Compacks provider: LiveBetter Services The Mid-North Coast SD recorded the lowest proportion of working age population in the state, with 61.3% (182,200 people) in this age group. The Mid North Coast is a country region in the north-east of the state of New South Wales, Australia. The population of the Mid North Coast was estimated at 302,511 at the 2016 Census (see Figure 1). Estimated Resident Population for Mid North Coast LHD by LGA, age and sex 2011 (XL file) Population Projections: 2014 Population Projections from the Department of Planning & Environment, NSW Health (most recent currently available): Data for 2011 to 2031 for the MNCLHD, Hastings-Macleay Network and Coffs Harbour Network. The population for the predecessor councils was estimated in 2015 as:Mid–Coast Council is composed of eleven councillors elected The current Council, elected in 2017, in order of election, is:Local government area in New South Wales, Australia LGAs sorted by region. The region names below link to Excel spreadsheet files of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census Basic Community Profile for each LGA. There may be some isolated localities listed, or specific areas within localities, where we may not be able to provide delivery. In addition, there may be some unlisted localities that we do service. Elgas Ltd. All rights reserved. The western boarder extends to the Great Dividing Range and this border is shared with the Hunter New England LHD (see Figure 1). Mid North Coast LHD. Home bottled gas supply with fast delivery & great LPG gas prices… They are grouped below by region, as defined by the Local Government Association of South Australia. With a long-standing reputation for excellence in customer service, every effort is taken, from measure to install, to ensure minimal inconvenience to the customer. Deliveries may be by tanker refill, cylinder exchange or both options may be available, depending on the area. The Mid North Coast Local Health District acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our health facilities and services operate: the Birpai, Dunghutti, Gumbaynggirr and Nganyaywana Nations. This map shows Mid-North Coast PEA. Mid North Coast Local Health District, Port Macquarie Base Hospital Port Macquarie Base Hospital is a major referral hospital for the Hastings Macleay Network.
Busways run services throughout Coffs Harbour city down south as far as Scotts Head and west into Bellingen. NSW RFS - Mid North Coast Team December 26 at 11:04 PM # Update - The Andersons Creek Fire received good rainfall over recen ... t days, and is currently inactive. The region names below link to Excel spreadsheet files of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Census Basic Community Profile for each LGA. Murrumbidgee LHD.
The council comprises an area of 10,053 square kilometres (3,881 sq mi) and occupies the southern portion of the The Mayor of the Mid-Coast Council is Councillor David West, who was elected on 9 September 2017.The following towns and localities are located within Mid–Coast Council: References to Local Government Areas (LGAs) in this commentary exclude those with populations of less than 2,000 at June 2010. The Mid North Coast’s lack of affordable rental accommodation is a key driver of household poverty and homelessness, and the situation is … The region covers the mid to north coast of the state, beginning at Seal Rocks, 275 km (171 mi) north of Sydney, and extending as far north as Woolgoolga, 562 km (349 mi) north of Sydney, a distance of roughly 320 km (200 mi). The council was formed on 12 May 2016 through a merger of the Gloucester Shire, Great Lakes and City of Greater Taree councils. Below is a list the ABS Local Government Areas (LGA), and associated LGA codes, that make up the Mid North Coast Local Health District (MNCLHD). The Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre (MNCCLC) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation that offers FREE legal services, including information, advice, advocacy and education. Mid–Coast Council is a local government area (LGA) located in the Mid North Coast region of New South Wales, Australia. NSW Mid North Coast’s LPG Gas Supplier Get local, safe & reliable supply of LPG gas bottles in the greater Taree, Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie area. The Mid North Coast Local Health District acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our health facilities and services operate:Population data Mid North Coast Local Health District NSW Copyright © 2010-2020. The projected age profiles of LGAs in the Mid North Coast LHD for 2011 and 2031 are summarised in Figure 4.3 Careful interpretation is needed in assessing the data - the total population numbers (shown in Figure 3) as well as the Age Group (years) Population 2031 0 - 4 12,009 12,365 5 -14 26,494 29,246 15 - 24 23,022 22,212 This district is made up of six local government areas (LGAs). There are several railway stations on the Mid North Coast serviced by 3 trains; the Grafton, the Casino and the Brisbane Rail is the fastest and cheapest way to get to either Sydney, Newcastle, the Gold Coast and Brisbane. Busways also operate services in the Port Macquarie region. No CLC in this region. The Gloucester LGA comprises 5 per cent of the Hunter Labour Force Region. For over 30 years JBL Glass has been manufacturing and installing Shower Screens, Mirrors, and Sliding Wardrobe Doors across the Mid North Coast.  The populations of Kempsey, Nambucca, and Mid Coast LGAs have high proportions of Aboriginal people (11.6%, 7.6%, and 6.2% respectively). All but nine of Sydney's 43 LGAs had proportions of working age population above that of the state.

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