But he always loved coming to visit his mom. “Jolinda Wade was known as an inmate, a fugitive, a drug user and drug seller,” said ESPN. When they were together, she took Dwayne to play basketball with his friends.Michelle Wilson, 700 Club Producer: “So this is the actual park where Dwayne would play basketball as a kid.”,Jolinda assures Michelle, “This is it. That’s where she said she finally learned about God’s forgiveness when she received an encouraging letter from Dwayne. And in the month of December, He came and He spoke to me and He said, ‘You’re going to turn yourself in.’”,Jolinda returned to prison to finish her sentence. We are standing in the very spot.”,“I said, ‘Find you a game.’ And sure enough he would get over there and I would sit down there and I would be just so proud looking at my boy. She’s been from rags to riches in life. “I could look at them and I could be like, ‘I’m sorry.’  You know, I didn’t know how to say it out of my mouth, but I was saying it as I look at them, ‘I’m sorry that I’m this person. ‘So forgive me, Father God, for bringing it to this point.’”.Four years later while on a work release program from jail, Jolinda decided to run. Diann would end up finding her at any number of treacherous locations ― among them: jails, halfway houses and foreclosed homes.Jolinda told CBN she nearly died after shooting up with a needle containing an unknown substance. Famously, when Dwyane Wade was a young child in the South side of Chicago, Jolinda was battling serious addictions to alcohol, heroin, and cocaine. She’s been anointed.”.In the commercial, Jolinda tells Wade she is proud of the man he has become. JoLinda already had two children when she married Wade's father, and with him she had Dwyane and his older sister Tragil. CBN is a global ministry committed to preparing the nations of the world for the coming of Jesus Christ through mass media. Right here. Were you upset?”,Deanna: “No, I was more or less in pain. When his parents divorced, JoLind… Oh some horrible smells. Jolinda and her children moved in with her mother in a very rough neighborhood. He has restored our relationship as a family, my grandchildren. In 1994, Jolinda Wade was arrested for possession of crack cocaine with the intent to sell. Wade was born the second of two children to JoLinda and Dwayne Wade Sr. in Chicago, Illinois, on January 17, 1982.A spelling mistake on his birth certificate listed his first name as "Dwyane", which his parents kept. She excelled in school but desperately wanted to fit in with her peers. And I remember saying, ‘Momma loves you.’  I said, ‘Who’s your favorite girl?’  He said, ‘You are, momma.’  But he didn’t understand. I’m like, ‘Man, look at my son! Born and raised on the south side of Chicago, at an early age Tragil Wade became a caregiver to her younger brother, Dwyane Wade, among her other siblings and extended family. “Now I’m out here, and I’m meeting up with these people that are into these drugs and first time I see somebody that shot dope, it just like blew my mind.”,Jolinda even invited her drug using friends to get high in her home, while her kids were there. AMAZING STORY Jolinda Wade: 'He Can Bring You Through' By Michelle Wilson The 700 Club. Dwayne Wade's mother battled addiction for much of her son's life. A spelling mistake on his birth certificate eventually appealed to his parents, who kept his name as "Dwyane." People think what I’ve done in life has been miraculous. When people say rags to riches - not money rags to riches. The smell of poop, you know feces. I really actually felt their love, because unforgiveness stopped the love from penetrating through.”,Jolinda was released from jail in March of 2003, and one of the first things she did was go to Milwaukee to see Dwayne lead his Marquette University basketball team to,“So I’m here and I’m looking at all these people and I’m looking at him and I’m just all excited. I think she is,” Wade told the Associated Press at the time. In a 2017 profile by Eli Saslow, a Washington Post reporter and ESPN contributor, Jolinda’s sister Diann said she could be gone, “lost to the streets,” for months during this time. Sep 07, 2020. “When they brought me my precious baby, I looked at him and I was like, ‘Wow.’  And I heard Him say, ‘Blessing.’  So I didn’t know God was, I believe God was telling me to name him Blessing, but I just thought God was saying he was a blessing because he was my only son.”,When Dwayne was only 4 months old, the couple separated and later divorced. Nine months later, she was released.D-WADE WITH THE TRIPLE-DOUBLE IN HIS LAST GAME.No matter how many times she felt she’d failed him, Jolinda has explained, Wade continued to support her.“I never gave up on her. Wade described his early childhood in the South Side of Chicago as trying. I would be on the side, ‘Yeah.’”,Michelle asks, “Was he really good even as a kid?”,“He was really good when he was a kid. And she’s written a book of prayers she wrote to God while she was in jail. “Because that was her life, her journey, her path. I might been a little prejudiced. No-no this is miraculous! Mainline heroin and crack cocaine - and any other drugs she could find. Early life. She’ll never forget the look on young Dwayne when he came to visit her in jail. "That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ.

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