Contagion (Arena album), 2003; Contagion (Oceano album), 2010 "Contagion", a song by Black Dahlia Murder on the 2003 album Unhallowed; Other uses. Unless there is a reason why the two sources currently given for the genre trump the rest of the sources (maybe there is? Just letting everyone know I made a minor wording edit concerning the Alan Krumwiede character to reflect the fact that he's specifically a blogger and not a journalist. all in all I think the movie makes the point that his unedited blogging is not journalism and exacerbates the fictional outbreak.

I wanted to mention the wife cheating on the spouse subplot going on. Under the plot I changed the casino from Hong Kong to Macau.

That just seems unsportmanlike, Erik. It is not something that is only plausible in a future time. They’re starving, basically–and passing ancient viruses, via either their saliva [when they feed] or their urine.” Viral crossover can take place when their fluids come into contact with food being consumed by pigs or humans. When that happens, they need a new host. There are a lot of details that are really important to the virology insiders. I prefer the section approach (that you now changed twice). I know that since I rewrote the rest of the summary it's now under the Howdy. The producers said so, most of the reviewers caught it, and many of the “Scott and I talked a lot about bats and the deeply profound stress on local bat populations,” says Garrett. Contagion) je američki film katastrofe snimljen 2011. godine u režiji Stivena Soderberga.

But technically why wouldn't the chef be patient zero? ), or that one of the Emhoffs works for (in which case it's probably Beth). post bail for him. I saw the movie, but I wanted to refresh my memory. “They are the great pollinators. A "worldwide epidemic" is called pandemic. OK, addendum to what I wrote above: I thought only Anyway, I went through the reviews cited in the article. Radnja prikazuje posljedice izbijanja smrtonosne epidemije kroz život nekoliko likova - običnih ljudi, ali i međunarodnog tima naučnika koji pokušavaju zaustaviti njeno širenje. From the synopsis (I haven't seen the movie and probably won't get around to it) and trailers, I'm vaguely reminded of Outbreak, the 1995 film. The government either tries to defame him by saying he lied about having the disease, or has truly figured out that he never had the disease. at several intervals he's snubbed off and disregarded as a mere blogger. Please don't shorten it. So, either way she was going to pass it to her son and die. Comments? We disrupt ecosystems, and we shake viruses loose from their natural hosts.

However, in the earlier version, there was a description of a scene in a laboratory and specifically Dr. Hextall describing the virus to Dr. Cheever as a variant of a paramyxovirus. It might be best to make them "Mitch" and "Beth", once introduced, to avoid confusion. I also Googled "Soderbergh" "Contagion" and went through the first few pages of results, with a bias towards clicking on reliable sources I know we often use for film articles (like the Guardian). If this returns to the plot description, a link should be provided to the wikipedia entry [The "Themes" section suggests that the movie is set against "the contemporary backdrop of anti-government Tea Party movement in the United States" and cites a NYTimes article.

I've seen the movie and I didn't notice any references, explicit or otherwise, to the Tea Party movement. Eric, why are you opposed to having a section titled Synopsis? It's useful to have a movie as a frame of reference for explaining technical details to people. I came here because I wanted to compare the movie to the actual Ebola epidemic. Il film affronta il tema della diffusione di una malattia nuova e letale, causata da un virus trasmesso da Intanto si diffonde il panico tra la popolazione, che vede la malattia proliferare senza che vi siano rimedi efficaci.

I agree with Popcornfud that the sequence is not necessary based on what we need from Several of the Youtube reviews mention that Erin Mears was modeled on The fact that the bulldozer was destroying a rain forest, and the bats in the rain forest, was an important part of the plot and a deliberate message of the movie. Someone keeps altering the genre from action thriller to just thriller even though it is sourced - albeit the source could use improving. If anyone comes across articles that reference this subplot, please add it. When I'm looking for a movie to watch, I just want to read a few lines about it -- not a few paragraphs, as is detailed in the plot. There was also a recent mini-series too. We have several ongoing right now. Then fix it correctly, however you want Erik, but don't keep putting incorrect information in the article.

Anyone got anything on how the crtitics thoguht of this movie?

One of the characters has 14 million tweeter followers. I thought I'd express them here to start. He claims that those followers will refuse to take a drug, and in the end someone (or all of them?) Contagion è un film del 2011 diretto da Steven Soderbergh, con protagonisti Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Laurence Fishburne, Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet e Bryan Cranston. Premijerno je prikazan 31. avgusta na 68. We have HIV infection, which is pandemic. Often, we are it. Contagion (2002 film), featuring Bruce Boxleitner; Contagion, directed by Steven Soderbergh "Contagion" (Star Trek: The Next Generation), 1989 TV episode; Music. The end of the plot summary currently states that the chef who handled the infected pig transmitted the virus to Emhoff, thereby making her patient zero. 1) None of them say "action" or "action thriller" and 2) "thriller" is the overwhelming trend. Here is the synopsis as it was on 11/September:

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