They were just phenomenal horsemen, and to the point where the tales told about them are scarcely believable, even today, what they could do on a horse. One of the great thrills for me of writing the book was going up there, discovering it. And everything that Hays thought would happen, happened. And I mean, when I grew up in the East Coast, whatever Native Americans had been around when the white man arrived had been pretty much killed off, at least in large numbers by disease mostly, but also by weapons and bullets and things like that. If you’ve ever held one, it’s just a thing to hold. And one of the things I loved about Lonesome Dove, which you and I both like, because Gus and Captain Call were rangers of that era. But they leave. But what’s happening to the Comanches is because of this long war, it reorders their cultures. The Spartan men didn’t do anything except for train for war, hunt. Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition. It was part of the culture. Then the people in San Antonio would send out armed guards with the surveyors. You had a culture of vengeance that comes out of it. This just happened to be … These were white people, predestinarian Baptists out of Illinois by way of Virginia. They didn’t get written about that well. Or Do Cardio Before Weights? Sam Gwynne: White men couldn’t believe that one. I was like, “Ahh, McMurtry, he’s got to be doing artistic license. And they take a bunch of hostages. They were at a great disadvantage in firepower. All you had to do was go out and survey that land. • This was a frontier. And with very much the Captain Call character in McMurtry. They’re going to challenge everybody and anything in front of them. They understand the ground rules that each other lives by. Sam Gwynne: I think really when I was writing it, I didn’t have an agenda. Comanches were entirely mounted, and fought mounted, and did everything mounted. He came out, he jumped on it, I’m interviewing him, I’m in some studio in Dallas, wearing headphones. This would go on for a couple of days. Sam Gwynne: It’s true in Texas, too. So you have this amazing cultural shift inside the Comanche Nation. They were all 22 years old, and they were all crazy. Now they start to move south from those Wind River Mountains, which is where I said they were, in Wyoming. Now, Quanah himself, he was never captured. One of the reasons that is surmised is because their hunting grounds were not the rich hunting grounds of the buffalo or bison plains. “Okay, we’re now going to end this. Well, another part of Comanche warfare is that …, Okay, I’ll tell you how I found your book. And eventually, the horse was just completely foaming at the mouth and dying of thirst; there were various techniques and ways this happened. Sitting in the room where that famous picture of Cynthia Ann sat on Quanah’s wall. It was one of the reasons this was the last part of North America to be settled, is you had an impenetrable block. It was an interesting moment in history, because you have a culture of raid and counter-raid, and we’re talking about just Indians, now, before the white man gets there. The great percentages of the Indian tribes died, including Comanches, from cholera and white man’s diseases. They won their battles largely by just being unbelievably aggressive. So in 1875, he and the last of the starving Comanches who were now eating prairie dogs, if they could get them, they come in. Exactly. But the Apaches lose. People flocked to San Antonio, and they would secure their headrights, which would be … I don’t know, call it a few hundred, 600, 800,000 acres. And these are some serious warriors, who beat the South in the Civil War. But to note, because of the style of warfare the Comanches had, they were able … and also another thing is interesting that the Comanches, unlike a lot of other tribes, say like back east, or the Cherokees or the Choctaws, their political organizations. Let’s just say that you were the young Quanah Parker, and you were 18 years old and you wanted to get a raiding party to go raid the … oh, the Utes or the Navajos or somebody who you were going to raid. It was more fluid and more flat. What do we know about that? When you mention that part where they found Cynthia Ann again. The Comanches: A History, 1706-1875 (Studies in the Anthropology of North American Indians) So there’s this raid on the Parker fort … this is 1836, raid on the Parker fort. They would take whoever they could get. User-generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring. Brett McKay: So, yeah. Because he made a trip down to Quanah. The Comanches would never take that fight. I was sad, what happened with the Comanches and then just seeing that again, it was the people that ended it, basically.
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