy listening to Connect the … FM WOMEN’S COALITION Tune in for Anita’s engaging discussion and details on next week’s line-up of presenters from visual artist Daena Title, the editors of Ms. Magazine discussing the first year of the Ms. Magazine blog to body image activist, Claire Mysko, author of Does This Pregnancy Make Me Look Fat?, to Anita herself plus many more. | Powered by. In commemoration of 2020 Pride Month, Independent Radio KPFK 90.7 FM and THE BLUNT POST with VIC have partnered with the Stonewall Democratic Club, the nation’s oldest LGBTQ+ and feminist political group, advocating for progressive issues since 1975. Feminist Magazine on KPFK is the weekly Southern California radio show of news, views, politics and culture with an intersectional feminist perspective. I love this show, it is so enlightening in so many ways. I live in Los Angeles and once I discovered KPFK I've never looked back, and never will. Talking Men + Feminism on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine, hosts Christene Kings, Susan Kraker and Denise Zepeda, Melanie Klein, Pia Guerrero and Hugo Schwyzer on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine, Feminist Frequency + Feminist Fatale on KPFK’s Feminist Magazine, This Is What (Young) Feminists Sound Like. MISSION Join Sonali Kolhatkar host of "Rising Up with Sonali" and Mitch Jeserich host of "Letters and Politics" for a conversation on the upcoming elections.

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