Longtime TAC leader Michael Mansell views the return of Tasmanian language as a means of combating the fact that ‘Aboriginal culture is being eroded by white lifestyle. How Langton, from Queensland, operating from the bowels of Melbourne University all these years could know more than local Aboriginal groups is hard to understand.There has to be integrity in the search for truth. I was amazed to find that the families knew each other in Tasmania years before my father met my mother at a Melbourne Baptist church.But was it an accident? Anyone who challenges Pascoe’s bona fides on identity- is he an Aboriginal or a white man?- is labelled a right-wing opponent of his books. People are suspicious about the motivation behind this pair. Author Credits: [show_post_categories parent="no" parentcategory="writers" show = "category" hyperlink="yes"] Michael Mansell & Bruce Pascoe. Michael Mansell. The complete ignoring of communal knowledge on identity is at odds with the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples that we have the right to determine our own identity or membership in accordance with our customs and traditions.For political reasons, journalists of the left wanted to believe Pascoe was genuine and put up the blinkers to any contrary view. The two families lived close to each other in Melbourne, in the same street in Tassie, and had Aboriginal neighbours in both places.
This murkiness speaks to how such relationships on this continent progressed for so long – disguised by violence, shame, lost records and stolen children”, a view Marcia Langton also took.Leaving aside Pascoe’s books, is he a white man fabricating his Aboriginal claims?Bruce Pascoe openly admits he grew up as a white man.

LLB. (And a note of appreciation to the hardworking TT moderator)The article comments are for brief replies on specific issues in a post. When it comes to providing real information on his family, Pascoe is always suggestive. Mansell examines the New Zealand model of designated Māori seats and applies the idea to comprise 12 Indigenous Senators in Australia. In Griffith Review #66, Pascoe wrote “both my mother’s and father’s families had an Aboriginal connection. “If I called Mr Brandis or any other public […]
There are so many other examples Mr Brandis could have reviewed.” Mr Mansell said.

By necessary implication, Langton also disagrees with both the Bunerong and Tasmanian Land Council’s denials of Pacoe’s claim. In 1994, founding APG Chairperson Bob Weatherall and Secretary Michael Mansell travelled to Vanuatu seeking standing at the South Pacific Forum.

It is understandable why people have leapt to defend Bruce Pascoe’s in the face of attack by the likes of right-wingers Andrew Bolt and Peter Dutton.

He wrote in his Paper Ed. Now they must eat humble pie and admit they got it all wrong.Sarah Taylor, there is a serious charge here from within the Tasmanian aboriginal community that Bruce Pascoe is an impostor, and you seem to be contradicting the Chair of the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania, who speaks for his people. It certainly would be interesting technical information. We send our kids to white schools and they lose their cultural links’ (Bevilacqua 2003 :15). Basically, just how likely is it that Pascoe would ever be able to back up his claim with actual evidence? He could not explain to them how he was in any way connected to Tasmanian Aborigines.

Aborigines signed as witnesses to their weddings,  and various members of the families went back and forth across Bass Strait to marry back into the other family, including some first cousins.”No mention there of his parents being Aboriginal, nor does Pascoe name who these Aboriginal friends were.

However, instead of Pascoe’s supporters dealing with facts they too have responded politically, muddying the waters around Pascoe’s claiming to be Aboriginal.Pascoe’s defenders have rolled two separate and distinct issues – Aboriginality of the author, and what he writes – into one. That is precisely what many have done here.Marcia Langton ruled Pascoe is Aboriginal.

You don’t mention being Tasmanian aboriginal yourself. Instead he was vague and evasive.Like Ms Cashman and the Bunerong Land and Sea Council, the Aboriginal Land Council of Tasmania would never flippantly challenge someone’s Aboriginality without a solid foundation. Are you being anything more than flippant?You suggest Pascoe’s extraordinary claim ‘is not impossible’. He said he felt a ‘connection’ with Aborigines. But he then added the community he talked about was the community at Eden with whom he’d been fighting fires.

Michael Mansfield QC (born 12 October 1941) is an English barrister and head of chambers at Nexus Chambers. But it really would be good if somewhere on the Web we could get an assessment of Pascoe’s options and probabilities for tracing the evidence for his claim. Pascoe told ABC radio on 13 January 2020: “I’ve said that all along that these are distant relationships…” There was his chance to be specific. Editor’s note: Tasmanian Times takes no position regarding the identity of Bruce Pascoe.

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