As I see it, Disney tries to create a narrative with the new movies, that focuses on the destination of the journey, not on the starting point of it. "What I meant was that she doesn’t discover them in Episode VII, not that they may not already be in her world." If Luke is Rey's father, how come he doesn't remember her ('Who are you?' Del was gunned down in a drive-by shooting along with Russel's other high school friends one night outside a 7-Eleven Store. He was based on the American underground hip hop rapper, Del The Funky Homosapien. She was beautiful. Del Tha Ghost Rapper (also known as Del the Ghost) is the ghost of Russel Hobbs' late friend who was killed in a drive-by shooting.. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. From this point to the present, Del hasn't made any appearance (not even a cameo) since his departure to the afterlife, although on occasion, a band member would mention him and his exorcism. Partnered with her former classmate, Gideon Hask, and an Imperial Engineer named Del Meeko. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Spoiler warning, Zay is not Rey: parts @ 4:34, 4:41, and 4:58. Iden Versio and Del Meeko, former Imperial soldiers fit into this category perfectly. She died on January 31, 2018, in Porterville, California. Almost immediately after his death, Del's spirit took residence inside of Russel's body. Yes, he had a son in Legends, but the EU was cancelled for a reason. We get to see that Kylo knows about that girl after reading Del's mind, thus his strange behaviour whenever Rey is mentioned in The Force Awakens would be explained. Tinfoil hat clue - the DLC comes on 13th of December, which is the same date as the premier of the movie (why wouldn't they release it prior if there were nothing fishy about it?). But it would have no impact on the rest of the audience - the majority of the audience. But as I already stated, Palpatine had a quite ordinary family in Plagueis (I know that it is not canon anymore) and he turned out to be one of the most formidable Force users. Rey is a Palpatine - it seems the least pausible to me, as there is just no woman in the whole galaxy who ever wanted a piece of Sheev before or after the events in Revenge of the Sith. However, and even as a known Reywalker supporter, I have always said, just let it make sense. Rey's parents being dead though. Recently, I've been reading all kinds of theories on Rey's heritage and even though most of them are fascinating, they are somewhat problematic. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Iden by now was a Commander in the Imperial Military. Every wall was the same shade of lifeless obsidian, adorned with a flag sporting the Empire’s crest. Ready to become a Je'daii? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In the short, him and Noodle bet on whether 2-D will make it over Russel's gut or not. and I bet a great chunk of the fans would roll their eyes into the back of their head for the rest of the movie after the 'My baby girl' line. Ready to become a Je'daii? Join this Discord server for Star Wars information \u0026 discussion! The mystery box was setup for a reason, yes her destination is important point, but sometimes you have to know where you come from to know where your going. Done deal we all move on, but they didn’t do that. If where she came from was not important, then they could have dealt with that immediately inTFA. Rey is a Skywalker/ a Solo - the variations of this theory are the most favored by the general audience, as these would explain how Rey is so 'powerful' in the Force and how everyone she encounters seems to recognise her one way or the other. The Force is not always inherited, thus Rey could come from a family without any Force sensivity. I was in a large meeting room. (Because del was the tech guy in inferno squad) why does she have an accent? At the best making them Iden and Del would be some be some fan service for those who know. For Rey Random (or versio), i always come back to the line "the force is strong in my family" and the hereditary aspect or the force. Please be respectful and courteous to your fellow speculators - and be sure to check out our sidebar for the rules of this sub. Join this Discord server for Star Wars information & discussion! They were also joined by a fourth Squadmate but she would die in their first mission together. - well, Del is a white character with a posh British accent and it could be easily explained with him having the dominant genes, 'The DLC for Battlefront 2 is datamined and their daughter is called Zay' - families sometimes have more than one children, so Zay could be the sister of Rey or something like this. Am I the only one that thinks Del being daddy to Rey is too appropriate considering Del Rey is a large publisher of Star Wars novels??? Let's take a look at them. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I don't think that a mother would leave her daughter behind on a planet like Jakku in the hands of someone like Unkar Plutt. LordOfTheRings1 "You ready to go Annie?" There is also the pilot doll which is wearing Iden's pilot costume post defection. Del had also appeared in a Gorillaz Bite short "Jump the Gut". (Because her parents knew the war was over on that planet). It seems so out of character for someone like Obi-Wan. Channel Description: From this channel, you can expect:- Star Wars film clips.- The Clone Wars clips.- Rebels clips.- Compilations, using footage from the films, TCW and/or Rebels.- Star Wars trailersRedeemed Kylo Ren Channel Description ( this channel, you can expect a comprehensive, detailed, and hopefully insightful overview of Star Wars lore/history, utilizing primary sources instead of Wookieepedia entries. Star Wars Speculation is a community dedicated to speculative discussion of the Star Wars franchise. What I believe - I firmly believe that Iden Versio and Del Meeko are Rey's parents.

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