Lastly is Legends Untold, a proper old-school Kickstarter project from a new designer/company. In the last month, the inevitable email has arrived, announcing delays to the project (the Kickstarter unlocked too many stretch goals, and it’s going to take much longer to produce everything). A few very dedicated folk are putting together brand new sets of Door and Event cards, along with a brand-new set of “Traps.” Some of these have got potential to be really interesting, and assuming the leg-work gets put in, could turn in to some really interesting and useful benefits for the community. For one thing, if I’m thinking about getting a game for us to play at home, I’m still looking for that fully co-op experience. 9th World likewise. Personally I don’t see much appeal to most of these suggestions – I’d certainly be quiet happy to see CMON produce a more involved, more appropriately scaled set of door cards for a future iteration of the game, but beyond that, I don’t want to bring in a level of fiddly bookkeeping where I have to keep swapping things around. There were one or two interesting mechanical twists, but not enough to change my mind on this as a game I really don’t need to own. Middle Earth counted for a fair amount of the sessions (4 out of 28), but got squished on time (only 2 hours of 34). I gave CMON kickstarters their own article last year, and there hasn’t been that much change in my general thoughts. That seems a bit backwards to me, but as far as I can recall (it was a long time ago), I deliberated on the 9th World for a while, and backed it late on, having been swayed by the extra stuff they’d unlocked – if it had stayed in its pre-stretch goal state, I’d probably have kept my money. Hopefully it will be able to capture our imagination, and actually find a place in our gaming schedule. Moving into the home stretch of the year, the goals are pretty much the same as ever: keep playing, keep spending low. The gameplay video on Kickstarter was a bit bland, and the “campaign mode” looked like it had a lot of holes in it. For Massive Darkness, the first game to arrive, this was an equation that seemed to work out really well. It had been a bit quiet over the summer, but the arrival in early October of better-quality components, mixed with a range of extra cards and options, has given it a fresh lease of life. It’s also worth pointing out that when you do have multiple weapons that suit you, it’s still not always an easy decision which to take: 1 sword has better attack dice, but another gives a defence boost. Most of what people are looking to do with Massive Darkness: tweaking loot levels, smoothing transmute, or looking for a bit of scaling could probably all be lumped under the second category, and a lot of it is at the lower end. I’m certainly not swearing off Kickstarter in the way that some people have. Right now, I don’t have a clear enough sense of what it will be like to get excited, although I’m still optimistic that it will be good. Recently though, Fantasy Flight have released an app which automates the monsters, and allows a fully coop experience: this has brought it back on to my radar, and lead to the genesis of a plan which looks something like “Next time I review something big that I don’t really enjoy, try to trade it for Descent.”. For now I want to say that I can see why people have issues, but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as the forums might suggest. It’s attracted a lot of criticism on the BGG forums, and it’s something I’m going to want to talk about separately later, once I’ve had more of a chance to play. At the end of every round, an event happens, and a few of these will spawn more loot chests. Side Quest is a rather more interesting offering – everything is still rather stripped down, as you’d expect from a game of this size, but you have some meaningful decisions to make, decent scaling for varied player-counts, a good sense of progression, and even a reasonable amount of theme coming through. I’ve mentioned a few things that could be done, for personal preference, simply because I thought it might be interesting to do so, but I don’t think that any of them are “needed.” Aside from the Transmute adjustment, I highly doubt I’ll try (m)any of them out. We’re going on holiday with my parents in a week or so, so I expect that we’ll take Scrabble and/or Articulate with us and see whether we can get them crossed off. Lots of projects will have late stretch goals that the designers always planned to include, but they announce them just before the end, in order to provoke a late surge in funding.

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