to the United Nations Security Council from See: Acosta Forced to Resign in Disgrace—Why and how was he ever appointed? Once filmed in a compromising tryst with underage girls, any government leader or elected representative can be coerced to follow the dictates of, say, the Mossad. Added a quote: US Hero Judge Anna Von Reitz: Everyone clamoring for immediate relief and restitution must remember that this System has functioned on a “need to know” basis, often falsely claiming that these criminal activities were issues of “National Security” — without, however, explaining which “nation” and whose actual “security” was the cause of concern. A VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT: Donald Trump is NOT who we thought he was. What’s quite interesting is that the ongoing Q narrative, a highly sophisticated psyop of epic proportions (read CIA black operation), has always presented President Trump as the savior of the sexually abused, trafficked and exploited children. [8], The United States Congress in its oversight capacity has issued multiple reports on fusion centers in the United States. Summary . (EPSTEINgate: Mainstream Media poised to pounce on Trump for Acosta appointment) After all, there is simply no excuse or explanation whatsoever for putting the fox in charge of the hen-house as Trump did with Acosta at Labor. … National Infusion Center Association (NICA) is a nonprofit advocacy organization working to provide a national voice for office-based Infusion Centers across disease specialties in the interest of improving patient access to high-quality, cost-effective care. Powered by WordPress. Source: Deep State goes after President Trump. A fusion center is a collaborative effort between law enforcement agencies to share resources, expertise, and information in order to detect criminal and terrorist activity. See: Did Acosta just reveal claims of Epstein being an ‘Intelligence Asset’? FacebookTwitter The federal government recognizes these designations and has a shared responsibility with state and local governments to support the national network of fusion centers. They sabotage and refuse to provide me with my disability pension although a medical examination confirmed that I became disabled after the Jewish Nazi Organized Crime Syndicate, which is also known in the USA as the Khazarian Jewish Mafia, sent in June 2012 an assassin, Alfonso Reyes, to attack me and ещ injured me. The NFCA hosts an annual training event in Alexandria Virginia. Over 700+ fusion center employees, federal and local partners come together to share innovative ideas and business practices for the purpose of enhancing fusion center capabilities and the National Network’s contribution to public safety. Special Note: Alex Acosta was approved by the Senate by a vote of 60-38 as Secretary of Labor. The North Texas Fusion System labeled Muslim lobbyists as a potential threat; a DHS analyst in Wisconsin thought both pro- and anti-abortion activists were worrisome; a Pennsylvania homeland security contractor watched environmental activists, Tea Party groups, and a Second Amendment rally; the Maryland State Police put anti-death penalty and anti-war activists in a federal terrorism database; a fusion center in Missouri thought that all third-party voters and Ron Paul supporters were a threat; and the Department of Homeland Security described half of the American political spectrum as "right wing extremists. Bookmark the permalink. [18], According to the Department of Homeland Security:[19]. Epstein’s Private Airplane Had Official ID # Shared with the State Department, C.I.A. [1] Fusion centers rely on the active involvement of state, local, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies—and sometimes on non-law enforcement agencies—to provide intelligence for their analysis. The collection, dubbed “BlueLeaks” and made searchable online, stems from a security breach at a Texas web design and hosting company that maintains a number of state law enforcement data-sharing portals. According to the Senate report, the leaflet suggested to the Club members that they should be courteous, control their emotions and, if drinking, have a designated driver. Fusion Centers are designed to promote information sharing at the federal level between agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Justice, and state, local, and tribal law enforcement.

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